Seasonal Token is designed primarily for investmentand does not depend on popularity



Seasonal Token It is a cryptocurrency, mined using proof of work, such as bitcoin. They are designed in such a way that, if you trade them in a cycle, you will earn more than you started with.
There are four tokens, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Once every nine months, the production rate of one of the tokens is cut in half. Tokens produced at the fastest rate become the slowest. Spring tokens are currently being produced at the fastest speed of the four. In June, the Spring will split in half, and the Spring will then be the most difficult to mine.

They have been designed this way to benefit investors. Winter tokens are currently being produced at the slowest rate of the four, and they have the highest production costs. As a result, they are the most expensive tokens to buy, and Spring is the cheapest. Investors can trade Winter tokens for Spring today and increase the total number of tokens they hold. When the production rate of Spring tokens is halved, the production costs will double. Spring will be the most expensive token to produce, and the price is expected to rise over the following months as the market adjusts to falling supply and rising production costs. Over time, Spring tokens will tend to be the most expensive of the four.

This allows investors to hold Spring tokens as their price rises relative to other tokens, and then exchange them for a larger amount of Summer tokens, which will then be the cheapest. Then Summer halving will take place in March 2023. After that, Summer prices are expected to rise, and over time Summer will tend to be the most expensive of the four. They can then be traded for a larger amount of Autumn tokens.

By trading tokens in a cycle, investors can continue to increase the total number of tokens they hold. This allows investors to increase their holdings without spending more money. This also makes it possible to eliminate the risk of losing trades measured in tokens: If you always exchange tokens for more tokens of different types, the total number of tokens in your investment will increase with each trade.


Protect your funds and grow your wealth over time & The first Crypto designed to make cyclical trading profitable:

  • Increase your holdings over time without spending more
  • Reduce the economic impact on your investment
  • Feel safe without worrying about carpet pulling


Big Problem for Investor

Seasonality is a problem for cryptocurrency investors. The Seasonal Token has been engineered to make seasonality work for the benefit of investors.

Bitcoin is a trillion dollar investment market where every investor watches their portfolio lose more than half its value every four years. Prices rise dramatically every four years, and then decline. Bitcoin investors know that the price of bitcoin will not rise dramatically again until 2025. We have gone through the cycle three times now, and we can see the pattern repeating itself. When bitcoin is out of season, investors will need to look elsewhere.

Bitcoin seasonality is great every four years. The tokens have been designed to provide equal opportunity every nine months. We can design cryptocurrencies to achieve the results we want. One of the tokens will always be in season.


First multi-token project using proof of work

There are four tokens, Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. They have been designed to raise prices relative to each other in a predictable order. Spring tokens will tend to go up in price, then Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring again.

The price of tokens relative to each other is driven by supply and demand. There is supply from mining, and demand from agriculture. Once every nine months, the token production rate is doubled, and the production cost is doubled. Starting from the cheapest to produce, to the most expensive. Then it went from being the least valuable to farming, to being the most valuable.

This combination of seasonal supply and seasonal demand puts pressure on the prices of tokens relative to each other causing them to increase in a predictable order. If you trade tokens in one cycle, you will earn more than you started with.


By always trading tokens for more tokens, you have the assurance that you will not make trading losses which are measured in tokens. It provides a grip on financial security. The risk of ending up with fewer tokens is eliminated.

These features make tokens an investment, not a gamble , There are security mechanisms that prevent harm, there is no need to speculate on public opinion, and there is no need to incur losses to gain. The number of tokens in your investment will never go down and sometimes will go up.

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Username : Endang jembatan;u=1827996

Bitcoin wallet address : bc1qkyemx4tz8cc02n4eq5dlskfneuttlurn3rxz73

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