Smart Container Business Analysis

in #blockchain6 years ago


Logistics makes sure our orders get to us. And these orders pass through many stages before it gets to us. The Smart Container project is here to ensure that these goods get to us in good shape and healthy too. Today, I want to analyze their Business strategy highlighting their major key strength, weakness, opportunity, and threats.


Smart containers have been in business for 5 years and counting. They are the first container company trying to disrupt the logistics ecosystem by making it decentralized. The use of blockchain helps monitor the containers movement and its details like weight, storage information and so on. Smart container has been in business for years and has been able to produce high-performance containers to more sensitive pharma goods. And this performance has been seen to be 75% better than the contemporary logistics. The best way to ensure that pharmaceuticals are reliable is when they are shipped under normal and required temperature. Smart container has been able to achieve this state. They have over the years of being in the logistics industry, being able to ship pharma products within its required temperature. Their containers being smart enables its track in real time with information’s regarding its hire, execution of contracts and on time delivery. Their Logi Chain platform will enable everyone to use logistics process for free.


The mass adoption of cryptocurrency has not been put into place. In some jurisdictions, cryptocurrency is illegal and if Smart Container is to reach out to these areas, making of payments for their goods will not be possible as they won’t be able to use the Logi Chain token. Smart container can look for a way to provide other means of payment like fiat to be able to help these jurisdictions.

With the increasing demand for more safe goods especially pharmaceuticals, the smart container project stands a chance to make name for itself whilst providing these services. This is because it has been observed that containers used for shipping goods are either dilapidated or are prone to climate change while on sail and, they stay for longer days on sail if they encounter some challenges on sea. With this present situation as seen in the present-day shipping and logistics industry, a new dimension is needed to scale shipment and ensure faster and more reliable logistics services. This is an opportunity for the smart container project to set the pace and lead the way.

Disrupting an already existing system doesn’t go unnoticed. The logistics industry over the years have been in the hands of centralized bodies and made them profitable over the years. With Smart Container trying to decentralize this space, the centralized bodies are going to come at smart container and it won’t be easy. Also, with the knowledge of how we can apply blockchain technology and IoT in our lives, there will be other subsequent new projects which will try to provide this same logistics services smart container is setting the pace for now. All this will put the smart container project on edge and out of business if they are not well grounded.


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