BitSong - the assistant of a beginning musician on advantageous terms

in #blockchain6 years ago

Nowadays, it is difficult for a talented musician to reach out to a consumer. The music market is filled with performers of different genres, investing large sums of money in the development of their careers. Rotation on radio, filming a clip and broadcasting it on television are expensive, and not every novice performer has the means to pay for them. There is the possibility to find a producer who is ready to invest capital in developing a musical talent of a novice performer, but it is extremely unprofitable. Decentralized BitSong platform offers the promotion of talented performers and a profitable sale of the tracks created by them. All revenue received from sales comes from an executor, and the platform retains only a small percentage of a commission for a transaction carried out with the help of the project.

Key features of BitSong

BitSong is a unique streaming music platform, which has no analogues. The project is based on blockchain technology and IFPS distributed file system. Modern technologies allow working on the project safely and quickly, instantly uploading files and protecting them with encryption from unauthorized downloads.

Advantages of BitSong

BitSong project unites musicians and their listeners within one resource. The work on the project begins with registration. A performer can choose a stage name, keeping the real name in secret. In his music channel, a performer adds created songs and sets the parameters for their listening. For each song, you can choose your settings and make some of the audio files available for general listening, and some, for example, only for subscribers.

A performer can put some of compositions for sale with the preservation of copyright. The interaction in this case will be organized as follows. An advertiser will find a suitable composition and link advertisement to it with the consent of a performer. When listening, the project user watches the mandatory part of an advertisement and can click on the link to advertiser's site. A musician can receive up to 90% of the profit from the amount placed by an advertiser in the placed ad unit. In addition to direct sales, a performer will be able to accept donations from fans in unlimited amounts. All transactions are conducted using smart contracts, allowing to save on commission fees and improve the speed of payment.

BitSong project has a high level of adaptation to all known devices. The ultimate goal set by the project creators is to reach the leading Smart TV and Smart Radio channels that support Chromecast. The initial version of the project will be partially released on a decentralized platform with the subsequent complete transition to it in the future. This is due to the desire of the project creators to enter the market faster.

The use of BitSong project is beneficial for all categories of participants. So, an advertiser gets the opportunity to use the new sales channel on favorable terms, a user can listen to his favorite music and support young performers, and a performer can earn income by doing what he/she likes.

BitSong cryptocurrency

To perform internal calculations, BTSG tokens implemented on the Ethereum platform in accordance with the ERC-20 standard are used. Now the project is at the stage of the crowdsale. It should be noted that in the framework of preliminary sales, the level of the project’s softcap has been reached.

Of a total amount 500 million units available for sale, 57 million tokens have been released. The fixed price of one token is $0.062 per BTSG.


Thus, BitSong project is a resource that helps performers to advertise their creativity and earn money on it. BitSong will allow creating own music channel for just a small commission, excluding the high costs of developing the channel and its subsequent content. The platform is in great demand among advertisers who will be able to get an additional channel for selling their products or get high-quality voiceovers for their advertising on demand.

The project was launched early this year simultaneously with the website. The release of a fully functioning decentralized platform will take place in the first half of next year. Gradually expanding the list of tools for work, the creators of BitSong project will continue to work on its development, ensuring the availability of all the functionality by the end of 2020.



This review by Bonanza Kreep is all opinion and analysis, not investment advice.


Wow! cool, Thanks for the information.

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