BLOCKMASON Brings on a New Team to Build a Strong FOUNDATION

in #blockchain6 years ago

Please note: this article was originally published on 2017-11-1. We are in the process of adding our historical content to Steemit to ensure that it is as complete as our official blog and Medium.

BLOCKMASON Brings on a New Team to Build a Strong FOUNDATION

(or: How to erect a skyscraper? .. first dig deep; then go tall, bold, and impressive … )

To build a skyscraper, you dig deep — then you go wayyy up.

Since our ICO closed just a few days ago, we have brought on a major new team to 5X our internal capacity — with truly amazing new partners, strategists, and technologists.

Our friends and buyers know that this visionary team is not going into this space to build only one dapp, but to be an early and significant launch-leader in the ecosystem, to empower major industries to join the blockchain, and to disrupt the monopoly players where needed.

We have a few major company-level moves happening now, and we are now to begin going deep underground to build a strong and stable foundation for the future — still very accessible by chat or email to our friends and partners (you!) — but not as obvious to the outside world.

“Still Waters Run Deep”

For our next chapter, we are adopting the maxim to work quietly underground and let your success be your noise. .. When our consumer products launch within 30 days, we know that our products will fully speak for themselves — and we look forward to using them with all of you, and learning together to improve from the first version into something that can rapidly expand and take over as a key market leader.

1 New Patents take on Major Industries

First: We are currently filing key patents with our legal team that will challenge multi-billion dollar industries. We have gone to great lengths to assure that there is no prior art, that our methods and processes are sound, and that the USPTO should look favorably on our applications and designs. While no outcome is 100% guaranteed — we are bullish in the extreme on what this portends for the future of Blockmason.

While we are building out this new IP — that supports Credit Protocol and other internal BM efforts, we believe that ‘stealth mode’ on our team will allow us to operate more effectively.

2 New Team joins Blockmason

Second: Since our ICO close just twelve days ago, we have worked quickly to recruit a high-level team with a huge track record of success along all fronts — developing bank-level software, bringing products to market, and interfacing with the world’s largest brands to create successful outcomes.

As you’ll see below, we’ve been busy recruiting an amazing group of new Masons to join you and us in building a block-powered future.

Key positions we have brought on as of Nov 1:

New: Partner & Lead Strategist

We have brought on a new partner and lead strategist who is a four-time serial entrepreneur, Harvard alum, whose companies he started or co-founded in the last five years will generate more than $150M in revenue during 2017. He has a strong background in finance technology patents, creating entirely new market segments, and has created patented technologies that are used and licensed by some of the world’s largest banks and financial institutions. We see this as a massive ‘coup’ for growing Credit Protocol into a true leader in the space, and scaling quickly.

New: Lead Technologist

Is a full-stack, team-leading, new-language writing expert. His comfort zone is in leading teams of 10–20 engineers on major builds, but he loves building his own platforms from the ground up. Once in a pinch, he completely re-built the work of 30 engineers over six months in less than 10 days (and after that was immediately promoted to CTO of that company). He has deep experience building bank-level software, and in one project managed server lag time monitoring down to the millisecond for 50,000+ servers for a major global client doing more than $1BN+ per year in USD revenue.

New: Web Development Lead

We have brought on a full-stack web developer, DevOps engineer, and data visualization specialist with a focus on automation and front-end design, who has experience with a variety of cloud service providers and front-end frameworks. His recent projects include major data storage, analysis and visualization platforms. He is fluent in Chinese, served as a US military intelligence officer, and holds an MBA from UCLA. He will be supporting Blockmason in improving consumer app layouts, API integrations, server uptime optimization, and data automation.

New: Mobile App Dev Lead

Our new mobile stack lead specializes in rapid development of mobile experiences augmented with functional based backend systems. He is a expert in porting applications to the Android and React Native ecosystems within tight time frames. He has been one of the top ranked Android developers in a major national market. He also is a competitive athlete, ranked at the national level in sport and experience in his field.
New: Lead Operations & Finance

We have secured an operations and finance lead with a strong background from his time running key client audit for Deloitte, is a licensed CPA, and laid groundwork on the finance, legal, and operations side for a $250M+ liquidity event from an LA-based company that was only six years old. He has served as a CFO of a number of early stage companies with growth and successful outcomes, and plans to assist Blockmason in rapid growth and expansion of Credit Protocol in the near future.

New: Art Director

We have brought on full-time a designer, illustrator and animator who has dropped out of Harvard to more fully bring our vision to life — in product, execution, look, and feel. He has been doing the Mason comics, but also will assist in UI/UX, product design, and other aesthetics. Prior to leaving Harvard, he was an Art Director for the Harvard Lampoon and worked as Director of Design for TedxHarvard.

Many of these team members have worked on prior projects together, and are re-uniting to bring the Blockmason vision into reality as rapidly as possible. We welcome our awesome new team, look forward to sharing the excellent results of our jumping in with them very soon.

Prior to Turkey Day, we will have some more major announcements, updates, visuals, and exciting news to share.

We appreciate your following Blockmason, and are excited for this partnership to deeply change and launch the ICO app industry into prime time!

We will lay a strong foundation, and build wayyy up to the sky –

See you at the top. ☺

The New and Growing BM Team

This post was previously published at:


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