What is Hex Cryptocurrency?
Hex is a cryptocurrency project that is currently the first highest interest blockchain certificate of deposit.
Hex claims that CD’s, certificate of deposits are worth more than a trillion dollars, gold and credit card companies.|
CD’s also pay higher rates of interest compared to any savings account.
Banks profit over poor customer service, early withdrawal fees, and auto-renewing users and worst rates.
Hex aims to profit over banks and government money printing and give it back to Hex holders.
Hex is designed to go higher, faster and retain its value
wondering how? use a computer science breakthrough to disrupt the largest markets in the world with a product of nearly infinite profit margin. Eliminate middlemen, users can transform Ethereum directly into HEX. Kick-start adoption, give Bitcoiners free HEX. Help small guys, penalize Bitcoin whales. Early claimers get bonuses, late claimers get penalties. Pay bonuses to referrers and those referred. Pay the unclaimed coins and interest to those who time lock their HEX. Longer and larger stakes get more shares and the price per share only increases. HEX aligns incentives, so the more people that participate, the better everyone does.
How To Get Hex?
Buy Ethereum to transform it into HEX, claim for free if you have Bitcoin, or buy from someone who did! Stake HEX early, long and large, and watch it multiply.
website to claim, buy and stake Hex tokens, HEX.WIN
Hex tokens will also be listed on various exchanges in the future.
How to claim HEX
Hex’s price positive game theory (PPGT)
Every feature in HEX is designed to increase its price and adoption. It’s a positive feedback loop. HEX rewards most those who acquire HEX the earliest, stake more for longer and refer others to do the same.
Hex Staking bonuses
Stakers get all the unclaimed Hex from the BTC holders.
Each week the BTC holders don’t claim their Hex tokens, they lose 2% to the stakers.
Sillywhalepenalty : 1k-10K+ BTC claim penalties of 50%-75% of their HEX goes to stakers. Multisig can’t claim.
137,891 BTC available on Mot.gox exchange cannot claim HEX tokens because it was hacked and the BTC is locked on the exchange since then. Therefore the Hex stakers get the advantage to receive these unclaimed BTC bonuses as well.
HEX, never before seen feature
HEX is the first certificate of deposit on the blockchain. HEX pays Trustless Interest with no counterparty risk. Given programmable money.
Pays holders instead of miners. Staking HEX is like getting free mining hardware and electricity. Bitcoin and HEX comparison
This post was orignally published by us at https://blockchaintrends.io/what-is-hex-cryptocurrency/