100 Recent Articles on Cryptocurrency Regulation, Curated Publications ListsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #blockchain6 years ago

Cryptocurrency regulation is one of the major issues for widespread, global adoption. There have been many approaches for each region, however there are three major approaches being taken: permissive, contentious, and hostile. There also remain regions where the approach is presently unknown, with regulators not present or taking a "wait and see" approach. A good place to get an overview of current issues and regulatory summaries is BitLegal or this World Cryptocurrency Regulation Survey by the US Library of Congress.

Many of these publications approach financial regulations, price inconsistencies and volatility, exchange and trading manipulation and scheme, and issues such as general risk factors. There are also related issues for fund raising through "Initial Coin Offerings", although there are many projects and coins which do not use investor funds to develop. Overall, there are many intersecting and interesting issues being examined for this new asset class and new form of money.

This is a list of the 100 most cited publications mentioning cryptocurrency and regulation for the years 2017 through 2018. For older publications, please view this previous list which includes older articles.

  1. "The technology and economic determinants of cryptocurrency exchange rates: The case of Bitcoin". X Li, CA Wang. 2017. Elsevier Decision Support Systems. 50 cites.
  2. "Financial regulations and price inconsistencies across Bitcoin markets". G Pieters, S Vivanco. 2017. Elsevier Information Economics and Policy. 37 cites.
  3. "Datestamping the Bitcoin and Ethereum bubbles". S Corbet, B Lucey, L Yarovaya. 2018. Elsevier Finance Research Letters. 37 cites.
  4. "Evolutionary dynamics of the cryptocurrency market". A ElBahrawy, L Alessandretti.... 2017. rsos.royalsocietypublishing.org Royal Society .... 27 cites.
  5. "Cryptocurrencies and business ethics". C Dierksmeier, P Seele. 2018. Springer Journal of Business Ethics. 22 cites.
  6. "BITCOIN RETURNS AND THE MONDAY EFFECT.". RF Décourt, UW Chohan.... 2017. search.ebscohost.com Horizontes .... 21 cites.
  7. "Experiments in algorithmic governance: A history and ethnography of "The DAO," a failed decentralized autonomous organization". Q DuPont. 2017. taylorfrancis.com Bitcoin and Beyond. 20 cites.
  8. "Electronic Currency: The Potential Risks to National Security and Methods to Minimize Them". GN Vovchenko, NE Tishchenko, VT Epifanova.... 2017. dlib.info European Research .... 18 cites.
  9. "The blockchain revolution: An analysis of regulation and technology related to distributed ledger technologies". H Kakavand, N Kost De Sevres, B Chilton. 2017. *papers.ssrn.com *. 14 cites.
  10. "Криптовалюта и блокчейн-технология в цифровой экономике: генезис развития". АВ Бабкин, ДД Буркальцева.... 2017. cyberleninka.ru Научно-технические .... 14 cites.
  11. "Электронная валюта в свете современных правовых и экономических вызовов". ОА Николайчук. 2017. cyberleninka.ru Journal of Economic Regulation (Вопросы .... 14 cites.
  12. "Runtime verification for business processes utilizing the bitcoin blockchain". C Prybila, S Schulte, C Hochreiner, I Weber. 2017. Elsevier Future Generation Computer .... 13 cites.
  13. "A first look at browser-based Cryptojacking". S Eskandari, A Leoutsarakos, T Mursch.... 2018. arxiv.org arXiv preprint arXiv .... 13 cites.
  14. "Tracking digital footprints: anonymity within the bitcoin system". P Reynolds, ASM Irwin. 2017. emeraldinsight.com Journal of Money Laundering Control. 12 cites.
  15. "Криптовалюты и их нормативно-правовое регулирование в КНР". СП Савинский. 2017. cbr.ru Деньги и кредит. 11 cites.
  16. "Exploring the rise of blockchain technology: Towards distributed collaborative organizations". B Scott, J Loonam, V Kumar. 2017. Wiley Online Library Strategic Change. 11 cites.
  17. "Predicting the Volatility of Cryptocurrency Time--Series". L Catania, S Grassi, F Ravazzolo. 2018. *brage.bibsys.no *. 10 cites.
  18. "Regulating a Revolution: From Regulatory Sandboxes to Smart Regulation". DA Zetzsche, RP Buckley, JN Barberis.... 2017. HeinOnline Fordham J. Corp. & Fin .... 10 cites.
  19. "Використання криптовалют в сучасних економічних системах України: перспективи та ризики". СВ Васильчак, МВ Куницька-Іляш.... 2017. irbis-nbuv.gov.ua ... та біотехнологій імені .... 9 cites.
  20. "Cryptocurrencies: A Brief Thematic Review". UW Chohan. 2017. *papers.ssrn.com *. 8 cites.
  21. "Possible State Approaches to Cryptocurrencies". J Lansky. 2018. si-journal.org Journal of Systems Integration. 8 cites.
  22. "Portfolio diversification with virtual currency: Evidence from bitcoin". K Guesmi, S Saadi, I Abid, Z Ftiti. 2018. Elsevier International Review of Financial .... 8 cites.
  23. "Factors influencing cryptocurrency prices: Evidence from bitcoin, ethereum, dash, litcoin, and monero". Y Sovbetov. 2018. *papers.ssrn.com *. 8 cites.
  24. "Capital Markets Union and the fintech opportunity". M Demertzis, S Merler, GB Wolff. 2018. academic.oup.com ... of Financial Regulation. 8 cites.
  25. "Investing with cryptocurrencies-A liquidity constrained investment approach". S Trimborn, M Li, WK Härdle. 2018. *papers.ssrn.com *. 8 cites.
  26. "The Case for Central Bank Electronic Money and the Non-case for Central Bank Cryptocurrencies". A Berentsen, F Schar. 2018. cdn.crowdfundinsider.com Federal Reserve Bank of St .... 8 cites.
  27. "О возможных сценариях законодательного регулирования цифровых валют в России". ВА Кузнецов, РА Прохоров, АВ Пухов. 2017. cbr.ru Деньги и кредит. 8 cites.
  28. "The phenomena of cryptocurrency and its implication on the monetary system". НА Бикалова, ОЮ Славкина. 2017. elibrary.ru Наука и образование: новое время. 7 cites.
  29. "Statement on Cryptocurrencies and Initial Coin Offerings". J Clayton. 2017. conferences.law.stanford.edu world. 7 cites.
  30. "Distributed proportional-fairness control in microgrids via blockchain smart contracts". P Danzi, M Angjelichinoski.... 2017. ieeexplore.ieee.org ... on Smart Grid .... 7 cites.
  31. "Bitcoin and the Blockchain as Possible Corporate Governance Tools: Strengths and Weaknesses". FS Piazza. 2017. HeinOnline Bocconi Legal Papers. 7 cites.
  32. "Governance strategies for a sustainable digital world". I Linkov, BD Trump, K Poinsatte-Jones, MV Florin. 2018. mdpi.com Sustainability. 7 cites.
  33. "Методика фінансового обліку криптовалюти як особливого виду електронних грошей". ОМ Яцик. 2017. molodyvcheny.in.ua Молодий вчений. 7 cites.
  34. "Initial coin offerings (ICOs): Risks, regulation, and accountability". U Chohan. 2017. *papers.ssrn.com *. 6 cites.
  35. "Dynamic Topic Modelling for Cryptocurrency Community Forums". M Linton, EGS Teo, E Bommes, CY Chen.... 2017. Springer Applied Quantitative .... 6 cites.
  36. "Trading and Arbitrage in Cryptocurrency Markets". I Makarov, A Schoar. 2018. *papers.ssrn.com *. 6 cites.
  37. "Cryptocurrencies as a Financial Asset: A Systematic Analysis". S Corbet, BM Lucey, A Urquhart, L Yarovaya. 2018. *papers.ssrn.com *. 6 cites.
  38. "The Double Spending Problem and Cryptocurrencies". U Chohan. 2017. *papers.ssrn.com *. 6 cites.
  39. "Cryptocurrencies: A Developing Asset Class.". KA Sontakke, A Ghaisas. 2017. search.ebscohost.com International Journal of Business .... 6 cites.
  40. "Initial Coin Offerings: Emerging Practices, Risk Factors, and Red Flags". W Kaal, M Dell'Erba. 2017. *papers.ssrn.com *. 6 cites.
  41. "Classification of crypto-coins and tokens from the dynamics of their power law capitalisation distributions". K Wu, S Wheatley, D Sornette. 2018. arxiv.org arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.03088. 6 cites.
  42. "From blockchain technology to global health equity: can cryptocurrencies finance universal health coverage?". BM Till, AW Peters, S Afshar, JG Meara. 2017. gh.bmj.com BMJ global health. 6 cites.
  43. "Can blockchains serve an accounting purpose?". JG Coyne, PL McMickle. 2017. aaajournals.org Journal of Emerging Technologies in .... 6 cites.
  44. "Virtual currencies under EU anti-money laundering law". N Vandezande. 2017. Elsevier Computer Law & Security Review. 6 cites.
  45. "Handbook of Blockchain, Digital Finance, and Inclusion: Cryptocurrency, FinTech, InsurTech, Regulation, ChinaTech, Mobile Security, and Distributed Ledger". DLEEK Chuen, RH Deng. 2017. *books.google.com *. 5 cites.
  46. "Assessing the Differences in Bitcoin & Other Cryptocurrency Legality across National Jurisdictions". UW Chohan. 2017. *papers.ssrn.com *. 5 cites.
  47. "Copyright in the blockchain era: Promises and challenges". A Savelyev. 2018. Elsevier Computer Law & Security Review. 5 cites.
  48. "Pricing Cryptocurrency options: the case of CRIX and Bitcoin". CYH Chen, WK Härdle, AJ Hou, W Wang. 2018. *papers.ssrn.com *. 5 cites.
  49. "The security and financial implications of blockchain technologies: Regulating emerging technologies in Canada". E Ducas, A Wilner. 2017. journals.sagepub.com International Journal. 5 cites.
  50. "The Decentralized Autonomous Organization and Governance Issues". U Chohan. 2017. *papers.ssrn.com *. 5 cites.
  51. "Exploring Signals for Investing in an Initial Coin Offering (ICO)". M Yadav. 2017. *papers.ssrn.com *. 5 cites.
  52. "Trust, Anarcho-Capitalism, Blockchain and Initial Coin Offerings". J Flood, L Robb. 2017. *papers.ssrn.com *. 5 cites.
  53. "Initial Coin Offerings: the Top 25 Jurisdictions and Their Comparative Regulatory Responses". WA Kaal. 2018. *papers.ssrn.com *. 4 cites.
  54. "Bitcoin: The Utopia or Nightmare of Regulation". S McLeod. 2017. HeinOnline Elon L. Rev.. 4 cites.
  55. "The Regulation of Cryptocurrencies-between a Currency and a Financial Product". HY Jabotinsky. 2018. *papers.ssrn.com *. 4 cites.
  56. "Cryptocurrency reaction to fomc announcements: Evidence of heterogeneity based on blockchain stack position". S Corbet, C Larkin, B Lucey, A Meegan, L Yarovaya. 2017. *papers.ssrn.com *. 4 cites.
  57. "Initial coin offerings: Financing growth with cryptocurrency token sales". ST Howell, M Niessner, D Yermack. 2018. *nber.org *. 4 cites.
  58. "Risk Analysis of Cryptocurrency as an Alternative Asset Class". L Guo, XJ Li. 2017. Springer Applied Quantitative Finance. 4 cites.
  59. "Heads or Tails: How Europe Will Become the Global Hub for Bitcoin Business If the United States Does Not Reexamine Its Currenct Regulation of Virtual Currency". GV Ficcaglia. 2017. HeinOnline Suffolk Transnat'l L. Rev.. 4 cites.
  60. "Long-and Short-Term Cryptocurrency Volatility Components: A GARCH-MIDAS Analysis". C Conrad, A Custovic, E Ghysels. 2018. mdpi.com Journal of Risk and Financial .... 4 cites.
  61. "Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies: Opportunities for postal financial services". C Jaag, C Bach. 2017. Springer The Changing Postal and Delivery Sector. 4 cites.
  62. "Blockchain Applications: A Hands-on Approach". A Bahga, V Madisetti. 2017. *dl.acm.org *. 4 cites.
  63. "Уголовно-правовое регулирование оборота криптовалют в России". ВА Тирранен. 2017. cyberleninka.ru Развитие территорий. 4 cites.
  64. "Public Blockchain versus Private blockhain". D Guegan. 2017. *halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr *. 4 cites.
  65. "Are cryptocurrencies connected to forex? A quantile cross-spectral approach". E Baumohl. 2018. *econstor.eu *. 4 cites.
  66. "Initial coin offerings (ICOs) to finance new ventures: An exploratory study". C Fisch. 2018. *papers.ssrn.com *. 4 cites.
  67. "A critical review of blockchain and its current applications". BA Tama, BJ Kweka, Y Park.... 2017. ieeexplore.ieee.org ... and Computer Science .... 4 cites.
  68. "Blockchain technology as an institution of property". G Ishmaev. 2017. Wiley Online Library Metaphilosophy. 4 cites.
  69. "A structured framework to assess the business application landscape of blockchain technologies.". G Salviotti, LM De Rossi.... 2018. scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu ... of the 51st .... 4 cites.
  70. "Robust Statistical Normality Transformation method with Outlier Consideration in Bitcoin Exchange Rate Analysis". NA Bakar, S Rosbi. 2017. ijasre.net IJASRE. 4 cites.
  71. "From Bitcoin to cybersecurity: A comparative study of blockchain application and security issues". F Dai, Y Shi, N Meng, L Wei, Z Ye. 2017. ieeexplore.ieee.org Systems and Informatics .... 4 cites.
  72. "Blockchain Technology Adoption Status and Strategies". JM Woodside, FK Augustine Jr.... 2017. scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu Journal of .... 4 cites.
  73. "Стратегии регулирования криптовалюты в российском законодательстве: прогнозы на будущее". ЭЛ Сидоренко. 2017. swsu.ru Известия Юго-Западного государственного .... 4 cites.
  74. "CRIX Index: Analysis of a Cryptocurrency Index for Portfolio Investment". S Chen, CYH Chen, WK Härdle, TM Lee, B Ong. 2017. ... Financial Inclusion: Cryptocurrency .... 3 cites.
  75. "Cryptocurrency Compendium: A Reference for Digital Currencies: A Reference for Digital Currencies". D Williams. 2017. *Lulu. com *. 3 cites.
  76. "Dynamics and prospects of the cryptocurrency development in the modern global financial system". AM Lubyanskiy. 2017. elibrary.ru Modern Science. 3 cites.
  77. "The Adequacy of Competition Policy for Cryptocurrency Markets". P Østbye. 2017. *papers.ssrn.com *. 3 cites.
  78. "Blockchain Regulation". M Finck. 2017. *papers.ssrn.com *. 3 cites.
  79. "How blockchain and cryptocurrency technology could revolutionize online gambling". SM Gainsbury, A Blaszczynski. 2017. liebertpub.com Gaming Law Review. 3 cites.
  80. "China's dirty laundry--international organizations posing a risk to China's AML systems". MA Naheem. 2018. emeraldinsight.com Journal of Money Laundering Control. 3 cites.
  81. "Crypto-Securities Regulation: ICOs, Token Sales and Cryptocurrencies under EU Financial Law". P Hacker, C Thomale. 2017. *papers.ssrn.com *. 3 cites.
  82. "The Concept and Criticisms of Steemit". U Chohan. 2018. *papers.ssrn.com *. 3 cites.
  83. "The legal nature of cryptocurrencies in the US and the applicable rules". J Enyi, N Le. 2017. *papers.ssrn.com *. 3 cites.
  84. "Professional Responsibility in an Age of Alternative Entities, Alternative Finance, and Alternative Facts". JML Heminway. 2017. HeinOnline Transactions: Tenn. J. Bus. L.. 3 cites.
  85. "Initial Coin Offerings. A Primer". M Dell'Erba. 2017. *papers.ssrn.com *. 3 cites.
  86. "Способна ли криптовалюта, основанная на технологии «блокчейн» решить проблемы информационной безопасности финансового сектора?". ОМ Голикова, АИ Федотова. 2017. cyberleninka.ru ИТпортал. 3 cites.
  87. "Global Virtual Currency--Brief Overview.". S Abboushi. 2017. m.www.na-businesspress.com Journal of Applied Business & .... 3 cites.
  88. "Impact of Bitcoin as a World Currency". A Seetharaman, AS Saravanan, N Patwa.... 2017. sciedu.ca Accounting and Finance .... 3 cites.
  89. "Blockchain in the US Regulatory Setting: Evidentiary Use in Vermont, Delaware, and Elsewhere". J Caytas. 2017. stlr.org Masthead. 3 cites.
  90. "Bitcoin--A Brief Analysis of the Advantages and Disadvantages". GC Dumitrescu. 2017. globeco.ro Global Economic Observer. 3 cites.
  91. "Analysis of Blockchain Use Cases in the Citizens Broadband Radio Service Spectrum Sharing Concept". S Yrjölä. 2017. Springer International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented .... 3 cites.
  92. "ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКА СВОЙСТВ И КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ ВИРУТАЛЬНЫХ ВАЛЮТ". АВ Кочетков. 2017. cyberleninka.ru Финансовые исследования. 3 cites.
  93. "Oligarchic control of business-to-business blockchains". LN Lundbaek, M Huth. 2017. ieeexplore.ieee.org Security and Privacy Workshops .... 3 cites.
  94. "Scalability analysis of blockchains through blockchain simulation". S Goswami. 2017. *digitalscholarship.unlv.edu *. 3 cites.
  95. "Аналитика рынка криптовалют. Динамика и прогнозы". ДА Корнилов, ДА Зайцев, ЕВ Корнилова. 2017. cyberleninka.ru ИТпортал. 3 cites.
  96. "Cryptocurrency Regulation in 2018: Where the World Stands Right Now". A Nelson. 2018. ... /articles/cryptocurrency-regulation-2018-where-world .... 2 cites.
  97. "IMF Chief Lagarde: Global Cryptocurrency Regulation Is' Inevitable'". W Zhao. 2018. *CoinDesk *. 2 cites.
  98. "CFTC Aligns With SEC: ICO Tokens Can Be Commodities". S Higgins. 2017. ... /cftc-no-inconsistency-sec-cryptocurrency-regulation. 2 cites.
  99. "Assessing the Evolution of Cryptocurrency: Demand Factors, Latent Value and Regulatory Developments". R Clements. 2018. *papers.ssrn.com *. 2 cites.
  100. "Understanding Blockchain Opportunities and Challenges.". C Holotescu. 2018. ceeol.com eLearning & Software for Education. 2 cites.

Republished with permission from the original source: https://blockchainlibrary.org/2018/10/most-cited-cryptocurrency-regulation-articles-recently-published/


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