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RE: Blockchain Literacy 101 & The Battle Of The Blockchains: Steemit vs. Ethereum, Lisk, etc…?

in #blockchain8 years ago

That is great news! I think someone may be able to take their application (if open source) and tweak it to support the features steemit would to add comments and link upvotes to steemit if it were a separate website and not integrated directly into this blockchain (still learning how API's work, so thank you for those layman's terms youtube videos).

I could see features like allowing a dislike that doesn't take money away, but lets a musician know that someone did not agree with their style and allow that user to say why they disliked.

Also a separate flag button for content that shows no effort or may be in the wrong category etc.

I'd love to see who becomes the first successful artist to use the muse/PeerTracks system/steemit application.

A dedicated ios/android app could be made and also require users to sign up for steemit before they can listen to the music. That would allow people who had no interest in posting to still help artists receive credit and feedback from more people and gain exposure.

I definitely need to research far more before I can say anything for certain about how this may work, but I am very excited to say the least. Something I am willing to dive into and ask some musicians here what features they would want to add that are not currently implemented.

Another idea could be a random youtube video viewing service that would allow users to see youtube content that is posted on steemit, but hopefully steemit will soon have its own dedicated video hosting service. This could also be categorized by topic so users could see all the introduceyourself tips without searching out individual videos.


dude, I love the way your brain is working with this.

a bit confused by the first paragraph, though - your language needs further articulation, as there's a distinction in there that's not perfectly clear.

thanks for sharing. there's some golden seeds in that comment for sure.

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