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RE: United Nations Bought The INTERNET From The United States - Freedom of Speech on The Internet Doesn't Exist Anymore - Blockchain Technology is Our Only Hope For The Future!

in #blockchain7 years ago

The UN has taken over all of New York City! NYC is the Fourth Sovereign City State besides Vatican City, City of London, and City of Washington.


The UN has replaced all courts globally with "UN Competent National Tribunals." The UN is the single global franchise issuer of "legal presences." The UN has replaced all Countries with UN Member-Nation Franchises.

New York City bankers don't go to jail because they aren't party to US laws, the banks comply with the laws so they can operate in the US but they aren beholden to them. NYC Banks are international jurisdiction banks and can only be fined by the United States. Thus the crimes and fraud of the NYC Banks/banksters continue.

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