AERGO will become the top project in the crypto space in 2019. Here are 5 reasons Why.

in #blockchain6 years ago

AERGO will become the top project in the crypto space in 2019. Here are 5 reasons Why.
Aergo is creating an enterprise-grade 4th generation blockchain allowing big business partners to deploy their dApps on blockchain effortlessly. Here are six reasons why we think this will be the top project in the crypto space in 2019, outplaying such A-list stars as Ontology, AION or ICON.

True business driven ADOPTION — proved by 8.5 million developers

In short, Aergo aims to serve the business in a similar way as Amazon does with Amazon Web Services. This means building ‘real deal’ business applications, focusing on health care, finance and data management. They not only have the appropriate experience to do so, but they have also found the flawless approach and capabilities to achieve that. Their first step was to create Aergo SQL, which is, based on the programming language familiar to 8.5 million developers around the world — loved, hated, but definitely popular SQL. Having tried to build something on solidity language (native to Ethereum) one will understand immediately why this is exceptionally forward-looking. Now 8.5 million developers can easily deploy blockchain projects using Aergo platform.

One of the strongest team in crypto

How many times did you see the-next-big-thing blockchain project and found out it was run by one talent and a mediocre team? You know the answer :) Aergo will positively surprise you with the top notch, all-star management (introduced by their CEO on October 8th during the interview with Blockchain Brad), supported by over 90 highly capable employees, of which 60 being developers — top talents in the fields of cryptography, databases and open source. And they look for more. As far as we know they retain one of the biggest developer teams in the blockchain space. This is a huge capability and potential.

They actually make money

By being a part of a broader ecosystem, working with partners from Blocko and capitalizing on their existing platform — Coinstack, the business will have a pronounced traction from day ONE. Generating revenue from the start with serious partners does not happen that often in the crypto space. What usually happens is that you hear about project X working with BIG and established brand e.g “X partnering with Samsung”, “Y partnering with Hyundai” and it all turns out to be just a fake news. Well, when it comes to Aergo this is real already and more big businesses are in line for partnerships. For this reason alone, it is decent to assume the hype will fly to the moon. Coinstack, is currently used by approximately 40 companies, including Korea Exchange, Hyundai Motors and Lotte Card, and just wait for more.

Open Source standards & following the success of Linux

Developers follow open source and not at all surprisingly open source proved to be profitable. Phil Zamani (Aergo CEO) was a former Vice Presidents of Red Hat — a very successful enterprise arm of Linux and now he intends to replicate this open-source enterprise business model in blockchain environment. This is both pragmatic and in line with the crypto spirit.

Today, Linux’s codebase underline many different technologies of global IT systems e.g. Android OS and a considerable part of the web itself, single-handedly being the most critical open-source technology in the world. However, what Linux used to be to the Web hasn’t been mimicked yet in the blockchain world.

Zamani was personally involved in implementing Linux enterprise solutions for customers ‘cross the chasm’ e.g. important financial institutions, formula one racing leaders or telecoms, with brands like: HSBC, Deutsche Bank, Ferrari, Sony, Ericson or Nokia. He learned very well, what were the reasons for Linux success in the business world, most importantly:

Linux was open-source end-to-end
Linux’s development was decentralized, yet maintained
Linux took a pragmatic approach to execution
Linux was supported by firms with customer know-how that relentlessly drove adoption of the technology
Change the Linux for Aergo in the above list and you will have AERGO’s approach in essence. It all boils down to the single line: Aergo is for blockchain, what Ret Hat was for Linux.

Being humble & clear vision

Just one interview with CEO will leave you with no doubt what kind of people stand behind Aergo and what kind of culture it represents. They are humble. They do not speculate. They do not overpromise. No BS. They just deliver — on time and on budget.

Sticking to the roadmap they are right on schedule to complete three-folded AERGO architecture. It is a full eco-system that consists of three main components.

1.Q1 2019 Aergo Chain MainNet, (incl. SQL based smart contracts, sidechain capable of 1M+ transactions per second).

  1. Q3 2019 Aergo Hub, (incl. hosting services for developers, from building, testing to deploying and managing dApps based on Aergo chain)

  2. Q3 2019 Aergo Marketplace for variety peer-to-peer enabled products and services such as storage or computing.

Having all the pieces in place, AERGO is bound to be a strong player and more than likely to outperform IBM Enterprise Blockchain Solutions & Services in the trophy of becoming the number one platform ‘that allows businesses to build innovative applications and services by sharing data on blockchain’.

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Main sources:

Aergo Technical Whitepaper:

Aergo Business Whitepaper:

Caviar Aergo Research Report:

Blockchain Brad Interview:

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