Pivot breaking the Ignorance of crypto currency

in #blockchain6 years ago


The worst and one of the wicked thing to man kind is ignorance, one way or the other, everyone on earth have been dealt with ignorance. A time in my life I felt a great pain and regret which was the product of ignorance, I will not forget that day a pot on the stove containing hot groundnut oil flamed up so high, and I poured in water to quench the fire, immediately the hot oil splash out with fire and my room caught fire and I was badly burnt.

Ignorance is lack of information or knowledge about something. Most times something that is viral,

In history of mankind, ignorance have kept us behind, taking away our right and chances to forge head. Even now, there are many things with us, helpful or harmful that we are still ignorance of.


Last year, I don’t know anything about cryptocurrency and i ingore any internet proxies. I only focus on my work, claiming that I am too busy, until someone talk me into bitcoin when we will were talking about exchange rate of my country currency with US dollars, because I was a bit interested in forex trade

Ignorance have made many people from Africa to reject the cryptocurrency not knowing that the world it turning automated with new level of technology displacing us humans from the normal jobs, creating new forms of jobs that connects you with the whole world and there must be a general way of us connecting and relating especial monetary aspect you can reading a post from @khaleelkazi talking about the rise of automation and algorithms/homo dues < https://steemit.com/steem/@khaleelkazi/the-rise-of-automation-and-algorithms-or-homo-deus-part-4

Many people have been facing one problem or the other from been ignorant of the other. Now in other to kill mr. Cryptoingorant in me. I join many crypto community especially news and blog crypto community like steemits, Bitcointalk. Deeponion, trivia2, Eos, binance and pivot e.t.c

Among all of them I rate five star to steemit and pivot. but today I will be talking about pivot because pivot influence me so much by attract in me with rewards to read news of block chain and cryptonews in normal day I will not consider to read


Pivot is a community with the mission to eradicate all crypto and block chain ignorance for block chain investors making them to avoid being shuffle by financial capital also giving them valuable information to discover quality project to invest on.

I will also define this platform as the name sound "Pivot is the investors central point of crypto news and blockchain information in which a blockchain investor can collaborate to build a strong crypto world, help him/her to guide their investment and crypto entrepreneurship.

Pivot is also a community in which the members can freely gather and form various collaborative groups. The value of the community is mainly reflected in the realization of cognition. In order to avoid the gold standard of the community, PVT Community provides two sets of separate community member evaluation systems: Community Contribution and Token.

How does PIVOT work?

As one of the strong global leading blockchain investment community pivot operate as news feed to expose you the world crypto life.

It is just platform that break people's ignorance of crypto currency by using airdrop token, post rewards and others to attract users and block chain investors to the platform.

The share Bitcoin and Pvt during their campaign to their users base on the amount of power you get a day also you can get Bitcoin by winning of pvtp.

Some questions you may ask;

What is power, pvt and pvtp?

How can one get them?

Power: POWER is the certificate of “Daily BTC Bonus”, which decides how much BTC Bonus you can get everyday. You can get POWER by reading, sharing posts and invite your friends. For example, if 10000 POWER is distributed to all users in one day, and user A gets 100 POWER, then he/she will receive 1% of the BTC in the bonus pool of this day. Source pivot app.

How to get power?

One can get power by inviting friends and your friends by doing so you will be rewarded with 10000 POWER;you will also receive Invite bonus of 10% POWER of the friends that you refer.

Another way is by Reading post with pivot app. For every post that you read in Pivot app, you will be rewarded with 100 POWER. Note that for every post you read you must not Forget clicking the button "GET READ POWER" ; found at the end of every post.

Power will always reset everyday by 23:59(gmt+20). And you will receive your reward later in the day in your pivot wallet.

PVTP: is a certified to me. For pivot beting and prediction. You receive pvtp instead of Pvt while participating in the prediction game in pivot which can be withdraw by converting it to Bitcoin on your wallet

PVT TOKEN: Is the pivot community token which the use as reward and trading in the platform

Or can be define as "PVT is the value certificate of the Community, and all the values of the Community are brought together in the PVT. Within the Community, PVT has a wide range of application scenarios and can be freely circulated. PVT Community reshapes the experience of using the blockchain information interactive community through “Token Incentives” and strives to become a co-constructed and co-prosperous community where “individuals can give full play to their respective strengths and take their own needs”, each member is both a producer and a consumer. Source: pivot white paper

The total circulation of PVT is 31,415,926,535, and it will never be increased. PVT Community will allocate the PVT through CPOC (Community Proof Of Contribution), only 1% of PVT is in circulation.

How Pvt is obtained?

  1. You can Obtain PVT token by invitation of new user to the platform and PVT obtained from invitation is paid by installments, you can get it by logging in everyday.

  2. You can obtain PVT TOKEN BY creating valuable post and commenting value and reasonable comment on their post which is distributed by CPOC (Community Proof Of Contribution (CPOC) is an algorithm that measures the contribution of community members to the community and assigns PVT to each community member according to the CPOC.) Information about the user daily activities.

  3. Also can be obtained by the community contest reward and airdrop.


I will also like to tell you that pivot value your input as a community member:

I will tell you that all Community members are Equal and Everyone is Involved.

Community members are the most important foundation of PVT Community and are the true owners of the community. Community members work together to build the atmosphere of PVT Community, participate in the discussion of various values express their own opinions, browse the content they are interested in, join the themes they are interested in, and follow other community members they are interested in. Community members are also a gigantic treasure house that nurtures the partners of PVT Community, the members and the community grow together, through the qualities that they exhibit in the community, the community mechanism will discover potential community members, promote them as partners in the community to become the direct managers of the community. At the same time, the final implementation of the various mechanisms of the community will be completed through voting.

Types of communities

There are three kinds of communities in Pivot: Cryptocurrencies, Exchanges and Others.

“Cryptocurrency” communities

News and discussions about a certain coin should be posted in this kind of communities.

For instance, if you create a post about a technology that Bitcoin uses, you should select the "BTC" community when you are posting it. You should select the "EOS" community if you’ve created a post about a DAPP running on the EOS chain.

“Exchange” communities

Content related to exchanges should be posted in this kind of communities.

For example, if you created a post comparing between Binance and OKEX, you will either select “Binance” or “OKEX” as the community. You will post in the community "Coinbase Pro" if you’ve created a post about the IPO of Coinbase pro,

“Others” communities

1.In the "Wallet" community, all posts and discussions should be about cryptocurrency wallets.

As an example you can ask our Pivoters: “which one is your favorite wallet?” or “What are the advantages comparing storing cryptos in your own wallet than put them in exchanges?”

  1. In “Partners of Pivot” you can post questions and discussions about the system of Pivot. Pivoters can also gather in this community to give their honest opinions and advices for Pivot to think about and make improvement.

  2. In the “FAQ” community you can find Pivot posting answers to the most asked questions such as “How do I use this App?” Or “How do I get power from reading and sharing?”, etc.

You are more than welcomed to post your questions and difficulties you encounter while using Pivot. It’s a lot more likely for our staff to see your questions here!

  1. The “Promotion” community is the one and only place where Pivoters should post their promotions and advertisements.

  2. Any “Blockchain” related discussions such as revolutionary blockchain technologies, new coming ICO projects using blockchain technologies, a newly designed consensus mechanism, etc. can suits in this community.

  3. Investment Journal" community is a place where we can all learn valuable lessons from each other through sharing tons of personal investment experiences in the crypto market

  4. In this community “Chatty Pivot”, Pivoters can discuss about everything and anything even topics that has got nothing to do with cryptocurrency. Feel free to share your life and random thoughts with the whole community here!

  5. Debating is usually an amazing way to think from a different point of view. “Pivot Debate” is an awesome community to start a debate about controversial topics and see what the whole community has to say!

  6. My position”: If you want to show pivoters your trading strategies, please post in this community. The snapshot of your position should be attached.

  7. Try posting in “Tycoon Club” if you have a opinion to share on something a famous person in the crypto world has published or said. For instance, when you’ve read about Daniel Larimer’s (BM) new article and want to do an analysis you can post it here.

  8. You can always find the first hand news in the crypto world here in the “Crypto Gossip” community, but don’t take it too seriously! After all we are all just gossiping around here ;)

  9. Join the game! Come and share your thoughts on todays “Pivot Market Prediction” in this community with us.

  10. Everyday in “Popular Topics” community Pivot will select the hottest topic to post. You are more than welcomed to post in this community if your content does fit in to the “popular topics” criteria.

  11. Come to“Crypto 101” and post your questions! We understand all this informations can be so dazzling and confusing for a beginner. New to the crypto world and don’t know where to start? Pivoters here in the “crypto 101” community are more than happy to share you their valuable experiences and advices about the crypto world.

  12. In “Value investing” community you can read and post about the value analysis of a coin or cryptocurrency. Why do you think it holds its value and how far do you think it will go?

  13. Technical Analysis”: If your post is about to predict the trend of price with technical analysis tool such as Fib Retracement, your post should be in this community.

  14. Post in “Law&Policy” community if you’ve got an opinion on laws and policies of governments.

  15. Come point it out in "Fake News!” community whenever you spot a fake news in the crypto world.

Now from this story about pivot you will believe me that is a cryptoignorant killer and also an update mission.of steemit

The last but not in list for this post and also not the least

Is Pvt token withdrawable?


withdrawal will start very soon but recently, Pivot announced Project X to list PVT on exchange and have started the Pivot Global Carnival on October 24, 2018

Check out the news line from pivot

"In Oct. 24th, global leading blockchain investment community Pivot announces to launch Project X and actives new domain name: www.pivot.one. Pivot is founded by Lin Yingming, the first CTO of Thunder, Xu Lin, the former executive of Zuiyou Community and, Wang Pan, the former executive of Zuiyou Community. Since the first version of Pivot in the March of 2018, Pivot has developed rapidly, the global active users of Pivot reach more than 2.5 million, and more than 80% of them are international users (not Chinese), all over 218 countries and regions"

As a company with strong blockchain technology strength, Pivot attributes great importance to the experience of users, continuing on exploring the best solution of the operation of cryptocurrency community and the service to blockchain projects, and Pivot has produced notable results. More than 300 blockchain projects, more than 100 medias and more than 200 business leaders in blockchain industry have cooperated with Pivot. Blockchain projects have airdropped cryptocurrencies which worth more than 1,000,000 USD in Pivot.

Lin Yingming, the founder & CEO of Pivot indicates : The launch of Project X to list on exchange is for practicing and expanding the co-construction mode of Pivot Community. Pivot will continue to enhance its core competencies of the operation of community, market quotes and Pivot Market Prediction. At the meanwhile, Pivot will distribute 150,000,000 PVT in the international version of Pivot to global users as bonus, to underline the importance of the co-construction mode of the community.

Help pivot to create better community

This community built for you and me if see any thing you don't like endeavor to reach rhem with your complaint.

Please help Pivot to create a better community system and click on “Report” button whenever you see a post that violates Pivot rules.

please click "Report" and select "unrelated to the Topic” if you find that a post is under irrelevant community.

All reports will go though a manual verification by Pivot team to prevent malicious report.

Pivot will recruit "Pivot Cop” to co-construct the community in the soon coming future, if your report has been confirmed righteous you can become a powerful candidates for the Pivot Cops and receive a medal!



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