Quadrant - A blueprint for mapping decentralised data

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

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Hello Friends, I want to share information about Quadrant Platform.
I hope with this information, we can get more benefit from Quadrant.
So, here for the details my blog for Quadrant as below :


The current data economy is fraught with problems. There is an ever-widening gap between those with the resources to collect and store their own data and those that do not. The data these have-nots do have access to is often fragmented and of questionable authenticity—the kind of data that produces poor results when fed to algorithms. Part of the reason why the data lacks authenticity is because the suppliers of it are not properly incentivized. Fair revenue distribution does not exist for both data producers and vendors. Without a healthy and transparent data economy, the increasing demand for authentic data will not be met.


The Problems Facing the Data Economy
There are four major problems facing the data economy:

  1. A widening AI data gap between the haves and have-nots
  2. Ubiquitous fake and inauthentic data destroying the usefulness of algorithms
  3. Unsustainable data feeds breaking production systems when they go online
  4. Unfair revenue distribution for the original data producers


To get solve this problem, let's to introduce Quadrant.


Quadrant is a blockchain-based protocol that enables the access, creation, and distribution of data products and services with authenticity and provenance at its core. The data economy is similar to space; unmapped and chaotic. Quadrant serves as the blueprint that provides an organized system for the utilization of decentralized data.


Quadrant aims to solve these problems by providing a blueprint for mapping disparate data sources. It will support proof of data authenticity and provenance via data stamping, the creation of “Constellations” (data smart contracts) for disparate data sources, and fair remuneration and incentive sharing. Data Consumers can trust the authenticity of the data they purchase, “Nurseries” (Data Producers) are compensated fairly every time their data is used, and “Pioneers” (Data Vendors) have the incentive to create innovative Constellations. This new transparent ecosystem ensures that companies get the authentic data they need.



Quadrant provides the infrastructure that facilitates the exchange of DaaS and AI services between organizations. It enables data vendors to sell their data with the use of data smart contracts. Likewise, it enables buyers to purchase data and trace its authenticity and provenance through the network’s data stamping verification system. In turn, this enables DaaS and AI service firms to build new products and services on top of the infrastructure and network.


The Quadrant Protocol is a decentralised data blueprint. It is ingestion, processing and storage agnostic. It is designed to work with both centralised and decentralised services. The architecture consists of the core Quadrant blockchain, clients (Data Producer, Data Consumer and Anchor) and Guardian Nodes. Quadrant will operate on a Proof of Authority consensus mechanism so that it can handle more transactions, operate at a lower gas price, achieve faster transactions and restrict malicious nodes from entering data into the network. An external Proof of Work chain will be used as an anchor for security purposes. For the time being, the Ethereum blockchain will be used for anchoring but it can be replaced by any public chain in the future if needed.

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  • Data Stamping
    We stamp for authenticity, allowing data buyers to trace and have proof of who created the data.

  • Constellation Creation
    We dare Pioneers to venture, enabling them to create the first Data Smart Contracts and are deployed to create new data products

  • Enriched data and services
    We empower the brightest minds to work on creating Mega Constellations - new products and services on top of Quadrant.


The stamping protocol is a system used to prove the authenticity of data. When data is produced, the nursery stamps the data’s “finger print” (the hash) into Quadrant. It enables Elons to verify, at the time of consumption, whether the data they received was in the exact same state as when it was created.
Files of any size, including the nested folders, can be stamped. Data can be hashed by using a standard SHA 256 hashing algorithm. Nurseries will pay the network fees to stamp the data in the chain. These fees help prevent spamming of the service and will cover the master nodes’ fees for creating the blocks. The fees will vary depending on the volume of transactions in the network. Elons can verify the data stamp for free.


The International Data Corporation (IDC) put the value of global big data and business analytics revenue at USD 130.1 billion annually in 2016— a number that is expected to grow to over USD 200 billion by 2020. Companies, especially those working with AI, have proven to have an insatiable appetite for data from an ever-increasing variety of sources. Dresner Advisory Services estimates that some 53% of companies utilised big data for analytics purposes in 2017— an increase of 36% from 2015. These companies are using the data to solve complex problems, detect trends and create new products that they will introduce to the market
The Quadrant Network will be targeted towards these data-hungry companies, starting with a focus on the location intelligence industry. That entire sub-section of big data needs to be cleaned up. In the future, the Quadrant Protocol team will seek to expand into IoT and medical data. These are two areas in which compliant and authentic data is critical.

Payment Model

Quadrant will be run similar to a not-for-profit system. It will use the Ethereum gas model to ensure the sustainability of the network without charging excessive fees to derive profit. When Nurseries stamp, they pay a small amount of QUAD which goes to the Guardians as the incentive for maintaining nodes within the network. Users will pay QUAD to create Constellations but the total payment for the data within the Constellations will go to their owner(s).


  • Nurseries
    Rightful compensation of provided data for every transaction along the value chain

  • Pioneers
    Be seen as a transparent and trusted supplier by proving ownership of data products

  • Elons
    Get the freedom to create linkages between disparate sources of data and develop new data products


Quadrant will operate on a Proof of Authority consensus mechanism to handle more transactions, operate at a lower gas price, achieve faster transactions, and restrict malicious nodes from entering data. An external Proof of Work chain will be used as an anchor for security purposes.

  • Data Stamping Protocol
    Pioneers and Nurseries can lay claim to a produced piece of data by stamping it into Quadrant.

  • Open Constellations
    Constellations can be created by both the suppliers and consumers of data and allow for the nesting of revenue share.

  • Guardian Nodes
    Guardians maintain Quadrant by building blocks onto the Quad Chain and anchoring them to a public chain.


There are many areas where Quadrant can partner, both technical or commercial. We seek technical partners for storage and processing (computation). As well as seek commercial partners for the following areas:

· Data vendors
· AI Service companies
· APP / SDK Developers
· DaaS firms
· University / Innovation Labs


QUAD and eQuad Token Details

The Quadrant Network will utilise two different currencies for its protocol: eQuad and QUAD.

eQuad is an ERC-20 standard compliant placeholder digital tokens on the Ethereum blockchain which would be sold, and which may be converted into QUAD via a gateway when the Quadrant Network mainnet is eventually launched.

QUAD is a non-refundable functional utility token which will be used as the unit of exchange between participants on the Quadrant network.QUAD is required as virtual crypto “fuel” for using certain designed functions on the Quadrant network, providing the economic incentives which will be consumed to encourage participants to contribute and maintain Quadrant. Users of Quadrant and/or holders of QUAD which did not actively participate will not receive any QUAD incentives.

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If you need more information about Quadrant, Please you can visit the link as below :


Thank you and I wish Quadrant more success.

Written by : baperstrong

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