Sparkster - The Tool for Innovators
So far, so true, we are in the times when nothing seems to be impossible for the human kind.
In this contemporary world, where with each every day we experience a unique breakthrough, whether it is in the field of economics and finance, health, supply chain etc. It all seems possible for human kind to make it possible what he imagines. Such imaginations are transformed by the use of latest technologies available one such thing is coding a software wherein a coding expert transforms the imagination of a man into binary numbers. However, not every one is so privileged to be able to transform his imagination in to codes. He must have to bear a cost, not only in terms of human resource but as well as infrastructure such as having hardware to support that software. There is no doubt to the fact that Cloud services have saved some cost, but, how come a 16 year old student who might have the potential to become the next Bill Gates or Mark Zukerberg, can afford the cost of such Cloud services, further, it is also not possible that the same student might be expert of coding. Therefore, there is a need for a solution that helps you transform your imaginations into reality in the today's internet world.
Don't regret to loose your ideas any more, because this generation has
Yes, bring your ideas to reality
The idea is the need of time that is the need for the fastest Decentralized Cloud for Smart Software wherein you can build your own software in plain english.
Feel empowered?
Indeed, by introducing a blockchain based solution to introduce decentralization, the cost of executing an operation will significantly be lower as compared to traditional cloud solution, as the cost is directly proportionate to the numbers of miners who will share there disk space to earn SPARK (the currency of Sparkster Blockchain). Further, these SPARKS will be used as an exchange of value for those who wants to execute their smart software on the Sparkster Decentralized Cloud.
The team has already considered the key factors to be considered while providing a solution for the global adoption of the service by large companies specifically such as the issue of Privacy, Security, Performance ( Sparkster will be processing 10 millions transactions per second), Significant Cost Savings, Architectural Transparency, a solution that can be integrated with many other Blockchain as well as integrate any thing whether its an API, AI, or IOT in a plain English.
Being a non technical background person, I am delighted to share my experience of using the Sparkster software development platform where i just created a calculator which adds and multiply numbers and that just happens in few minutes. Considering the ease of use, the solution is a perfect use case of a business environment, where a business can easily convey its idea to a software team about there need. So, if a business person is able to create a software for himself, why to appoint software team, thus, COST SAVED.
It is pertinent to mention that even if the team is hired, a business can still convey their idea more clearly. Further, as depicted in the whitepaper, Individuals will be allowed to use the platform for free, subject to limitations of transactions or any other conditions which might be introduced for free usage.
So, if the concepts attracts you, please visit the following:
Disclaimer: This is not an investment advice and just a mere piece of information. This shall not be taken as quote from the organization discussed above .For investment related decision, it is highly recommended to read whitepaper and other related material. Do consult your financial and legal advisor before investing. Author is not responsible for the actions of the organization.
Bitcointalk Profile name : M.A.Ansari

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