My Dream of a CryptoWorld

At the door step of the year 2018, what we have experienced is that “Cryptos” are no more ponzi schemes, they have utility and they can revolutionize the way internet and related industry is. Almost every business area is tested or near to be tested for the Distributed Ledger technology, while issuing their own currency in their own eco-system.

However, the most interested phenomena raised with the adoption of Cryptos in the real world by Banks and other financial institutions, leading nations to think and take this seriously. With the rumors coming the market with a country issuing its own Cryptos (Estonia, Israel rumors).

So, what i dreamed of, lets make it an attractive story or a script of the movie.


A man who changed the world “ Satoshi Nakamoto” aka ‘SNO’.

With the revolutionary movement instigated the revolution against the corrupt economic system had attracted the people suffering from the injustice of the governments and ruling class, via their Knights “the Banks”. People are attracting to this new phenomena and overthrowing the Knights all over the world. There is only one option left for the governments to save their stakes i.e. Adopted. Adapted and admit the fact. With many hardships faced by the SNO rebels during the renaissance, they have achieved what they haven’t dreamed of.

Government all around the world altering their practices as nothing has been left for the physical world or currency and nothing is remain other than printing paper with no value.

The Conspiracy:

Some where in the world during the summit of the governments, discussing what remains for them in the world except to see their fame declining, One man shout “We have nothing to rule in the world now, we can’t trace what people are earning and what they are buying what they are spending, except for they tell us with good faith. We have to launch a war againt these SNOs at once all our the world and eliminate these rebellions”, with a deep silence of death suddenly, a smart voice appears “ what will we rule then”. Once again braing storming begins and finally, an ex SNO in a leading seat comes with an idea to take his revenge against the SNO community, for not letting and supporting his hard fork on the major Crypto of its time. He has not forget what the community responded when he tries to bring his personal wishes to the block chain.

“Rather than exterminating them all, we should change the perspective they view to us now, we will become one their own ally by gaining their trust by doing the following:

Set a start-up with a vision to track all the transactions executed on the block chain if you have one crypto of that chain, once we developed that, we will be able to atleast penetrate,
For raising funds, our start-up will hire the best of the best marketers from the SNO community to promote our coin, and our claim will be raised XX amount against any provided Crypto coin of the time. This will help us to have every circulating coin the market. and we will be able to test our own tracking system in different block chains, where same SNO will be fighting for us, with a vision for decentralized information gathering blah blah blah……
Once, we penetrate in the community, we will launch be able to tackle the situation to some extent. Further, for gaining more trust of the community despite of launching paper money we will launch our own single Crypto Currency for the whole world. This phenomena will be accepted by the community to some extent.
Once, we are able to trace the transactions, we will able to tax them on block chain and they will have no way to stay away from us.
“What a foolish plan it is, how we are going to do it”, “let the community decide” replied the revenge taker.


News at some business channel, “ G-all are meeting to discuss the cryptonomics to decide what will be the share of each country in ‘Mining’ of the crypto currency. The whole economic paradigm has shifted, now there is one world, one Crypto currency, and the country with more mining resources has more power in the world.

Hope this dramatic dream has bring some joy to your busy life of Crypto Holders.

Feel free to comment and laugh………:)

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