IDEA -> Get Set Go ->Sparkster the Decentralized Cloud (A Review)

According to the research (Dalware 2017), The size of the Cloud computing industry is around 246 billion dollar, and Sparkster is the Blockchain based project that aims to disrupt it with its decentralized solution, with the help of people just like you and me providing computing power of their smart phones and laptops, just by downloading the Sparkster software. And for doing that you will get the Spark Token.

If you are not new in this world, you have definitely heard of Ian Balina, who arranged a Crypto World Tour ICO Pitch event in Amsterdam and the project Sparkster won that event with highest votes. Since then. Flood of people is at their door steps.

To avoid the gas war, and to grant every member of the community an opportunity to support the project, Proof of Love has been applied for Community Engagement. It is a conventional bounty theme, wherein you will perform some tasks, such as following, liking, articles, and platform review etc. So, what is this project?

Sparkster is going to be the world fastest Decentralized Cloud for Smart Software
It will be a dedicated blockchain that is designed to disrupt the 246 billion dollar industry along with its smart software development solution wherein, even a non developer can create a software by drag and drop in simple plain English.

Sparkster will be the solution based on set of technologies that are connected and interconnected with each other to support the Decentralized cloud computing

To develop the consensus among the decentralized network, and to solve the Byzantines General Problem to reach consensus among the trust less parties, Sparkster will be based on the Federated Byzantine Agreement System (FSAB) which was first proposed by Stellar Network.

The second most attractive thing about the Sparkster is that they are going to provide a platform where a non-technical person can develop a software of his dream without having knowledge of coding language. To make it simple. it is highly recommended to try the demo platform at

Assuming that the project will deliver as it is stated, the results are amazing. With my limited knowledge, and understanding of life and work, i can highlight following benefits for your ease:

The process of To and Fro between business and technical team will be reduced, as the same model can be prepared by the business user
The cost of having middle man who understand the business very well, as well as is eligible to easily communicate the requisites to the technical team is reduced
Thirdly, as stated in the whitepaper, a young fellow can develop its own ideas and can sell it to another party
There is a initiating of whole new economy, where a dreamer will dream and kickstart his project
For students and youngsters, it can be a tool to transform their imagination in to reality
Concluding the article, this smart software solution will bring a drastic change in the business environment. Further, for the project, it is first of its kind, thus, there ubiquitous presence is anticipated. Moreover, it is necessary to clarify how the cloud industry is disruptive. So, if we analyze the cost structure of the current cloud business model, we have a fixed linear cost associated with each additional node, there are no cost savings. However, comparing the decentralized nature, with the addition of more nodes on the network, the cost of setting up a new node is minimized, as the smart phone to act as a node, only needs to download the Sparkster protocol, thus, there will be significant cost savings in terms of maintenance.

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