Kimera AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) + Blockchain = The FuturesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


I recently stumbled across the Kimera AGI project and saw new possibilities for our future...

Presently, if we want to communicate with our friends and family on social media, we have to use intermediaries such as Facebook and Google.

Imagine a world where our devices are intelligent, and when we want to announce something, we don't need to use a corporate middleman such as Facebook - because our devices already know who our friends and family members are - we simply give the information to our Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Personal Assistant (PA) on our phone or tablet, and it sends the information directly to our friends' and family members' AGI PA on their devices.

The information you send remains private - only your friends and family receive it. It doesn't end up in a third-party corporate database where personal information can be extracted, analysed and sold behind your back.

Paid to ‘Play’

Now what if you also got paid for using said AGI PA? Incentivised usage!

And what if the device manufacturers also got paid for allowing/facilitating the necessary technology to function on their devices? Incentivised product development!

Incentivising both product development and its subsequent usage is a key strategy in Kimera’s business model for the full implementation of it’s “Nigel” AGI, and blockchain technology synergises perfectly into incentivised usage because it is a secure, immutable payment platform for such an ecosystem.

Take this a step further... Nigel also learns your habits, likes and dislikes based on it's observation of you, and as time goes by, Nigel starts to assist you with preemptive actions, like muting your phone automatically when it detects you walking into a movie theatre (Nigel has already learned this in beta testing). Your devices start to make your daily life easier - they become a convenience, not just a tool.

It is Nigel’s learning that people will get payment for. The more they use Nigel and contribute to it’s learning, the more they get paid. And the manufacturers of the devices they’re using at the time will also get paid.

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The Nigel Ecosystem

The Nigel AGI ecosystem comprises three layers:

AGI Layer (aka Cognition Engine)
Personal Data Layer (aka Personal Cloud)
Sensor Data Layer (aka Device Layer)

Cognition Engine

Nigel learns through a Cause - Effect algorithm. eg. It observes that people mute their phones when they go into a cinema.

Cause: Go into Cinema.
Effect: Mute phone.

The Nigel ecosystem comprises multiple Nodes, where each node is capable of learning something independently as it interacts with the Agents (devices) it comes in contact with. The greater the number of Agents available, the quicker Nigel can learn, which is why incentivised usage is being implemented - to accelerate the adoption of the system.

Within 2-3 years, Kimera hopes to have tens of thousands on nodes around the globe.

The nodes also interact with each other, sharing what they’ve learned and establishing “knowledge” through a Proof of Consensus protocol via the underlying blockchain technology. Nigel can then apply that knowledge elsewhere within the ecosystem. For example, as Nigel observes that people turn their phones to silent at Movie Cinema A, it starts to automatically mute their phones on subsequent visits. Nigel can then apply that knowledge to other people who attend Movie Cinema B, C, D, etc. elsewhere in the world.

The greater the number of nodes, the safer the Nigel ecosystem becomes. A majority (50%+1) of the nodes need to be in agreement for Nigel to learn a piece of knowledge, so it makes it harder to teach Nigel false information if there are lots of nodes. This is another reason why blockchain technology’s inherent security and immutability is so important to the future development of the project. It will prevent any government or company (including Kimera) from using Nigel for malicious purposes.

Personal Cloud

Unlike the corporate middlemen like Facebook and Google, the Nigel ecosystem keeps your personal data exactly that - personal, by having personal data kept in a separate ‘layer’ to the AGI (knowledge) layer. Personal data - information specifically about the user - is kept in a personal cloud and is not shared throughout the general Nigel ecosystem.

Device Layer

This comprises all your devices (phones, tablets, smart TV, Smart Watch, etc) connected to Nigel. The sensor data from all these devices is gathered together so Nigel can try and understand what your personal needs and goals are and hopefully help you where possible.

Want to know more?

If this project interests you and you’d like to find out more about it, there’s a Webinar being conducted at 1am PST (tonight) 3 May 2018.

You can register via the website:

If you miss the webinar, then the White Paper gives lots more info:

There are also loads of explanatory videos on their YouTube channel:

I plan to explore other areas of the Kimera project in the coming weeks, so stay tuned...

Coin Marketplace

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JST 0.029
BTC 67333.38
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.65