Crowd Machine , computerized machines of the future

in #blockchain7 years ago


What is Crowd Machine?

Crowd Machine consists of the Crowd Computer, Crowd App Studio and Crowd Share. The Crowd Computer is a global decentralized app execution engine. It has been designed to execute blockchain smart contracts and decentralized apps that meet any requirement. The Crowd Computer consists of a peer-to-peer network of Crowd Virtual Machines (“CVM”) that run on the peer devices. Device owners are compensated for the use of their surplus processing power to run the CVM. Embedded in the Crowd Computer is the Crowd App Studio that enables anyone to create decentralized apps without writing code. Crowd Share is a GitHub-like repository of source code that developers can use free of charge to help build their apps.The name reflects our commitment to enabling everyone in the world, regardless of their location, to be rewarded for their participation in the decentralized app economy. Crowd Machine is a new company, but the Crowd Machine technology has been in development for many years.Crowd Machine has 27 employees. Crowd Machine is hiring. If you think you have what it takes to join the Crowd Machine team, then send your resume to [email protected]


Crowd App Studio


What is the Crowd App Studio?
It allows App feature and function to be drawn as logic diagrams, making it faster and easier to create apps than current development approaches. Any type of decentralized or blockchain app. You can build almost any type of app using the Crowd App Studio and deploy it to the Crowd Computer. That depends entirely upon your app. You only pay for the Crowd Computer processor time you use. The best way to predict your costs is to build you app and deploy it to the Crowd Computer test network. On the test network you can simulate user load which will simulate your cost.

Crowd Share


What is Crowd Share?

Crowd Share is a GitHub-like source repository enabling the commercialization of source code by the developer community. It allows developers to monetize their intellectual property in an open marketplace. Crowd Share is a growing repository of ready to use, plug and play, app content allowing applications to be assembled rather than created. Crowd Share further accelerates app time to market. Crowd Share like GitHub but is specific to the Patterns, Activities, Packages, and Attributes that create apps on the Crowd Machine network. You can contribute your source code’s logic built as Patterns. You can also wrap any API from an external service or product and place it in Crowd Share for community and customer use. You can contribute by assembling Patterns for your apps, which are then open-sourced for other community developers to use in their apps. The Crowd Share compensation model is based on the consumption of Patterns. For example, let’s assume that a Crowd Machine customer is paying $180,000 per annum for their Crowd Machine use. Let’s also assume that the customer is using 10 Patterns contributed by a developer, and that those Patterns represent 10% of the customer’s consumption then the compensation to that developer would be as follows –If 50 customers were using those same Patterns at the same consumption rate, then the developer would be earning $135,000 per annum. The Crowd Share model also takes into consideration the complexity of the Pattern, and allows for derivative works where compensation is distributed across all parties who have participated in those works. Each upload and download of a behavior from Crowd Share is written to a blockchain which provides a mechanism to trace derivative works and identifies the payment pathway. The technology removes any dispute as to content ownership and rights.

Crowd Computer

Crowd Computer?

A powerful peer-to-peer computational network that leverages global device capacity to power the execution of blockchain and decentralized Apps where owners are paid for allowing their devices to be a part of the App execution network. Agoric nodes (aka super nodes) generate blueprints that utilize benchmarking provided by activity compute nodes (ACNs) to form pathways from source app Patterns and map to optimal compute resources.
Can my hardware be a node on the network if it is a smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop computer, or server. Crowd App Studio and the Crowd Virtual Machine are available to use now. The Crowd Computer will be available in Q4 2018. Compared to the public clouds, Crowd Machine is infinitely scalable (limited only by the number of connected computing devices on the internet), and is not cost prohibitive. Crowd App Studio and the Crowd Computer are proprietary. The Crowd Virtual Machine will be made available as open source in 2018. Strong Federation consensus is deterministic, where each block is expected to be produced by a single party. Therefore, reorganizations cannot happen, unlike in Bitcoin or Ethereum, where they are an ordinary fact of life. In a Strong Federation, blocksigners need only to obtain consensus amongst themselves before extending history; since they are a small, well-defined set, the network heartbeat can be significantly faster than in Proof-of-Work, where settlement is probabilistic over time. Maid Safe is a data protection technology whereas Crowd Machine is a decentralized app development and execution technology.

Crowd Machine Compute Tokens (CMCTs)

What does the Crowd Machine Compute Token (CMCT) do?

CMCTs are paid by app owners for the usage of their app on the Crowd Computer.
CMCTs reward node operators on the network for contributing computational and storage resources.
CMCTs also reward developers for their Patterns executed on the network by app end-users.
would a person want to own CMCT tokens Because they want to build apps with the Crowd App Studio and have end-users use their app. You can think of the CMCT token payment as analogous to the fees you would pay Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud. The CMCT is an ERC20 token. CMCTs will have a fixed supply of two billion (2,000,000,000) tokens and be divisible to 8 decimal places.

Crowd Machine Token Sale

Crowd Machine decide to move forward with a token sale In order to give token purchasers the ability to run apps on the Crowd Computer. The public sale opens at 0:00 UTC on April 1st, 2018. The minimum amount to participate in the public sale is 0.1 ETH.There is no maximum amount. To register for the public sale, go to – , Registrations are open now. US resident public sale participants must successfully complete all required identity checks and Crowd Machine’s Know your Customer (KYC) / Anti Money Laundering (AML) compliance checks.
US residents who want to participate between April 1st and 20th, 2018 (the pre-sale period), must also successfully prove accredited investor status. This does not apply from April 28th.
unless you are from North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Sudan or Somalia.
Non-US residents (who are not from an excluded country) must successfully complete all required identity checks and Crowd Machine’s Know your Customer (KYC) / Anti Money Laundering (AML) compliance checks.
You can contribute as many times as you like during each public sale period.
You can participate in as many public sales periods as you like. Through our token sale portal, participants will be able, in advance, to select the period/s for which they want to participate and pre-complete their participation details, including contribution amount/s. When each sale period opens at 0:00 UTC, pre-completed participants in that sale period will be activated. For participants before April 21st, 2018 (who successfully pre-complete our KYC/AML checks), tokens will be distributed by April 27th, 2018.
For participants from April 28th, 2018 (who successfully pre-complete our KYC/AML checks), tokens will be distributed within 4 hours of the close of the relevant daily sale period. The public sale closes at 20:00 UTC on May 22nd, 2019. There is no cap for Crowd Machine’s token sale. There is no maximum amount. The Excluded Countries are: North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

Who can participate in the public token sale?

Anyone who:

  1. makes a minimum purchase of 0.1 ETH per transaction; and
  2. successfully completes all identity and KYC/AML checks; and
  3. is not from an Excluded Country,
    can participate.
    If you are a US resident and want to participate between April 1st and 20th, 2018 (the pre-sale period), you must also successfully prove accredited investor status. This does not apply from April 28th.

Crowd Machine Private Sale

we are having a private sale. The private sale has already started. The minimum contribution for the private sale is USD $100,000. You can contact us directly at [email protected]. As well as contributing the $USD 100,000 minimum amount – all of the following additional requirements apply:

  1. US residents must successfully prove accredited investor status
  2. Non-US residents must provide representations that they are a sophisticated investor
  3. Non-US residents must not be from North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Sudan or Somalia
  4. Successful completion of all required identity checks and Crowd Machine’s Know your Customer (KYC) / Anti Money Laundering (AML) compliance checks is required
  5. A participant must have legal capacity to execute a pre-order agreement, commonly referred to as a Simple Agreement for Future Tokens (SAFT), which is an investment contract for the future delivery of tokens.

Token Availability, Allocation, Creation & Bonuses

Screenshot-2018-3-30 FAQs.png

CMCTs will have a fixed supply of two billion (2,000,000,000) tokens and be divisible to 8 decimal places.The total CMCTs will be divided into five lots as follows:
Pre-Sale CMCTs will be created after the completion of a successful ISRS4400 audit of the paid-in contributions during the pre-sale period. This will occur before April 28th, 2018.
Daily Public Sale Period CMTs will be created within 4 hours of the close of each daily period. there are bonuses for early contributors.
A 0.5x (50%) bonus will apply for all contributions received during the first 10 days of the public sale.

Token Pricing

The CMCT token price is set by the market.
It is calculated at the end of each sale period – i.e.,
• within 7 days of the end of the Pre-Sale Period; and
• within 4 hours of the end of each of the 390 daily Public Sale Periods.

Token Payment Methods

Crowd Machine’s preferred payment method is Ethereum (ETH). To buy ether: , We will accept Bitcoin (BTC) for the public sale.These contributions will be assessed in ETH at the time the transaction is confirmed by the relevant blockchain. The minimum purchase amount for the public sale is 0.1 ETH, or the equivalent in BTC. To participate in the Crowd Machine public token sale, you will need to have an ERC20 compatible wallet you control. There is nothing you can do, because exchange wallets often do not offer the ability to send ERC20 tokens. You can still get your tokens, but you must have your wallet’s private key to send the tokens.
Crowd Machine Tokens – Use of Proceeds
Sales receipts through the public token sale process will be used for:
• Sustaining engineering and feature enhancement of the Crowd App Studio, Crowd Share and Crowd Virtual Machine products
• Development of a global developer community
• Sales and marketing
• Product and community support
• Other normal business proceeds


All KYC data is end-to-end encrypted and is passed to our KYC vendor via an API.
documentation is required for ID verification A valid Driver’s License or Passport. Please review the privacy policy information located at –



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I've read few posts about Crowd Machine and yours surely is one of the better ones out there.

Im not sure if I understood it right. Correct me please if Im wrong.
Crowd Machine will provide developers with some sort of "templates" that can help create decentralized apps on blockchain?

Potential to use this tool in the future looks very promissing.

I know that you're taking part of @originalworks contest. Good luck to you :)

Obviously UPVOTED ! :)

Cheers, Piotr

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