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RE: Why we need blockchain-based MMOs

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

Hello Daniel. Thanks for taking the time to discuss this.

I didn't put any significant effort into attempting to find any flaws in the security model, but other than that caveat, yes I agree that the offchain channels idea does seem to achieve the scaling goal.

given that they can only annoy but not actually cheat others

I'm thinking they can position other orthogonal assets in the game faster while delaying other assets, thus leveraging the delaying tactic to cheat other players. I was thinking of a battle where one needs to bring in reinforcements, so one delays the battle while moving other assets relatively faster. The player can Sybil attack as necessary to avoid any attempts to delay all his assets.

There are a lot of very interesting applications even when restricted to turn-based games, like a decentralised chess tournament, trading-card game or a massively scalable reincarnation of Huntercoin, to name a few.

Maybe there are game types or scenarios within games where the channels approach is sound. I hadn't really put any effort yet into thinking about that.

The reason why the game-channels paper mentions sidechains is because the protocol it proposes has what can be seen as "private sidechains".

I'm not familiar with the consensus algorithm for your private sidechains. My analysis and intuition about side-chains:

By the way, I'm mainly interested in science and engineering myself and not a business person.

I'm more entrepreneurial and ideologically (concerned about top-down organization of civilization and the destruction periodically caused by it) focused, yet I'm also interested in research.

I'm interested in nerdy projects such as I would find it exciting to put MMORPG on a decentralized ledger. I'm very interested in projects that can make a significant impact on the world.

I think my age (52) also influences my interests more towards big impact projects and less interest in just learning, because I do not have much time remaining to make such accomplishment.

I'm interested in math, but my formal education in math ended at the level of Calculus III and Probability & Statistics Theory. I didn't take classes in number theory, algebraic geometry, etc.. Although my interest in these fields has been stimulated since roughly 2013 given their applicability to cryptography.

I'm also interested in contact and masculinity sports, such as barbel, boxing, american football, basketball, and running. I'm trying to rehabilitate my liver which is a mess after suffering from gut TB for apparently several years and not knowing what illness I had until January 2017. So at the moment, I am trying to battle bad health, older age (not so old but coupled with bad liver my energy level is often highly inadequate and actually thinking requires a lot of energy), and trying to organize a major project. I really need to find the best match of people to partner with.

At the moment, I am instituting a very intense sports training regimen and trying to kickstart my liver back to healthy. I am checking in on the laptop for a couple or few hours each day, trying to make some progress on organization and hoping to get back to fulltime work after another week or two of trying to willpower my body back to adequate health.

Note I'm writing the above personal details not only for you, but also for others who are reading.

So if you have indeed found a way to build a massively scalable, real-time distributed ledger that will "bombshell" all of the cryptocurrency space, I'm looking forward to it -- building on that instead of the current state-of-the-art would be good not least for Chimaera as well. So I'm awaiting your publication of the technical details how that will be accomplished -- so far, you only claim that you will be doing so, without describing any actual techniques that would give these claims credibility.

I actually have a private Gist (which I have publicly linked to) which provides some details and compares it to IOHK's Ouroboros, SPECTRE, Byteball, and explains (and cites research on) why proof-of-work and proof-of-stake will only be viable as oligarchies. I'm backing off on sharing that document for the moment, because I'm trying to get organized on how to raise some funds and organize a development team to accelerate my progress. The security model changes in my decentralized ledger proposal, but I claim it is somewhat better than Vitalik's summary of "weak subjectivity" due to the statistical nature of my proposal.

I've been very wary of the legality of ICOs and I want to propose a different structure for investment in this decentralized ledger project, which I think will be both legal and also not encumber the tokens of the ledger with securities regulations. In the following linked thread I shared some of my thoughts on the legality of ICOs (I'm there), and feel free to let me know if you think you or your team are interested in getting involved in my project:

You might find it informational to browse all the posts of at BCT, as there aren't that many and some of the posts explain some of my various insights such some of my analysis of proof-of-stake.

It would probably help raise funds if a team can be formed with some proven accomplishments in the blockchain arena. If I'm not mistaken, you're the original developer of Namecoin? I'm somewhat well known on BCT, yet I'm officially banned there:

Since that ban I was avoiding posting on BCT as a matter of principle, but recently found myself compelled to comment there especially w.r.t. to the recent ICO ban in China which I presciently blogged about here on Steemit before it occurred.

I want to get my project launched and provide decentralized replacements for Reddit and BCT asap, so I can remain true to my principles as expressed in the link above.

So I'm open to discussing collaboration with qualified and interested parties.

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