DATA blockchain - Powered by AI and P2P

in #blockchain6 years ago

What is DATA and what it does?

Day by day millions of mobile users are getting added to network and most of them or we can say almost all using internet services line online shopping, watching online video, social media usage and all. Which creates lot of opportunity for mobile advertising.
But all these adds are giving any benefits to end users? Also, advertisers getting lot of money? I don’t think so.

More than 40% of online ads traffic is bot traffic, which costs advertisers billions of dollars annually. Also, end users rarely or not at all get rewarded for viewing ads, most of the so called get paid for viewing add are mostly fake. And that’s the reason most of the users are blocking adds and skipping ads. Approx. 600 million devices/end users are currently using ad blocker, which decrease efficiency of the ecosystem.

What’s the solution for this issue? DATA blockchain can be the answer for this issue?

What is DATA and what it does?

DATA is a blockchain based digital data authentication protocol powered by Artificial Intelligence & P2P mobile storage infrastructure. DATA project’s main aim is to address the problem of this “Ad-Fraud”. “Ad-Fraud” is a term used by DATA team for this advertisement revenue theft.

DATA plans to ensure every participant in the ecosystem gets rewarded in one way or other.
But how its possible?
Well DATA platform going to apply a reward system which will give some returns to end users for viewing add while playing games or using online/internet services. This rewards system will encourage end users to view ads and not to block them. Every user will get rewards based on the ads they view. This will also increase revenue for publishers.

DATA will also create a system using AI, which will keep track of fake users as well as bot. More granular information will be collected and privately encrypted into a built-on peer to peer data storage for sharing across the network.

DATA platform and its tokens will serve as the backbone of the backchain based advertising infrastructure. DATA system will support micropayment where token can be used for purchasing. Publishers can redeem DATA tokens as currency in ad network, etc.

Mobile advertising is expected to grow to $240+ Billion from currently approx. $180 billion. DATA platform can boost to this fast growing market.

For more information on DATA, you can visit below sites.

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