Plastic Finance is a platform focused on plastic recycling systems.

in #blockchain3 years ago


Plastic waste is an environmental problem faced by the people of Indonesia and the world. ... The use of plastic products in an environmentally unfriendly way causes a variety of serious environmental problems. Plastic waste is not only a problem in cities, but also in the oceans.

What is Plastic Finance?
Plastic Finance is the first blockchain-based Plastic bank in Indonesia. Eradicate scavengers from poverty. Give access to bank loans to the poor through Defi. Plastic Finance will increase access to jobs, education, services and technology for many Indonesians. Also, help the government to achieve Green planning or ecological based budgeting through soil conservation. Clean the environment while profiting from it at the same time.

Plastic Finance aims to be a platform that will encourage people to be part of the plastic waste recycling system. Financing Plastics with DApps and DeFi democratizes the recycling system and makes it more profitable, enabling everyone to participate and be involved in plastic recycling.

Our mission

  • We promote a circular economy by improving recycling systems.
    Plastic Finance focuses on recycling plastic by increasing the productivity of scavengers. We do not disrupt the waste value chain; instead, we add value to the value chain to benefit all parties. In addition, we support a tree replanting program to remove carbon from CO2 pollution, further strengthening our commitment to a circular economy.

  • We empower the waste community so that they have a higher social status in society.
    Plastic Finance aims to empower the waste community. We focus on activities that will increase their self-esteem, which increases their productivity and well-being.

  • We democratize access to ESG investments
    Our efforts to enrich the recycling system and empower the waste community can be sustained and expanded with the help of the investment community. With DApps and DeFi, we are democratizing access for everyone to take part in the global mission of recycling and empowering

Plastic Finance Features
Plastic Finance is a platform focused on plastic recycling systems. By using a circular economy approach that benefits all parties, especially scavengers, Plastic Finance wants to present a platform that will empower the waste community, make them more prosperous and have a higher social status in society. But it doesn't stop at recycling, Plastic Finance also supports a tree replanting program in the area to reduce carbon dioxide pollution. But that's not all, there are several other features of Plastic Finance:

  • Transparency: By utilizing a tokenization system, it is easier for Plastic Finance to be able to make waste prices more transparent and accessible to everyone.

  • DeFi: Through various innovative DeFi features, it is possible for Plastic Finance to be able to create an economic system that can empower all participants involved.

  • Sustainability: By launching a native token, Plastic Finance can provide an investment model that allows anyone to join and invest, which will keep Plastic Finance sustainable.

  • IoT and Blockchain: By leveraging IoT and Blockchain, we can minimize errors and make the recycling process more efficient and organized.

  • Profit sharing:All transactions in the Plastic Finance ecosystem will be charged a transaction fee, later a small fee from the transaction will be distributed to token holders.

PLAS Exchange List
After the private sale, we will ensure that the $PLAS tokens are available for purchase by the general public through the Pre-Sale. And we will continue to be listed on both centralized and decentralized exchanges.

In the last 2 weeks We have been approached by some of the leading exchanges, glad that listing the public sale will not be as difficult as we had hoped, and rest assured, we will put a great focus on providing a liquid market for PLAS tokens from day one. In fact, we have provided 5% of the total supply of PLAS as a condition of the liquidity pool.

The private sale was just the beginning of our journey, after that, we had to dive deep into the real action of cleaning up Indonesia, uplifting underserved communities; waste scavengers, through DeFi and CO2 emission reductions.

We are proud to announce our private token sale, starting now. Investors will be selected based on a merit-based approach, focusing on the strategic value they bring to Plastic Finance, and more importantly sharpening Plastic Finance's Vision. We will compare investors based on; Crypto portfolio experience, troubleshooting handling, access to crypto exchangers and platform orientation.

We have also successfully distributed 11,800+ wallets to our airdrop program listed in the airdrop announcement. You can check transaction details here:

The main goal of our private token sale is to bring together key stakeholders and community members of the DeFi & Circular Economy ecosystem who can help expand the Plastics Finance network in a meaningful way by forming the basis for a healthy token economy.


  • Ticker: PLAS
  • Token type : BEP-20 MainNet
  • Token Address : 0xCe34caAEe0b691F8e4098DC31CC8818A1dCcF06A
  • Token Sale Address : 0x1800C25a3Ed60B41766B8EE94f40CE05A84407aB
  • Total Token Supply : 23,900,000 PLAS






Plastic is a material that is difficult to decompose, it takes hundreds of years for plastic to decompose, so to prevent plastic waste from piling up, scavengers or other organizations are sent to recycle plastic waste. But the problem is, the recyclers, especially the scavengers, do not get commensurate rewards for their work. And Plastic Finance is here as a platform that will empower the waste community. Plastic Finance works by becoming a platform that will promote a circular economy to improve recycling systems. By leveraging DeFi, it enables Plastic Finance to provide an ecosystem that can empower all participants, especially scavengers, enabling them to earn rewards appropriate to their work and enhance their status in society.

Detailed Information:

Author : Amild
Bitcointalk :;u=2583828
My BSC Wallet Address : 0xbf00577895715883E63C6694D33dA51b1cDEBDa8

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 57028.16
ETH 2358.36
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.40