
in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

Hello, dear friends!

I think, each of you at least once in your life faced with the need to get advice from a specialist. In matters of health, real estate, sports, personal self-development, it is recommended not to rely on your opinion, but to seek advice from an expert. And it is only natural that we want to know the specialist's view of the problem.

But for this you need to get it. The existing infrastructure, unfortunately, is not always convenient. For example, to visit a doctor you need to go to the clinic, to the trainer - to the gym, to the realtor - to the office. But why waste extra strength, time and money?

The On.Live platform will allow you to get consultations from specialists right from your home. The project team presented the development with a wide range of functions for organizing mass and individual broadcasts.
Description of the project
The goal of On.Live developers is to become one of the best companies in providing solutions in the field of video conferencing. The market is saturated now, but there are still a few technologies that use blockade. An extensive decentralized data network, as the creators of On.Live expect, will become a competitive advantage.

The On.Live platform will erase the border between people. Customers who were previously forced to travel to other cities to get advice from a highly qualified specialist will not do this now. They will launch On.Live, join the broadcast and find out everything they need right from home.

Through On.Live you can conduct free and paid airtime. In the first case, access to the broadcast is not limited - all are connected. When carrying out paid airtime, the viewer transfers the necessary amount of crypto currency to the organizer, and then receives a private link.

Two types of events are implemented in On.Live:
group - the lecturer simultaneously interacts with a large audience (you can not ask the author of the broadcast);
individual - one person gets access to the air, the lecturer answers all his questions.

Depending on the type of conversation, the broadcast organizer can charge a fee per minute or for the whole event at once.

What does On.Live provide? First of all, the expansion of the circle of clients. Previously, specialists could work only with customers from their city or region. Thanks to On.Live, they will expand the circle of persons they interact with, and increase revenues.

The second direction in which you can use On.Live - the organization of live broadcasts. Media holdings pay millions of dollars for organizing broadcasts from major political, cultural and sporting events. Using On.Live, any user with a good video camera can broadcast live from the scene. This will reduce the cost of organizing the broadcasts and will allow organizing them where there is no opportunity to install professional video equipment.

The On.Live platform needs the services of miners. The computing power is required for the verification of transactions. This can be done by watching streaming video. Thus, On.Live users get an opportunity not only to watch different videos, but also to earn money at the same time.

On.Live is a project that can conquer the whole world. The developers have a vision of how to promote the product in the US, Japan, Brazil, Russia and
Great Britain. In the future, On.Live will appear in other countries.
Advantages of Blockchain On.Live
The use of blocking technology opens unlimited possibilities for On.Live users.

Thanks to the block system, a peer-to-peer decentralized network is formed in the On.Live system. This means that no one has a decisive influence on the platform - all users are equal among themselves. Thus, the developers guarantee the observance of the interests of all participants. Event organizers receive a fee for video or audio conferences on time, and listeners get acquainted with relevant and useful information for them.

Also blocking allows members of On.Live to earn. Minutes are required to make token transfers to the system. Algorithm On.Live is such that the confirmation of transactions occurs when watching streaming video. And this means that users kill two birds with one stone: they look at interesting materials and earn a cryptocurrency at the same time.
ICO On.Live
By the way, about the cryptocurrency. Developers of On.Live conduct ICO and sell tokens to attract investments.

Crowdsdale will begin on March 11, 2018 and will end in a month, April 11.
The On.Live command
On.Live employs more than 15 specialists. There are specialists in blockade, marketing, business development, technical projects.

Key members of the team On.Live have experience in their fields of activity for more than 5 years. They are familiar with the latest achievements of the industries and are ready to apply them for the development of On.Live.
The On.Live project has good prospects. No one has yet proposed a blocking solution for organizing live broadcasts from anywhere in the world.

On.Live has an extensive user base. The benefits of using the platform can get anyone. This was because the team initially focused on a wide range of consumers and developed the product, taking into account the requests and desires of both content authors and those who pay for it.

We expect On.Live to become the market leader in the organization of video and audio broadcasts around the world.

Coin Marketplace

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TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 57800.38
ETH 3127.30
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.40