Review DataXchain Project. Features of the DataXchain project for users

In the digital age, we are surrounded by gadgets that collect information about us. About what we do, what we face, how we solve our problems and so on. On the other hand, we ourselves are looking for information to solve our current problems. Sometimes we pay money to find answers to your questions. It turns out that the Internet stores information that people are looking for and do not find. This problem is partially solved by companies such as Google and Yandex through their search engines. But they sell this information to corporations that sell their solutions to consumers. But the fact is that they are forced to sell this information, because its collection takes up considerable resources. In addition, this is one of the main models of monetization of these companies.
The DataXchain project has developed an algorithm for finding relevant information on the network. And created a solution for the mutually beneficial exchange of this information between Internet users. With the help of these technologies you can monetize your experience. And use the experience of other people for a small fee to solve their current problems. As a product, DataXchain is a service with which you can monetize your own information. With its information, you can give the property of intellectual value. This happens with the help of blockchain technology. How does data intellectualization occur? Any information has parameters. The text is the number of letters and sequence. And in the photos you can recognize objects, determine the location of the shooting by GPS, identify the persons present in the photo, and so on. The X-Labeler system does all this work. Then all this information is hashed and stored in chains of the blockchain. Now this information has acquired properties of material value. Then you can do with it accordingly. For the consumer information service provides a search engine. He brings in the necessary parameters and the system produces results that can be previewed. For full access it will be necessary to make a small payment with DXCT tokens, which are evenly distributed among all participants.

Token Name: DXCT
Standard: erc-20
Total number of tokens issued: 1 000 000 000 DXCT
The number of tokens allocated for sale: 730 000 000 DXCT
ICO start: September 8, 2018
End of ICO: December 9, 2018
Token price: 1 DXCT = 0.0003 ETH
Hard Cap: $ 30 000 000
For me personally, the DataXchain project seemed promising. Undoubtedly the platform deserves a closer look at it. The project has an idea with a clearly defined tokenomics and the role of blockchain technology in the product. The platform already has a demo version of the product. What is very important for such a technologically rich idea. And in general, everything looks pretty neat and no doubt. Let's hope that DataXchain will succeed in everything.

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