Review and analysis of ICO Wemark

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


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Each of us is a user of the Internet and social networks. Most of the content we consume is photos, videos, music, and the like. Also, there are those who directly create such content, for example photographers, musicians, filmmakers, graphic designers and artists. Such people understand how difficult it is to break through in this activity, when, in addition to the big competition on you, there is strong pressure from all sides. Monopolists who buy the work of contemporary artists often put forward conditions that are beneficial to them. But due to the fact that the client has almost no choice, he is forced to agree to them terms, in order to get at least a minimum income from his work. High prices for advertising, an abundance of competition and the availability of monopolistic sites lead to the fact that many people simply do not benefit from their favorite business, it simply does not pay off. As a result, the development of quality content slows down. If you ask a person what videohosting he knows, then most likely his answer will be "Youtube". And in reality the YouTube site is a complete monopoly in the field of video. There is also Vimeo, but this hosting is used by a small number of people. With the Youtube the situation is better. For the entire existence of this video hosting, its users have adapted to the specifics of its work and have learned how to monetize their work. But what to do with other giants of the market? GettyImages and ShutterStock are monopolists in their business. They buy the rights to images and photos in huge volumes, as a result of which other campaigns can not make them a competition. At the same time, cooperation with these giants is rarely beneficial for authors. This problem clearly needs a solution and it can be a development project called Wemark.

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The current infrastructure for the distribution of digital content is completely broken. As a result, people who create content receive only a fraction of the real value of their content and do not have the proper rights. The current marketplace is the most dominant, and on the other side, the creators remain practically with nothing. Therefore, a clear revision of the entire system is required.

Wemark is a special protocol based on blockchain technology, which will allow creating a unique platform for the placement and purchase of content. The main difference between Wemark and its counterparts is that the author of a photo or video himself exposes his rules and conditions for using his content. Accordingly, the price for the content itself will be determined personally by the author. This means that Wemark will not be an intermediary between the author and his acquirer, as in other companies.

Advantages of the project:

  • Decentralization. Thanks to the application of the technology blockchain project will not be influenced by specific individuals. Wemark will be regulated exclusively by its users, due to which it will always be relevant.

  • Support for authors. As noted above, Wemark will not have rights to content that will be placed on its site. All rights to the content will belong personally to the authors. This all contributes to better monetization for authors, which is a motivation for the further development of creativity.

  • Ease of use. Wemark will be a unique platform, where everyone can find the content he needs. Also, the client will contact directly with the author, which makes interaction with the project even more convenient.

ICO Terms and Conditions:

Name of the token: WMK
Standart: erc20
Total number of tokens released: 135 000 000 WMK
Number of tokens for sale: 51 300 000 WMK
Start Crowdsale: July 24, 2018
The price of the token: 1 WMK = 0.2 USD
Accepted payments: ETH
Minimum investment: will be announced before crowdsale starts
Soft Cap: $ 1,500,000
Hard Cap: $ 8,000,000

Road map:

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For content creators, there is a unique opportunity to determine their position on such platforms. This will allow content creators to become noticed and be interested in a quality work done, because their work will be judged in a fair way. The project has high ratings, and if you take into account that Hard Cap is only 8 million, the project has all the chances to quickly collect investments and subsequently make a good profit for investors.

The article is unique here - 100%


More information can be found here:

Website | Whitepaper | ANN Thread | Bounty Thread | Reddit | Facebook | Twitter | Telegram


Bitcointalk username: aleksvip15

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Thanks for rewiev!

Absolutely agree. Good idea

Great project, thanks for the review.

It is very good idea for me!

You know how to make good articles, signed up!

cool ICO !!! Thank you author

very nice project overview

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