Investors have problems with investments. Benefits for investors from owning SUQA coins

For a start, I will tell you briefly about the project itself, and then about the benefits of investing in it. SUQA is a new blockchain operating on a completely new X22i algorithm. Since the blockchain was launched relatively recently (less than 2 months), there is a certain excitement around it. The project was created by cryptocurrency enthusiasts who, using their own resources and means, reworked the source code of the Bitcoin blockchain and created their own SUQA. The project team, in order to attract public attention, implemented a reward script for all SUQA coin owners. To receive a reward, you need to download the cold wallet and freeze your coins for a certain period, while receiving 5% rewards per year, passively, without any documents and statements. Moreover, the first 3 months such a contribution can be made at 25% per annum.

No paperwork is needed - statements, opening accounts, documents. You make a deposit at 5% per annum for a maximum of 30 days (choose the term yourself). Then either you extend the period, or you withdraw the profit instead of the amount of the deposit. All coins are stored on your wallet and are not sent anywhere. The blockchain SUQA is 100% protected from hacker attacks, so you can be sure about the safety of your coins. As the value of a SUQA coin grows, your contribution automatically grows.

In fact, the benefits are vast. I don’t have enough time to list them all. Summing up, I want to give you advice - be sure to look at the project. Especially if you are a miner. As for the miners, the project really opens up broad opportunities to increase its capital. Moreover, the SUQA coin is promising and has good chances to enter the coinmarketcap top in the near future. I have it all. To understand the project below there will be links.

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