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RE: VC Market Is Not Reserved Only For Angel Investors Anymore

in #blockchain6 years ago

Most 'angel' investors fail which is why the SEC has guidelines. To be a good angel investor you need access to deal flow because investing in 1 startup will not yield much unless the company blows up or gets acquired. The chances of picking a "unicorn" your first time is slim to none, but if you do many angel investments you increase your chances greatly. Many factors are involved when assessing investments. Personal referrals are the best way to find solid opportunities. This is how Venture Capital works. Startups want angel investors who bring more to the table than money. Social capital is just as important because the startup needs connections and more angels who can help them beyond money.

Investing in "advanced technologies" that you speak of like biotechnology is not a good idea for an angel investor unless they have serious money, know the space, market and most importantly the team. At the end of the day, investments are based on people, not ideas. This is the number #1 factor in deciding on which investments to make. Betting on the wrong people with a "great idea" is like standing ontop of the highest building in the world and dumping a suitcase of money onto the street. You will never see that money again. Biotech requires a ton of capital. If an angel investor puts money in early, their shares get diluted during every new round of investment if they don't want to keep participating in future rounds. Biotech will need several institutional rounds if they hope to have a nice exit or go public.

Anyway, I have 2 questions regarding EQUI...

If "A project will be listed on EQUI only if it successfully completes the extensive validation process that is done by the dedicated team members of the EQUI. This step assures the investors that only projects that really have a growth potential will be added to the EQUI platform."

How is growth potential determined?

If EQUI doesn't know the team how can they approve (vouch) for their ability do what they set out to do... ie. execute? Are you doing interviews? Are you checking references?

I am asking because when I look at ICO's and white papers, I do research on the Team. The way reads it sounds like your EQUI tokens are securities. I will look at the website. Thanks for sharing.


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