in #blockchain6 years ago



Welcome my dear readers and subscribers. Today we will discuss an exceptionally intriguing project known as GSC. The point of the projet is to an opportunity for experts with quality assets, security lockout technology and compelling smart protocols. This will consider economies of scale for aviation players by improving the inventory network all in all.

GSC Aviation will execute blockchain technology to guarantee the perfect discernibility of gear from its creation to its goal, just as the arranged out of date quality of this hardware, to spare time for Aeronautics experts. To wrap things up, lessen the danger of plane crashes because of mechanical disappointments.

Platform Features

  • Investigation: The proceeded with development of the air Navigation area, joined with the conventional way to deal with production network the executives, is keeping down industry members. There are new innovative solutions that can give supply chains and rearrange company forms

  • Scrupulous complaint: They have confidence in the developmental potential that blockchain can accommodate following subtleties, coordinations and purchaser forms. The GSC platform will expand security and diminish costs in the flying store network part.


Platform Structure

  • Snappy inquiry: Because of the inquiry module, the GSC flying platform enables you to discover providers close you. On account of the rating system with a recorded web search tool, the most prominent suppliers show up in your outcomes.

  • Brought together delicate: As indicated by your necessities and administrations, select your preferred providers and characterizing criteria and make a call to delicate in a couple of snaps.

  • Improved discovery: Definite ID cards put away in the database enable you to rapidly get to the data of every provider.

  • Standard and viable following of providers: The GSC platform furnishes every client with posting data about the provider and their joint participation. This technical and simple to-utilize instrument for the purchaser enables them to spare time and spotlight on vital buys and higher esteem included assignments for their company.

To control heritage hardware data is put away and secured inside the unit Blockcain aeronautics GSC. Blockchain can inform its MRO, Airlines and CAMO clients of the checks and tests to be performed on each part. The perceivability of this data likewise enables us to foresee the requesting of a section toward the finish of the building and, therefore, to accomplish a productive look for ideal states of procurement.

GSC Aviation's Blockchain technology is utilized to store and secure the whole life cycle of flight parts. From generation to establishment of the air ship, through General examinations, fixes or real fixes in the workshop, you can counsel with every one of the methodology performed. With Blockchain technology and ideal discernibility of aviation parts, air ship are safer and traveler and team safety is improved.

Whitepaper. On the website anybody can peruse the white paper of the task in English. The connection will be at the base of the article.

Meet The Team

The team is undertaking serious task and there is data about the developers and consultants of the task, appended connections to linkedin, so on the off chance that you need you can peruse in detail with every individual from the group.

For more information about the project, follow the links below;

Website -
Whitepaper -
Telegram -

Writers Info
Bounty0x username: Kingmykky

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 58058.49
ETH 2284.09
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51