IONChain: A new Internet of thing(IOT) solution platform + Edge computing based built on blockchain technology

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


IONChain Table of Content

1.0 Introduction

  • 1.01 Lack of data security and privacy
  • 1.02 Shackles of cloud computing architecture.
  • 1.03 Lack of interopability

2.0 Why IONChain

  • 2.1 IONChain Vision and aim
  • 2.1.0 One Device, Once Coin, One Code
  • 2.1.1 Internet of thing infrasture project IONChain aiming to fix

3.0 IONChain Keyclaims

4.0 IONChain Project in Details overview.
- Disruption of internet of thing using edge computing
- Interplanetary file system.

5.0 Overall Technical Architecture

  • 5.1 Value Generation Process (IONChain)
  • 5.1.1 Value Generation
  • 5.1.2 Value verification
  • 5.1.3 Value Evaluation
  • 5.1.4 Value confirmation

5.2 Value transfer process (IONChain)

  • 5.2.1 Service layer
  • 5.2.2 Application layer
  • 5.2.3 IONChain protocol layer
  • 5.2.4 Smart contract layer
  • 5.2.5 Blockchain layer

6.0 Economic Model

  • 6.1 IONChain token
  • 6.2 IONC token distribution

7.0 Application & use case

  • 7.1 Application and use case in phone communication
  • 7.2 Application and use case in dAPP

8.0 Conclusion



In the decentralized blockchain operated, there have been the cases of several emergence of cryptocurrencies, no sooner or later blockchain network will become a mainstream which will make the internet of value collaborative with many emerging technologies in different industries. The internet of value will play the role of gateway and bridges to internet futures that will serves as an inevitable extension to the internet and most especially in the security area which will concern the safety of data’s being collected by devices.
IONChain is focused on solving many range of problem that exist in the world of the internet of things that mostly consist of data security, data collection, data circulation, data sharing and most especially transactions data. However, IONChain aim at making it easier for internet of things application to boost the industry in order to bring a next level development.

1.0 Introduction
Internet of things.jpg

In the same way internet create possibility of reaching the global communication using smart devices so also the internet of things has widely brought integration through intelligence and identification technology.
However the internet of things (IOT) “has been named the 3rd wave of global information technology after the computer and internet. IOT is vastly expanding the range of possible internet application”


Though the IOT network is key component of a new generation of information technology but it lack perfection because it face some major challenges that stands has a weak point for it. Here are some major challenges. They include:

1.0.1 Lack of data security and privacy

Though the data security has stands has a major threat to blockchain since its existence.

security pics.jpg
Due to the fact that internet of things(IOT) gathers the data of both businesses and individual. This make it very easy and possible using the data to trace activities of both businesses and individual.

1.0.2 Shackles of cloud computing architecture

Cloud computing recently is now the mainstream of internet of things industries,

so the internet of things network which mostly tend to be built on cloud computing most times ensure delay in several execution and also ensure slow in response to the control end.

1.0.3 Lack of Interoperability platforms

“This create a situation where real data sharing is just an empty talk

without it being traced and circulated, it become very difficult to extract the real value of it and realize it potentials”


While the Internet of things is facing these issues that has brought up the lack of cross device compatibility and its standardization on how it operate. There is only one term with solution to this, that tend at unifying the system that will enable them to truly be part of our everyday live. Here comes IONChain!!

Use case Experience

Using a land phone in my house to connect my business associates, it makes it easier for me to stay connected with them at any point of time but the case always comes up where ‘as my communication with my other business associates do leak and most time got calls from an unknown people threatening me about my business. I became confuse, due to the fact that I always give my associates some confidential information that could lead to my data and transactions through calls. There is 95% evidence to become worry because my :

  • Data security has been breach that could have cause a leakage of my information to third parties
  • Data has been circulated around many fraudsters individual or groups
  • My transitions data is no more at a safe hand

Al I should be expecting now is a breach to may data but not until I found IONChainwhere my land phones is connected to me only using smart lock and my devices connected to IONChain can be programmed to execute actions dependent on the data received from other IONChain connected devices.

2.0 Why IONChain?

What is IONChain ?
iON CAIN.jpg

IONChain is a platform which is based on the Internet of things(IOT) infrastructure that tend to make communication parameters of all device over its infrastructure(IOT) work together by standardizing the way in which their data’s are interpreted.

IONChainBuilt on:
A non profit foundation which is founded in Singapore early 2018

2.1 IONChain Vision and aim

IONChain is visualize at unifying our smart device technology implementing them as “One Device, One coin, One code” that will enable them to truly become a part of us and our everyday lives.
IONChain intend to structure this using internet of things(IOT) infrastructures project to aim at solving issue of:

  • Data security
  • Data circulation
  • Data sharing
  • Data transactions

2.1.0 One Device, One coin, One code

This vision of One device, One coin, One code that IONChain is aiming at is to put a stops to the barrier off communication from different type of device that will enable them to work together as one using a universal standard via a decentralized architecture on the blockchain technology that will serve as an edge computing applications.

one device.gif

This will make all devices which is connected to the internet of things network be a miner to each other. This system will actually be used to calculate the precise reward from the data volume, time, space etc. “The long term vision is to partner with global manufacturer and physically embed IDcodes into all smart devices” :This will act as an identifier on the IONChain network allowing devices to be unique, secure and standardized”


“this will be coupled with IONChainsoftware in the form of data conversion, data processing, data packaging tools and nodes for their IOT backbones”

2.1 Internet of Thing Infrastructure project IONChain aimed to fix

Though the internet of thing(IOT) project is faced by many challenges mentioned above(introduction) and these problems has brought many issues of lack of cross device compatibility and has put an edge to it being standardized. IONChain aim at fixing issue like:

Data Security

That has led to:

  • Many of the Internets of thing industries being attacked by hackers who seek to bring the system down.
  • Many of this industries could not withstand the security attacks so they were being forced to shut down

Data Circulation

That has led to:

  • Many of the Internets of thing industries had their asset been stolen through seizure due to the leak and circulation of data to public and hackers.

Data Sharing

That has led to:

  • Many internet of thing industries data being manipulated through the process of sharing of data among business or individuals.

Data transaction

That has led to:

  • Many internet of things industries transaction data being visible to public that could eventually led to stolen of funds and assets of the business or individual by the hackers.
    IONChainis the decentralized solution to these problems by them increasing the security and the ability to integrate devices globally.


3.0 IONChain Keyclaims

Security, Device integration

As it is now the market is a very large one and through finding it is expected that 1289.9 Billion USD will be invested into internet of things by the tie 2020 and numbers of device configured with the internet of thing software is also expected to grow to the range of 30Billions within time frame. The issue of security is one major concern in the industries. Only if this case is been solved that it can become a story of success. So to achieve this the team of IONChain is a decentralized solution that intend to use the advanced knowledge of its operational depth, by putting a longstanding commitment to compliance which will serve has a hallmark and solution to increasing security and at the same time using its network bandwidth to integrate device globally in other to make many real-time applications feasible.

4.0 IONChainProject

In details overview IONChainmain functionalities. IONChain aim at making communication parameters on all devices over the internet of things network the same regardless of device used.

Main features

Disruption of Internet of thing using Edge computing

Edge computing is a platform used to integrate network what data generated is stored instead of a centralized data processing warehouse.
The Edge computing serves as a bridge between the physical entities and industrial connection it is proven that the traditional cloud computing architecture cannot provide the real time response requested in many application scenarios.


So using the edge computing in industrial internet of things and other areas of it is will therefore decrease the network feedback latency that will enable user to improve experience and expanding many users scenarios. The Edge computing technology solve the internet of things industries problem of privacy and improve data security. With complete data security compatibility of design can be achieved.

Interplanetary File System

One contradicting issue faced by the internet of thing is the contradiction between datablock volume and transaction sped. IONChain intend to tackle this problem and created a solution by establishing the interplanetary file system (IPFS) which is used for the purpose of tackling transaction seed without compromising access of relevant data by distributing storage over multiple devices. This will make the tampering and access of relevant data by restricted user difficult to reach in the fact the IONChain is ensured by the combined computing power of all mining devices in the system. The separation of storage and transaction will solve the data size and therefore increase the transaction speed.


5.0 Overall technical Architecture

IONChain in its effort is improve the internet of things, they applies a unique IONIZATION algorithms in order to meet the requirement of the internet of things industry. The IONIZATION algorithms is put up from the formation of ions where atom or molecule acquires negative charges by gaining or loosing of electrons to form ions. As for the blockchain the process of IONIZATION comes as a process where value creation and value transfer are combined and separating the value reaction layer and the transfer layer.
IONChain make use of the IONIZATION algorithm that made its possible for every internet of things (IOT) device become a mining machine that allow it to constantly create value. However the value created is dependent on the device type and function. The IONIZATION algorithms used by IONChain separated value creation and value transfer.
Therefore, after separation is been made a participant of the IONChain ecosystem can exchange value free through the value transfer layer. This allow combination of best of both the blockchain and Edge computing.

5.1 Value Generation Process

IONChain successfully created a value generation, and this generation is basically divided to four layer section of system architecture and they include:

  • Value generation
  • Value verification
  • Value evaluation
  • Value confirmation

5.5.1 Value Generation

This process encompasses of the internet of things (IOT) and the Edge computing center whereby the information which include (manufacturer information, device identification and some other related informations) are being processes and stored in device which is encrypted with zero knowledge proof algorithm and being converted to a standard format in other to pass through the value of verification upon completion of generation.

5.1.2 Value Verification

This is a process that is similar based on every transaction perform in a day to day activities on the blockchain technologies. The internet of things (IOT) device is been required to complete value verification upon the completion of value generation. If this process is failed to be completed, generation fails also.

5.1.3 Value Evaluation

This process pops up after there is completion in value verification. It is a joint process which is to be completed by relevant parties IONChain system setup the layer in order for protection so as to counter malicious attack such as double spending etc.

5.1.4 Value Confirmation

This is the process, where verification of value is been confirmed and information is passed based on value transfer. Therefore, after this, the value is then presented officially on the IONChain ecosystem in form of a digital currency.

5.2 Value Transfer Process

IONChain process of value transfer is broadly divided into six layers in its system architecture and they are listed below:

  • Service layer
  • Application layer
  • Smart contract layer
  • Blockchain layer
  • Data storage layer
  • IONChain protocol layer

5.1.2 Service Layer

Is an abstraction on internal module used by IONChain , it adopt the binary based GPRC protocol. It service is currently available only for internal component.

5.2.2 Application Layer

It is the users interface on the IONChain ecosystem. It provides REST API interface which is based on HTTP protocol, the device request for access to IONchain through the application layer.

5.2.3 IONChain Protocol Layer

It provides a unified access which includes consensus protocol, network protocol, currency swap and more. IONChain is able to provide external service.

5.2.4 Smart contract layer Read whitepaper
5.2.5 Blockchain layer Read whitepaper


6.0 Economic model

6.1 IONChain token

On the ecosystem of IONChain there is an official token they used is called the IONC. The -- IONC is a token being utilize by different participant.

  • The IONC users can determine using a consensus mechanism to deceive whether there should be a re-issue of IONC token based on the amount of co-chain devices, amount of data processed and its level of abundance to the ecosystem.
  • IONC token is the only authorized cryptocurrency that bind together all the participant on the IONChain ecosystem.
  • IONC are distributed as reward to users in exchange for the access their internet of things (IOT) devices and data.
  • The longer the IONC token is hold on business entities the chances of getting elected as an IONChain council member.
    IONC token is used as compensation for cost of running data search, statistic smart contract analysis.

6.2 IONC Token distribution

The IONChain platform issue its own system token:
Total supply of 10NC is: 800 million



7.0 Application & Use case

7.1 Application and use case in phone communication


A phone communication is always observed when two or more parties are involved in communication

whereby information are passed across.
Situation occur whereby phone calls are tracked unknowingly for caller, a vital information might been passed, if hacked the information has been leaked.
And this could eventually lead to loss of data been stolen by the backing parties.

Use case

Sarah is a business associate, she makes most of her business through her landline phone to other customer, unfortunately her information and data she and her business associate intend sharing leaked and it led to her losing most of her fund and assets.
But, lately a friend of her told her about IONChain then in effort of continuity of her business she held on to IONChain and her security was assured. She has nothing to worry about.

7.2 Application and User case in dApps development


dAPP is a open source application that is built on blockchain technology.

At current, there is difficulty in developing application but 10Nchain intend on helping built internet of thing device from different manufacturer and industries that is plethora to dAPPS and facilitating different device.

Use case

John is an application developer using internet of thing, he heard about the usefulness of dAPP but on researching for it, he found about the difficulties and got discourage.
On finding IONChain , his dream of building dAPP on the internet of thing got rejuvenated, he found out about the security of IONChain on the internet of things. With this he started building apps with high performance and security.

8.0 Conclusion

IONChain intention on the internet of thing will be of something of great important, whereas the issue of security and privacy will be improve on every acquire device registered on the IONChain . It will be of great value to many blockchain technology sector such as dAPP deployment, transaction, and all internet of thing modes.




These teams are made of perfection and knowledgeable individuals who are highly experience in the blockchain field and they think of none other thing than to make an improvement to get the best internet of thing values.




More Information & Resources:

IONChain Website
IONChain Whitepaper
IONChain Twitter
IONChain Youtube
IONChain Medium
IONChain Linkdin

You can search more of their information from other resources



Twitter Link



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