HeartBit - State Of The Art ECG Powered Blockchain

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

HeartBit - Project Introduction

The World Health Organization (WHO) has described a person's health as his/her state of complete mental, physical and social well-being. Contrary to many misconceptions that claims a good state of health is merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

The presence of diseases is, however, a sign of an unhealthy person. A disease according to Wikipedia is an abnormal condition or a disorder of structure or function of a living organism that negatively affects a specific part or the entirety of that living organism.

Diseases have been a reality of human beings since we came into existence and diseases have continued to be the leading cause of deaths. Among the so many diseases that befall humans, cardiovascular diseases CVD are the leading causes of death globally. CVD is a disease class which involves the heart and/or blood vessels. Some most common types if CVD are heart attacks and angina.

In this article, I will be introducing a decentralized platform and ecosystem that has been created to solve the problems attached to the effective diagnosis, treatment and the financial impacts of cardiovascular diseases as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The platform is called HEARTBIT.

What Is HeartBit?

HeartBit is a decentralized ecosystem, platform built on the blockchain and through the use of revolutionary technologies has been integrated with state of the art ECG monitoring devices to monitor heart health both in its state of rest, recovery and physical activities.

The Existing Problems

Risk Of Heart Diseases

There is always a risk of heart diseases for every person alive and this varies a lot between different individuals. According to an article on heart.org, The risk factors for heart diseases can be broadly classified into 3 which are; 

  • Major risk factors
  • Modifiable risk factors
  • Contributing risk factors

Some major risk factors like age increase and hereditary cannot be changed, but other risk factors like nutrition, blood cholesterol, physical activity, weight, and blood pressure can be managed effectively to prevent heart diseases.

Managing this risk factors is the tricky part because they vary with every individual and we have to rely on fitness trackers and other similar devices in order to monitor our physical conditions. This leads to the second problem explained below.

Existing Fitness Trackers and It's Over-Simplistic Nature

There is a very big market for fitness tracking devices currently been used worldwide. These devices come in different forms, from the physical stand-alone devices to sensors embedded in mobile phones and other similar devices recording and delivering health data for each user. The problem however is, these devices are glorified heart rate monitors and are incapable of monitoring, recording, interpreting, analyzing ECG information tailored to every specific user and their behavioral patterns.

The idea behind the existing fitness devices is right, but the technology and concept are lacking and there is a need to dig deeper into user health data in order to be able to catch potential health challenges and diseases early.

The Innovative HeartBit Solution

HeartBit is providing the innovative means of tracking, recording, and analysis through its devices. The HeartBit device is more than just a fitness device and it is the world's first wireless, medical grade ECG device.

The HeartBit device beats the existing fitness trackers by miles because this device is not only capable of recording fitness data but will provide full ECG information of its user at several points of activities during their daily lives. This HeartBit device is integrated with Artificial Intelligence technology which will make it possible to recognize patterns, analyze them and deliver in-depth data and analysis to the user. The HeartBit device through its superior technology is also capable of discovering when the risks of a cardiovascular disease or disorder are high and promptly alerts the user.

More information about the real-time monitoring and reporting of ECG information can be found in the project Whitepaper.

The HeartBit platform has been built on the blockchain and by using this technology as the infrastructure, HeartBit is able to securely store people's user data with the encryption if the blockchain eliminating risks of hacks and data leaks as well as giving the users complete control over their data. With total control over their data, people can utilize it however they deem fit either it is for personal tracking, sharing with their doctors or for insurance purposes.


The HeartBit decentralized platform is revolutionary and is different from the average Blockchain project because it tackles the problem at the source by providing the actual physical devices. To read more about the project, download the whitepaper from the link below and also join the official social media communities.

Official Contacts

Website: https://token.theheartbit.com

Telegram: https://t.me/heartbit_official

White paper: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TtJqy593UTSGUXS7UFETNgrFh1SiXC4e

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Heartbit-177918886251324/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/theheartbit

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5K6gXCiHsZHCF4yh-jcISg/

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Disclaimer: Kindly note that the contents of this article are not an investment advice and should in no way be used for that purpose.

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Thank you.


Health is wealth, therefore any blockchain that focuses on the health of the people has my heart already. The fact that the HeartBit device can provide full ECG information of its user at several points of activities during their daily lives is super awesome. Great review you've done here.

Health truly is wealth and this is a game changing fitness device through the blockchain delivering ECG information to users ensuring the users have indepth accurate data without having to visit the doctors constantly for check ups.

A well drafted and professionally written review. I would look into the whitepaper to know more about this project

I recommend that you do your thorough research on this project by downloading the whitepaper and joining the official communities

A device to monitor our full cardio properties during our normal daily routines sounds amazing.. I like the project concept. Good review

The platform is nothing short of amazing @raymondavid i think heartbit will be a pace setter for fitness devices and their usability

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i love the concept; an obvious solution to a pending issue.
Nice write up dear; keep it up!

Thank you very much @verapeach for the feedback.
The project has a very awesome concept

At last we have a project that is aimed at helping out in cardio related issues; will look into the white paper.
Thanks for the information

Cardiovascular health is a very important issue and a platform aimed at reducing the possibility of cardio vascular diseases is a great innovation

I like the concept behind the project, I will go through the whitepaper to have more understanding of the project.

Great that you find that this is a great project. Kindly make more research on your own.

I like the concept behind the project, I will go through the whitepaper to have more understanding of the project.

Great article.....blockchain in healthcare juat goes to show how soon massive adoption will occur. Great initiative from heartbit.

The massive adoption of blockchain is here and its time to join the moving train