DAV Network - Everyone Can Play A Part

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

DAV Network Brings A True Sense Of Community

The true sense of community, service and contribution to a cause that is not only for financial benefits but also to serve others. This is something some people have had to make career choices to achieve, but that shouldn't be the case. Service to others is definitely a thing the blockchain is capable of providing.

A blockchain project like Shivom promotes this sense of community in which everyone contributes their genomic data to a platform where it can potentially be used to save millions of lives, and they will equally be rewarded for it. The same can be said of DAV network.

For all the talk of decentralization and breaking free from the present way of things, a lot of projects have focused more on the monetary aspect of rewards distribution and not so much on this distribution of control.

DAV network and the transportation solution it provides is not just about to create another type of monopoly for business giants but to create a new order of things where everyone can play a part, and equally benefit. The open source nature of the network means anyone can enlist there services, resources or skills on the platform, anyone on the network can provide services from infrastructures like charging stations, docking bay, car wash, repair shops, parking spaces to providing insurance services and much more.

Some of the services that can be provided in the DAV community are:

  • Vehicles
  • Infrastructure
  • Maintenance Services
  • AV Manufacturing
  • Developers services

Example Use Case:

Mr. James just started an auto workshop business where he offers different services like replacement of vehicle parts, repair, diagnostics among others. He is well experienced and capable of working on both mechanical and electrical cars. 

Here are a few of the challenges Mr. James's business currently faces

  • A small customer base due to more popular workshops in town
  • Far-flung from business areas where he purchases spare parts and supplies for the vehicles he works on
  • Long bus rides back to the workshop for his apprentice after delivering a car to a client's home

Mr. James decides to adopt the DAV network and by doing so he is able to enlist his services on the network, thus 

  • He opens up his business to a new customer base to work for and earn DAV tokens, a customer base which is managed and controlled fairly by a smart contract.
  • He is able to use this DAV tokens in payment for autonomous drone services which is tasked with delivering the supplies and spare parts needed for his work, saving time and money
  • When his apprentice does deliver the mechanical cars back to their customer, he/she can save time wasted on long bus rides by renting an autonomous car to take him back to the workshop

By adopting the DAV network ecosystem, Mr. James can play a part in providing transportation solutions to his community and also get rewarded with DAV tokens for his services.

The DAV network achieves fairness of services by using a smart contract to decide who gets to provide any service requested on the network and decisions are based on proper information like the type of service needed, the type of AV in need of the service, proximity of the AV to the service location and more. Human factors like favoritism and bias are hereby eliminated from the system.

Other Example Use Cases; 

Recharging Services: When a recharging service is needed by a drone, the smart contract directs it to the closest, unoccupied and suitable drone charging service and not the one, that is occupied or meant for a car. The owner of the charging station gets payment, monitored by the smart contract for the service provided. 

DAV network is able to shift the paradigm from the norm where the big companies own the cars, the gas stations, taxi services, or auto repair shops etc. On the DAV network, everyone is given the same equal opportunity to provide service to the community and also get paid with DAV tokens, equally according to the services rendered.

Disaster Relief: In the wake of a disaster like earthquake, landslides or others, in which the roads leading to the affected areas have been destroyed, disaster relief agencies can hire the services of autonomous drones  to carry out airdrops of food and supplies in the time it takes before help can reach those areas. 

Ideally a lot of manpower and money will be needed for this relief practices as helicopters would have been used, but DAV, in this case, helps to save manpower, time and money.

Risk management services like insurance can also be offered on the network in a data-driven way to insure DAVs and parcels, the parties offering this service will be paid accordingly using DAV tokens. DAV tokens are earned from contribution to the community and can be spent on renting AVs, paying for service provided or traded for other cryptocurrency or fiat.

DAV is combining a good blend of two innovative technologies in the form of Blockchain and Autonomous Vehicles and recognizes that the best way a network like this is going to reach its full potential is when it is fully decentralized giving it the room for expansion that only comes with the community playing a vital role in the network.

Visit the official links below for more information about the project and the token sale event.

Official Contacts

Website: https://dav.network/

Bitcointalk [ANN]: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2614017.0

Whitepaper:  https://dav.network/whitepaper.pdf

Telegram:  https://t.me/DAVNetwork

Reddit:  https://www.reddit.com/r/DAVNetwork/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DAVNetworkTeam

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DavNetwork

Medium:  https://medium.com/davnetwork

YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPuAOygDwCiLOdLosiQJJ1w

Github: https://github.com/DAVFoundation

Connect with me on bitcointalk here>>

My Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1556229 

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Thank you.


Sigue Adelante amigo, Muy Buenos Tus POTS , SALUDOS!

Wow.....this article is nicely articulated kudos to you and the project is definitey going to be a disruptive one.. I will keep an eye and put some few bucks on this for sure.

i think so too, DAV is another one in my honest opinion.
keep it up @adekogbe i follow you very closely
i have not seen your business analysis for this project, aint you gonna write one?

thank you @megababa the most exciting part of this project for me is that, it brings to life a technology that has been long due. it relates directly to the world audience. this is a technology that we previously seen only in science fiction. DAV is going to be great

Haii steemit friends thank you for the news and information may be always successful friends in steemit development. For me there is science where every where as long as we are convinced that it is a science of gratitude steemit friend for this very useful information and news

Thank you, friend, i always aim to provide the best ICO projects in a very simple and understandable manner for everyone to understand.

Hola amigo, bien interesante tu artículo. Llamó mi atención lo que sería la verdadera decentralización de oportunidades para dar servicio. Porque así se agilizan los servicios y no los acapara una sola persona o compañía ya que están disponibles por igual a todos los que dan servicio. Tomando como referencia el ejemplo del taller. En la realidad vemos como talleres están abarrotados de vehículos alargándose el periodo de entrega, mientras que otros también de buena calidad tienen muy pocos. Y como al final los toquen se traducen en dinero, todos salen favorecidos. Excelente. Voy a informarme más sobre DAV network.

@henryblonco gracias amigo. Esta es una de las mejores respuestas que he recibido en un proyecto que he revisado.
Creo que el ejemplo del taller es muy relevante, muchos talleres muy buenos carecen de clientes para llevar adelante su negocio y otros con la misma capacidad están sobrecargados de automóviles.
Este es un problema que se extiende a muchas empresas, algunas tiendas no pueden entregar productos a sus clientes debido al costo, mientras que otras tiendas tienen muchos clientes que atender.
El problema de la ubicación y el transporte es uno al que la red DAV abordará directamente y creo firmemente que el proyecto tendrá éxito.
Únase al grupo de telegramas de proyectos y al sitio web para obtener más información sobre el proyecto. Además, el canal de YouTube tiene muchos videos increíbles, así que compruébelo. aclamaciones

@henryblonco thank you friend. This is one of the best answers I have received in a project that I have reviewed.
I think the example of the workshop is very relevant, many very good workshops lack customers to carry out their business and others with the same capacity are overloaded with cars.
This is a problem that extends to many companies, some stores can not deliver products to their customers due to cost, while other stores have many customers to serve.
The problem of location and transport is one that the DAV network will address directly and I firmly believe that the project will succeed.
Join the project's telegrams group and the website to get more information about the project. In addition, the YouTube channel for many incredible videos, so check it out. cheers

Hola amigo, bien interesante tu artículo. Llamó mi atención lo que sería la verdadera decentralización de oportunidades para dar servicio. Porque así se agilizan los servicios y no los acapara una sola persona o compañía ya que están disponibles por igual a todos los que dan servicio. Tomando como referencia el ejemplo del taller. En la realidad vemos como talleres están abarrotados de vehículos alargándose el periodo de entrega, mientras que otros también de buena calidad tienen muy pocos. Y como al final los toquen se traducen en dinero, todos salen favorecidos. Excelente. Voy a informarme más sobre DAV network.

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