Need Web Developer and Manager for or Create a better system for both bitcoins and altcoins for

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

I have $100 allocated for this first step. Id lie to give it to someone who can build a working model of this website I registered that will allow people to find someone to uy or sell their STEEM or other altcoins to! The Steem to cash pipeline will be HUGE ! but I want to cash in on the exchanges of ALL altcoins for dollars, paypal, venmo, ec and vica versa... should be simple enough to setup in the next few days to the next few weeks. I feel like this idea will sell itself and if we just get it off the ground we can make so much, and I will share the profits with you if you help me create it! if anyone is looking for something potentially huge to be apart of from the actual ground up, brick and morter status, then please comment below. If you are serious and think you can do this, please remember you will get paid more as I make more and more money. I should be driving for rideshare like lyft or uber soon once I pass my BG check and then i will have a constant source of income to actually pay you more than the $100 I have saved up and set aside for this projects beginning phase!

I simply need someone to work with me for some money but also a share in this company, a large share, if they can help me setup a clone of the website or if you know of a better system where we can offer to buy and sell altcoins like ripple steller and steem for CASH for a small fee, and allow others to list their ads

At first however I would like to simply setup the site to offer a Local option where people can either put up ads OR we find someone in every major city to work for us and sell and buy altcoins for cash or BTC and allow them to make money with us, and the website will also offer an online option to just pay us with paypal of venmo or put cash on a prepaid card etc to send us money to allow you to buy altcoins like ripple steller steem.....OR to sell us your altcoins, youd send the coins to us and we can either deposit cash into a bank account, send money paypal or venmo, or we can load up netspend cards or gift cards and give you the codes....all sorts of ways to do this...

but just imagine either a clone that allows you to buy or sell bitcoins and all altcoins...maybe just escrow with bitcoin and no escrow system for altcoins

or we just dont use escrow and we use another system ...we just have people go through a centralized authority who you must send cash to first to get your altcoins like steem or ripple, and vica versa

I think we can do this ! If youre looking for a longterm project to do on your spare time, where you can have a 25percent stake in the company along with me and 2 others, and if you have free time and wanna be apart of something that can be huge andactually be equal partners, this is your project! I am looking for someone to do most of the web development work, while I handle everything else, so i just need someone who can either clone localbitcoins system, or use an existing type of platform maybe free and open source, to allow for matching up buyers and sellers locally and a section for non local so you can buy and sell with all the methods on localbitcoins like allowing people to send paypal of venmo or use their credit cards in order to pay us so we can send them steem or ripple or whatever altcoin they want and we should also offer bitcoins too...

i want something better cleaner more simple than localbitcoins

Remember, I have a $100 bounty ready for whoever can create and link up the website fully working and linked to my 1and1 domain account where I have webspace and the domain ready. Must tallk with me about the requirements first 619 302 0398 [email protected]

Like I said, we can skip all the localbitcoin cloning stuff, and just make something maybe that allows someone to register and verify their phone and identity ...and then operate with ratings and create ads ....

I will just be one of those ads for San Diego and we will get people in every city to signup to work for us in a franchise model...we give them the customers and they give us a small tiny cut of their profits....

we can make a system based on trust or where the altcoin dealers pay a flat monthly rte to post depending on how much they sell?

If you want to help me come up with the way this website can work, i can also give you more of a stake and a little more pay if you do a little work for me in this project..I want to invest as little as we need, and use human capital and cheap labor from our big steemit labor pool to get this done . I would like to be working on this mysellf but I realize there are people I can pay who can always do a better job than me...there is always someone out there who can do the job better than yourself!

So I need someone who can help me with both Vision for the business model who already understand where I am going with this idea that I already registered and I need someone who can actually develop the webpage and build the working model that people can use to setup a deal to buy or sell altcoins for cash (and bitcoins, no reason why we shouldnt have bitcoins and altcoins...maybe we can even offer a much better rate than localbitcoins

Contact here or if you cant comment have no steemit account etc, contact me here, text first, 619 302 0398 or email me [email protected]

Thanks and i really think working within steemit is the way to go as we all have our own wallets and can send and receive crypto easier than any other crypto currency wallet or app or program period!

Remember, I WILL have more money to pay you , more than the initial $100 IF you can actually build what we discuss and get it up and running allowing people to buy and sell altcoins on my 1and1 webspace and then youll get paid and we can talk about more payments from the money Ill be paid by uberlyft, as hopefully next couple of days I should pass my background check, as I only have one small blemish on my record from when I as opiate addict and not clean like i am now, small misdemeanor possession of controlled substance from 3 years ago and it made my background check say "consider" which just means they have to check out and make sure I dont have violent or sketchy identity theft stuff, I only told you all this because I believe in being honest, and you could find that out if you ran a background check on me anyway so its best i clear it up now. And so once i am driving lyft Ill be able to set aside a few hundred dollars a week maybe for the project! IF its looking promising but I really think it can become successful working off localbitcoins proven business model, and you will get a share of the action! I will count you in on the profits so you will actually feel like you need to put your heart into it! I want you to be building something with me that you also want to succeed as youll be getting part of the profits tooo! I wanna give you a quarter share or stake in the company, giving you the rights to a quarter of whatever profits we make after overhead costs of course. remember just text 619 302 0398 or email [email protected] or comment below but still bestto email me or text so i see it! Thanks! And remember we are gonna make alot of money together and I will even share the profit with steemiter friends of mine if I make it big! And ill giive steemiters a special deal on teh site! To allow them to cash out their steem for CASH at SPOT! Imagine how BIG that wuld be for steemit if there was a localaltcoin representative in every city that woul let you sell steem to them for cash! Then steemiters wouldnt need the bitcoin middleman! And i believe many steemiters would LOVE the option to trade their steem for cash localy in person OR to trade their steem for Paypal Venmo or a Netspend pepaid card or bank deposit!This will be huge if we just build it right ! we shoudl really get a skelaton version up soon so people can at least make ads and offer to sell and buy altcoins (and btc) for a small fee for cash !


interesting... I hope you will find the solutions... good luck

That's a lot of work.

yes I know but I feel projects this are what we need to be ddoig instead of just speculating and trying to amke easy money! Look at all teh work they out into Poloniex and look how sucesful they are just off trading fees! $200,000 a day in trading fees all in crypto so they are making so much money! If you Build it they will come!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.28
TRX 0.11
JST 0.030
BTC 67646.69
ETH 3790.48
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.50