What if You Lose All Your Work ?

in #blockchain-blogger7 years ago (edited)


Over the past eleven months, I have thought a lot about building a legacy. And we all know that building a Legacy in your field Involves you creating art and sharing It with people whether via text or Images. I have operated with this mindset for a long time now

One of the most fulfilling thing for me about my blog that it signifies a sort of portfolio for me. I can create something that will remain on the Steem Blockchain for perpetuity. I recently received a comment from a post I made some Months back, so this means that someone somewhere was able to stumble upon a post of mine that I have forgotten all about

But is that truly the case ? Is our work living testimonies that displays our uniqueness in perpetuity

There is a shocking revelation that comes when you realize that things eventually expire, they may look so flashy and marvelous now but they will always phase out

The few number of times I have scrolled down my blog to read my very old posts, I was amazed by the quality of my old content. I even have signs of doubt that I was the one that wrote those posts. An this is because those have a quality and arrangement that seems strange to me


I discover that my content have greatly Improved over time and this is not something that I am consciously aware of. The updating nature of the Steemit blog sees older post being pushed down your blog. If someone is really Interested in your work they may scroll all the way down and read your old posts but that rarely happens

Another normal but sometime annoying occurrence is which of your work trends, you cannot always predict how well a post will do. There are some post I want to really do well because I know that it will be very valuable for anyone who reads it. The major way for a post to get engagement on Steemit is through a high pending payout

There is always an element of Luck to this, and the posts that goes viral are mostly not your favorite ones. I have written a powerful post that made $5 and I have written a not so powerful one that made $50. Does it mean that I worked 10x harder on the second one ?. The fact that people may have loved it does not make it 10x better than the second one.

I am not saying that I am no longer interested in creating a Legacy. I am even more desirous of that than before, but I am considering a new of perception when It comes to my work


It will just be like the Etch-a-Sketch, those little boards where you can sketch anything you want on, but it is also easier to erase anything you have created. There is no way to save or preserve your work on the board

Following this perception will make you you put in your best everyday, and not rely on past glory. There is always that reluctance to write another post when the previous one did very well, because there is that Inside nagging feeling that the next one will not be as good.

When you work with the Etch-a-Sketch model , you see each new day and work as another opportunity to deliver value. There are no archives when It comes to this and nothing like a bidy of work

The Question is; How will you make today count ?

Thanks For Reading

Image Source: Pexels and Google Images

Follow @ogochukwu


Great thoughts and inspiring too. I recently got in to a bit of a rut and have stopped posting for awhile. All we can do is to do our best, take action, grow, get better, and keep on going. Thank you!

Thanks for reading @beauknows

There is nothing wrong with taking a break, It is necessary sometimes for clarity sake.


Sometimes we surprise our selves in our capabilities and knowledge. Someone once asked what if you wake up and lose all your memories would you still be you? Memories are what made us who we are. If we happen to lose all of it they'd be a new you that would then be you. What if we lose all the work? A new beginning, you'd start from scratch again. It may be tougher or easier (if you use the experience gathered so far in the last foray) to make a success of the new endeavor.

I think the only way to make your day count is to be the best of you. Using my sibling's favorite saying, "Perform as if you are on stage for a $1m audition, give it all you've got. Even if you fail, at least, you've given it your best and the audience watching would give you a resounding applause." As dramatic as it sounds, at least the message is passed; give the best of you. Gracias.

"Perform as if you are on stage for a $1m audition, give it all you've got. Even if you fail, at least, you've given it your best and the audience watching would give you a resounding applause."

Thanks for this powerful comment. it has been a while. You really dug deep for this today.

I sometime wonder how it will be building a Steemit blog from scratch. Will it be easier or harder ?

Though I will be finding that out very soon, though it will not be on Steemit.

Have a Nice day .


If you do not think much about it, it won't be hard. I tend to go overboard on topics that I liked. Lol.

I can relate to what you have written here. I have tried our various formats and styles and I am still looking for what works best.

I have made a decision though. I recently reassessed how I write and decided I need to up my quality. For a little while I was pumping out posts but I have reduced the pace with a focus on making each new post my best one yet. For me Steemit has been a journey where I have been learning how to blog as well as a journey of self discovery where i am finding my voice at the same time.

Thanks for reading and sharing your Insights @eroche

I feel you on reading your old posts and questioning if you wrote it! I was actually scrolling through mine yesterday and discovered 1300+ people read it!

Although my last post isn’t doin the numbers I know it can, I’m sure if I keep pumping out the quality more and more people will notice!

Great post again ogo! Might have to start my mornings off by reading them haha always get me in a good mood!

Thanks for reading and I am glad that my posts gives you a daily dose of Inspiration .

This also fuels me to bring more value to the Table.


Legacy is often a hard thing to measure as it has different meanings and values for different individuals.

I have a friend who views his legacy as his company that he wants to leave to his kids in hopes it will withstand the time and be something they leave to their kids and so on.

I have other people I know who view their legacy as the impact they have had on other people’s lives directly by what they have done. From inventing something new to reducing human suffering in other countries.

I even know a guy once who told me his legacy was going be what was written on his gravestone. What was it? I don’t recall it was late and I never happened to run into that person online ever again.

Most of the people I know view their legacy as having kids and passing down what it means to them to be a good person.

For myself. I don’t see much of a legacy being created or left when I leave this planet. I’m just here to enjoy the ride.

Thanks for dropping by and dropping an awesome comment @enjar.

It's been a while, nice to see you back.

The truth is that we all have our views on Legacy , the most Important thing is to Live a Life that makes people like you as a Human being

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