We Need You To Lead Us

in #blockchain-blogger7 years ago (edited)


Have you taken the Lead here on Steemit ?

The earlier you realize that your Steemit blog is your Domain on this Platofrm the better for you. Most Steemians see their blogs as a Place to churn out anything that comes to their mind

One of the most powerful thing in the blogsphere is building authority around what you talk about. When you become an Authority, your words gain weight and respect. And most may give the popular i don't have a Niche excuse, well if you don't have a Niche, be known for something

There are Steemians who don't have a Niche but they have ended up Inspiring a lot of Steemians and they have also helped bring the community together


Variables For Success

Passion is the greatest Variable of Impact, if you don't have passion for what you do, you will not make Impact, there are a lot of people who are not good with text, but spend all day cracking their Brain on how to write a killer blog post

I say this because I see a lot of designers on Steemit who are being caught by @cheetah for Plagiarism why they are supposed to create content from what they know how to do best. If you are a designer on Steemit, consider going into Comics that are tailored for the Steem Blockchain

I am yet to see a full blown Comic blogger on Steemit apart from @mynameisbrian. And you don't have to be fancy about It, just make sure that your work evoke any emotion you want it to do perfectly

Steemit challenges the Status quo when it comes to Social Media sites, so i believe that the work produced there should challenge the Status quo in their respective fields. We should not give room to Spam and Watered down Content.

You should know that you are building a Legacy for yourself and the state of that Legacy is one that will be viewed by Generations to come on this Platform

People are always yearning for change and they talk about things that are Interesting and relevant not boring and irrelevant things.


Content, Content, Content

The only way you can take the lead is by content. I see a lot of people who make noise on Discord of how things should be, but their Steemit blogs is nothing to write home about

Words are powerful and if you feel that it is time for something to change then use your blog as a place to broadcast your thoughts. Anyone who wants to Interact with you can only do it effectively on your blog. That is where a lot of people can voice out their thoughts on a Particular matter

As a General you don't Lead an Army to War from the Barracks, you are meant to take them out to the Battle field.

It is your blog that people can guage your Passion to know how real you are about the Change you want to see. It is in your blog that you can Create the kind of Culture you want through content

It is your blog that Inter Tribal communication can take place, people who believe in your causse can easily voice their opinion and also connect with each other

It is through your blog that you will communicate your VIsion for the Future

Thanks for Reading

Image Source: Pexels.com

Follow @ogochukwu


Hey @ogochukwu, thanks for another inspiring piece from your well of knowledge. I agree with you...a person's blog is like his home. If he wants to receive important visitors then he/she must pimp up the home to become what an important guest would be comfortable hanging around.

Many people underestimate the power of their words. If we can't streamline our thoughts then the words too will be disorganized. And when the words on the blog are disorganized, then we should naturally expect disorganized visitors. *For like attracts like.

Steemit challenges the Status quo when it comes to Social Media sites, so i believe that the work produced there should challenge the Status quo in their respective fields.

Yeah! We all must look for innovative ways to leap ahead instead of doing what everyone else is doing.

Thanks for sharing bro!



Hello @nairadaddy

You just totally won my heart with this comment.

Thanks for reading and remain awesome.


Content, content, content... to build a legacy for oneself - beautifully put!

Thanks for reading

I am deeply honoured by the resteem.


Wise words to finish my day with.
Be the change you want to see.
Go out and make it happen.
You are right, thank you for encouraging me!

Thanks for reading @maxinpower

Take control, lead. Get blogging and produce quality contents. There is no dearth of upvoter's yet, just dearth of quality contents. True words. Straight to the point. Zero fluff. Just the way I like it.

Hello @greenrun

There is no dearth of upvoter's yet, just dearth of quality contents.

This is a quote I will be using in the future.


It's the truth. Curie working round the clock looking for quality contents. A job getting harder by the day.

Thanks for your advice. We are going to follow it. I mean those of us that will heed your advice.


Lolz @seyiodus

Thanks for reading.


I am to the point type of person. For people like us its very difficult to play with words like u did in the post.

Really good one

Thanks for reading @barter

I have had lots of practice with words .


I do not believe that civilization will be wiped out in a war fought with the atomic bomb. Perhaps two-thirds of the people of the earth will be killed.

- Albert Einstein

The only thing that will be wiped out is your reputation if you keep spamming post with quotes.

It will not come from my end though


Lolx. You just finished the oldman's career on steemit!

Hello @ogochukwu,

This speaks to me. I once believed that I needed to become a niche writer to excel here, and I am slowly learning that this is not the case at all. People enjoy connecting with those who have experience and share their joys in a passionate manner. As you say with taking lead, our voices are what we have here, so expressing our thoughts and opinions to have our voices heard is paramount!

As always, thank you for your insightful post,
<3 shello

Thanks for reading and for your thoughtful contribution @shello


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