The Importance Of Content Marketing And Common Mistakes Steemians Make


It was another wildly productive week for the Blockchain Blogger series, I shared two powerful posts last week

There are a lot of changes in the Steemit communities and we owe it to ourselves to constantly increase our knowledege base as time goes on

The first post of last week was : How To Overcome Your Fears And Blog About Your Business

Content marketing is where you create content that makes people realise the value your product or service offers, the number one commodity online is attention and it is getting aboundant on Steemit as the day goes by

Anyone that runs a business should be talking about it online, but it should be done in a smart way, you should not go round spamming peoples comment section with spam messages, the smart way to go about it is to create content worth reading that highlights the value proposition your provide

The post also addressed the number one thing that keeps people from blogging about their business which is the fear of criticism

I got some great feedback from readers who shared their thoughts on what the post is talking about

@greenrun said : I always wondered at the thumb downs some video garner at YouTube. I always wonder the type of people giving it the thumbs down. But then I remember, that a celebrity once said even bad publicity is a good one. Because the moment people stopped talking about you that your career is over.

So, it's a win if you get 100 likes and 20 thumb downs. It shows you have 120 people viewing your video! That's a good thing if you ask me. Business blogging is cool. You can mix business blogging with normal blogging. That's the good thing about it. You don't really have to go exclusive on it.

Even most Youtubers mix their business with the entertainment they do. They usually end a video with buy X to support our channel. I guess with time we would see more business blogs on steemit. As always nice writeup.

@jotmax said : Business blogger. Smart ideas ogochukwu. Youtube is a great idea. Its also a good idea to have a domain of yours like to document your brilliant ideas and link your videos. That way, your brand,is not only creating value for people. You'll also be giving yourself a face. I learned one key thing which is not to care about criticism.


The second post of the week was : 5 Costly Blogging Mistakes That Kills Your Blog

I talked about common mistakes that bloggers make in the second post of the week, majority of
steemians are not conversant with the nuances of blogging and they tend to make mistakes

I talked about mistakes ranging from blog neglect, arrogance and over promising with headers and under delivering with watered down content

@shello said : Great advice @ogochukwu! Participation is key, and I feel as bloggers it's our duty to provide great content and feedback to our followers. One thing that I'm working on is improving on my formatting and how I explain my content. Easing up on the words a little.

I want my followers to stay and grow, so I need to pay attention to make sure what I provide for them is good

@gunneresq : Indeed. I thing the strongest of points you made here is that of the arrogant writers, who feel that the fact that they get comment on their work is due to their awesomeness.

Humans are creatures of habit, any overtine when such writers have formed the habit of not commenting, then the commentators will form the habit of neglecting.

Thank you all for reading, this week promises to be interesting as I will be addresing some pressing issues on Steemit

Thanks to Steemains like @modernpastor, @greenrun, @stellabelle, @enjar, @progressivechef, @aksinya, @gunneresq and a whole lot of others for their constant support, have a lovely day and a blissful week ahead

Follow @ogochukwu


Thanks for the info would definitely be interested in using these skills for upcoming events maybe I could message you sometime to have you look over some ideas. Keep them coming!

Hello @kouba01

Thanks for reading, you can reach me anytime on Steemit chat @Ogochukwu

Nice one boss. Ride on. We following happily. ✌️

Thanks for your constant engagement

Thanks boss

Thanks to you @ogochukwu. I appreciate all your efforts. Happy sunday too.

I didnt get the call for the Jersey sunday again.

Sorry I totally forgot . Thanks for reading

Simplicity in your posts makes me skways want to come back to read them. Thank you for the info on "business should be talking about it online".

Thanks for your feedback @turpsy. I appreciate

ride on preacher...

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