So You Can't Write ? . Here Are The Fundamentals Of Attention Winning On Steemit

in #blockchain-blogger6 years ago (edited)


Many Steemians don't see themselves as writers. And some have concluded that quality content is for only those who are great writers

So cultivating that discipline of writing posts regularily to engage the community can be an uphill task. Especially those who are not in love with the English language.

The popular path being taken by some steemians is hiring freelancers to write for them outside Steemit and publish the post on their blog. @aksinya told the story of how she discovered Steemit it was through a Steemian who paid her around $5 per article.

She decided to Google a title of the post she wrote for the man out of curiousity and she ended up on his Steemit Blog she also discovered that he made considerably more than what he was paying her per post

Now It is not everyone that have the Steem Power or Curation Trailing to earn back such expense. I also believe that there is a level of authenticity that can be achieved by creating your content by yourself

The truth is that we all have what we do in the real world and it is okay to talk about it. The key is to put your expertise in words and create a connection with your audience


Niche ??

When the word Niche is spoken all what some people see is an Imprisonment behind a particular topic. Niche can be anything that you care to talk about or do.

When it comes to attention grabbing online there are a lot of things you can do. Lewis Hilsenteger makes a living by reviwing gadgets like phones. His Unbox Theraphy series is popular on Youtube and Twitter

Topics to write on are numerous. You can choose to write guides for Steemians like @ilyastarar. Content in the case of guides can be built around questions which Steemians ask all the time

And the fact is that even if you don't know what to write often write less and comment more this will help you build relationships and even make the money you desire @taskmaster4450 made a post of how made $230 in a week with just comments and he also made friends along the way

There are few people on Steemit who mkae up to that amount in a week


Standing Out ??

It is no news by now that Steemit is a crowded place, but like I always tell people, the more crowded Steemit becomes the more easy it becomes to standout. There are a lot of people who are shooting themselves in the foot nust to get rewards and when you show yourself to be remarkable you will easily seperate yourself from the rest

Now when it comes to standing out there are different ways you can do that. I have already talked about commenting. When it come to comments make sure to drop something worth replying

Majority of the comments made on Stemit daily is spam and investing 3-5 minutes to write a good comment can help you earn more than a post will ever help you earn

Another way to standout is how you brand yourself, there are subtle things you can do that may seem irrelevant but will help you gain attention. I have seen some repulsive things in my short time on this platform. A medical student choose to use a cadaver(dead body) as his cover image.

That alone made me want to throw up coupled with the fact that his content needs massive improvement. A nice blog design will help you a lot and if you don't want anything fancy using a solid colour like I did still goes a long way in making your blog look different

Another Impotant factor is consistency. I try my best to post everyday and that is because i consider my blog to be an integral part of my life. It is where I lend my voice to the world and I do my best to transmit daily

Consistency goes beyond making posts. Writing thoughtful comments consistently will go a long way in improving the worth of your presence . People like to be heard and when you engage with them they will do the same for you

Thanks For Reading

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Great piece as always @ogochukwu. I too feel the strain of the word "niche" as I have somewhat fallen into that. I primarily write about basketball and the NBA, but I do have a wide range of interests and do want to write about other things. I've noticed that oftentimes, my non-basketball related content gets far fewer upvotes and earns far less. Not that there is anything wrong with earning less, it's just a little disheartening and I feel like I have already pigeon-holed myself into being a "sports writer" when I have other aspirations as well.

I believe people just like sports and sometimes wished I was into that.

It all depends on how you positioned yourself and also how you make the transition. Up until this year I was know as the personal branding guy but this year I started writing more about the Blockchain.

And I made people to familarize with the content from the aspect of how they are preparing themselves for the Blockchain.


Personally I'm not much of a writer, each time I write it's usually not long and it might not drag much attention but the day I decided to write something from my life experience I couldn't even believe I could write something that long and since then I tend to write more about myself since that is where I'm strongest. So in other words for those who think they can't write, it's because they haven't really searched their selves to know where their writing "spirit" is, so to say.
The English language is another barrier cuz majority of Nigerians don't like reading books and novels to improve their vocabulary, I'm a student and we know ourselves, I'm also working on my reading and I think everyone should if you intend to be good writer.
In terms of consistency, I'm a university student and it's not easy for us to write everyday cuz we have tons of school work to do but I still believe Timing and planning is the key to consistency even though it's hard but we can do it.

Commenting is also very important for those who find it hard to compose articles, after my boss @destinysaid thought us how to draw attention on Steemit by commenting, it's been really helpful for me, sometimes the upvotes I get from commenting I don't get them from 2 of my posts combined, so commenting is the best way to start building your audience on Steemit.
So that's my own contribution for those of us who intend to be good writers.

Thanks for sharing @ogochukwu

Amazing feedback as usual @kingeazi . Keep it up

Thanks man!😊

Wow, I never knew comments could give you that much. I'd heed your advice and stick to a niche, I've really been struggling on the niche to follow. I hope I find one soon enough.

Hello @vwovwe

Don't be in a hurry to find a niche just take you time and interact with the community over time you will find things that you can easily write about. I started my Steemit journey by writing short stories.


Thank you for the advice. I'd do just that

I agree with you and enjoyed your post.
Thanks for helping others.

Thanks for reading @rebeccabe

Good advice @ogochukwu. And nicely explained and illustrated.

I imagine that is much easier for a blogger if they can find their niche. I have problems with this because I like everything. It is hard to find a niche if you cannot be consistent within it.

Thanks for reading @matthewtiii

Well said. You touched a lot of points, but might i add that making ip to 29 comments daily will go a long way.

I have some people's posts i just have to commenr daily cos they write a lot of sense. Then there ars those posts of strangers that jumo at you and you find yourself commenting.

In all, commenting is a lot of fun and you could make money along the way too.

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