Have You Compared Your Blog With That Of Others Lately ?


Bloggers are often people who have taken out the time to work on a project those around them feel is a waste of time. I remeber January this year when I started my Steemit Journey. It was a very lonely road, I tried without success to make people around me see the Importance of joining Steemit

All my pleas and explanations fell on deaf ears, to them I was the guy who always went around with a Laptop, some even hinted I was up to no good online, now months later my consistency and Hardwork is paying off, the people who once criticized me have finally seen the importance of joining Steemit

There is one hitch however that is crippling them all and it is also one thing that is very prevalent on this platoform for as long as I can remember



We as bloggers are often driven , focused and very consistent woth pushing out content, we are also experts at comparing our blog with that of others. When someone posts are doing better that ours we often get that feeling that we are falling behind

The truth is that if you want to go down the comparism lane, Blogging provides you with a lot of metrics to compare your blog with that of others, number of followers, post earnings, number of comments etc.

Comparism is not a habit that is restricted to blogging alone, it is a prevalent Human Trait, we do it all the time whether knowingly or unknowingly.

And it goes both ways, upwards and downwards. We compare downwards to feel better and upwards to feel worse

We compare ourselves with people are doing better than to feel good, but you have to know that although you may feel better for a while, that will not help you achieve your goals. Every good thing you desire to happen comes fro taking action

When it comes to achieving your goals, whether it is here on Steemit or in real life, you have to do more than compare, looking out for others you are better than, you have to work and I assure you that the joy you get from accomplishing something beats the one you get from finding out those you are better than


The real morale killer however is comparing upwards. When you consistently look at people who you consider superior to you in any way or field it can derail you and make you lose morale to work on your own goals

The real way to approach this however is to let the person achievement serve as a dose of motivation for you. If the person could do It than you ahive that too. When you adopt this mentality, those people become more like role models for you and their every achivement will inspire you, this will also eliminate negative energy and also make it easier for you to approach them for advice if necessary

Another thing is for you to be totally in love with what you do, this will enable you to be heads down in your work and give you less time to sit and compare yourself with others.

You have to be more like a racehorse. A racehorse does not look at other horses in the race with it. It focuses straight ahead and keeps galloping toowards the finishing line. So you have to be clear about your goals and start running towards it. Everyone is running a different race

Another thing is that you should not compare your begining with someone else's middle. You should not expect to earn the same on post with someone else who was here months before you.

You have to know that those you see as successful had their own struggles which they overcame with time. There is no smooth ride to success. No one is Immunue to failures and greatness is also not exclusive, you just need to have the right outlook

Thanks For Reading

Image Source: Pexels.com

Follow @ogochukwu


Thank you
This just what i needed to read right now. I was feeling discouraged and saw your vote on my photo Emerald Ocean came here and... remembered i love what i do! Thank you very much!

Thanks for reading @rossfletcher and I am glad that I was able to help you gain Clarity

Thank you!
You turned my day around completely... how can i say this? I don't want to be crude or materialistic, but even one vote - and it was more - and seeing a bit of money...well it made me happy! I'm going to keep at it and try to be helpful to others if i can, even if it's only in a small way


I definitely try to have tunnel vision when looking at other's blog so my creativity stays intact, but there are a few authors, including yourself that I always take something from.

Like your article about building an army last week, or the phrase you mentioned on discord about how "cream always rises". You never know what will spark your next idea, so I try and keep my eyes slightly open haha

Great article as always ogo!


Spot on @waphilip Looking forward to the next episode of the Minnows Playground

That comparison could be a moral killer, I do my thing. This is not a race. Everyone should move at their own pace and strength. Follow your passion and it'd lead you to the land of flowing milk and honey :)

and by ''follow your passion'' he means to have fun, post things you like and find interesting and at the same time check out other people you may consider amazing and interact with them!

Yes, I agree with that line of reasoning.

Thanks for your added thoughts @greeneun

You rock. Carry on.

@ogochukwu well I never compared my blog i guess

Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Wise old man!

It is just natural to do comparison to other successful people on Steemit.
If you do a healthy comparison,you can grow .

@ogochukwu i followed you please help me a little bit with steemit.. :)

I have been comparing my work ethics with yours and I see that I have to do better at how often I post. It is like a daily thing for you, and you try to publish important information always. Keep it up, my Naija brother.

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