A Mixed Pot Of Life, Business And The Future

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We have come to the end of another wildly productive week, I say wildly because I managed to keep my schedule of writing at least one post a day and it makes me happy that I was able to pull it off with the other tasks I have in hand

Even with that I still believe that I am not running at my full capacity, I got a new engagement last week here on Steemit that promises to be awesome, I will give more details on that as things unfold

Steemit is an ecosystem of Humans and if you know what that means you will have a unique experience and build genuine relationship that is not predicated on anything else but value. Building relationships based on Upvote power will not help you. You have to see the bigger picture

The First post of last week was titled: The Blockchain And Africa : The Need For Collaboration

This post was partly inspired by something that happened in the Nigerian Cryptocurrency community outside Steemit. There is a new breed of companies that are coming up who fail to see the value of the Open Source Movement that the Blockchain is meant to thrive on

Competition will never pay off in this space, if the Blockchain is to achieve mass and fast adoption in Africa then there is a need for collaboration. Like I said in the post ;

One of us cannot be smarter than all of us

The following are comments from readers

@ralphsam said

The schooling of Blockchain and its advantages in Africa would be easier if the issue of education was tackled a long time ago. How many youths really know what the value of our currency represents in the foreign market?

Besides computer appreciation is another topic of its own before we even start talk Blockchain. If the few fortunate youths in the Blockchain succeed we would see a new dawn in Africa.

@steemcaster said

This is quite thoughtful of you @ogochukwu, blockchain solutions for Africa ought to be a hot topic amongst her 'leaders', aggressively seeking for ways to reduce the statistics of the unbanked whose exclusion from mainstream finance hampers growth and development.

I'll be glad to contribute towards this idea. Nice one

The second post of the week was titled: On Work And Life: Why Your Critics Are Not The Ones Who Matter

In this post I talked about a major thing that have turned up to be a stumbling block to a lot of people and that is Criticism. The post talked about how to overcome and use criticism as an advantage if you are a creator

The following are comments from readers

@stahlberg said

There's a misconception that criticism is bad. It's not, it's the lifeblood of improving. (Of course it has to be aimed at the work itself, not at the person.)

Many artists are out there right now, BEGGING for crits, for any kind of feedback. Cheerleaders make us feel warm and successful, but it could be an illusion. Critics make us grow. The harsher and more truthful, the more we grow. Of course it's painful, and most people would prefer to avoid pain.

For this reason there's the "Sandwich" method of criticism - start your feedback with something good, then do all the real criticism (keeping it constructive of course), and finally end with another positive point.

@enjar said

It is impossible to grow as a writer, artist, or just a creative person if all you do is nothing. These kinds of skills are like everything else in life you need to practice and hone them in.

I just go into things knowing no matter what someone out there is going hate it. People have such false notion that they are going be “popular” and “loved” by all. Some people become so addicted to these “needs” they have that they dress, talk, and act in a manner they deem will make them look “popular” and “loved.”

I have noticed many people have such fears on Steemit and they also let trying to be “perfect” get the best of themselves. You look and see they have 0 blogs o maybe they have one or two and that is all. I try my best to tell them things like “start off with an intro post and be yourself.”

For the most part, unless you are going out of your way to offend and anger people off they tend to just go to the next blog then pass on their criticism.

The third post of the wee was titled From The Television To Social Media : Why You Need To Master The Art Of Story Telling

Attention is a very valuable thing, it is the most important commodity that you need online to excel, but there are a lot of mistakes people make when trying to earn it

We have moved from an era when attention is given to an era when it has to be earned and it can only be earned by bringing value

The following are comments from readers

@steemfluencer said

Story telling as a profession will never die, because businesses will always need someone to tell the stories of their brands and products.

I'm happy to see a fellow understanding the power behind a well told story.

@arinzechukwu said

Context is queen.

This word is bae. Just like you like pointed out, there are many eyes yet limited attention cos of time maximization.

The power of "good" comments never ceases to amaze me on social medias both here other platforms, its simply impactful to meaningfully contribute to other peoples work,it doesn't just add to them, it adds to you.

Context is queen.... Thanks for this.


The fourth post of the week was titled Understanding The Business Model Of Jesus

In this post I talked about the the business model Jesus applied during his earthly ministry and how thise principles can help us in running a good business that will make Impact

The following are comments from readers

@ralphsam said

So much to learn from bros J, no wonder he said "give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar and unto God what belongs to God" he knew that some christians would definitely turn the bible to suite themselves.

There is time for everything, time for church and time for work do jot infringe on your because you went for tarry night (who send you) then you sleeping in the office or coming to work late.

@barrister-batman said

Makes you wonder if Jesus low key wanted us to realise this "business model" @ogochukwu 😁

I love the parts about figuring out the problemw and making sure you have the expertise. I feel those are the most important things, and they work concurrently. You can't have one without the other, otherwise you'll still be building a mansion with sand.

I wonder what kind of daily devotion you were doing that led to this revelation, lol.

Well done.

The fifth post of the week was titled : On Influence And Adaptation: The Power Of Adaptation

This post talked about the Importance of adaptation in every thing you do and any situation you find yourself In.It also shed more light with an example on the Importance of adaptation in everyday life

The following are comments from readers

@edumurphy said

"Adaptation, improvisation ... but your weakness is not your technique."

Adaptation is a state of mind. If one holds on to the desired principles, values and goals then adjustments of method will naturally occur, like someone moving north but having to go east and west now and then to dodge mudholes and dangerous forests. The adjustments will resemble detours but the destination will be the one targeted.

The problem arises from when one is determined to follow one path, when one clings so tightly because they have grown so attached to that they crash straight through the forest and the mud and all the obstacles directly in front of them till they bleed to death halfway there.

They end up never reaching the goal because they refuse to adapt their methods of reaching that goal.

Like if Amazon had insisted on selling only books. They'd be out of business by now.

@loftee said

After reading your post I wonder about everyone's life.

Everyone seeks for stability in their life and work, but change is the utmost truth.Then when they start to get comfortable in their life and work, change comes and they name it as troubles.

We should always be ready for changes and adapt to them instead of avoiding them.

A very wonderful post. Thank you.

The last post of the week was titled : Paradise Turned Wasteland: On Social Media And Why You Need Solitude To Grow

This post addressed a major issue that we all are facing with social media. More and more people are rising to talk about the dangers that social Media in the lives of the upcoming generation

Even Mark Zuckerberg thr founder of Facebook admitted early this year that Facebook was broken

The Following are comments from readers

@cccreative said

As somebody who shunned social media for a long time and has come to it late I can see the benefits but I'm amazed at how addictive checking for notifications is and I can see how it can consume you.

I agree that it is essential to balance this with real human interactions. Steemit as a platform is so much more rewarding because of the genuine nature of the interactions but there has to be a balance between the online and offline worlds.

@ejemai said

I think the introduction of Steemit into our lives has helped us see the beauty in being a truly participatory platform where there are no fakes or desperate cultures.

The realness of a thing will surely impact those who engage with it.

That is all for last week, as we enter the new stay tuned for more posts on the life and times we find ourselves In

Thanks For Reading

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Follow @ogochukwu


Blockchain- The Future technology!

A wonderful read. Still meditating on last weeks post uninstalled many social media apps and focused my attention on steemit

Welcome to the new week. More grease to your elbow.

For this new week I'll adopt your model and see if I can push publish at least one post per day.

I must have missed your blog on The Business Mind of Jesus. I will definitely read later today. Love the way your mind works. Have a great week.

I really love your advocacy! finding our life in daily practice more interesting and discover new to ourselves. Your platform is very inspiring and helpful good advice.
_Please continue your good doings!!! _
Goodbless and more power!

I Just finished reading "Understanding the business model of Jesus".
You really know how to make a point.
I'm @kamalkennedy and I also stay in Enugu.
I have a feeling I might know you.
Anyways you are doing an incredible work, Keep it up.

Hi, Ogochukwu :) I read your articles and because of this I invite you to contribute to Open Source University project — the World’s First Academic and Career Development Ledger. If you are interested in joining our team of content creators please contact me at: [email protected]

Thank you in advance!

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