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RE: OFFENSIVE!..... but seriously fuck the system.

in #blm7 years ago

Lmfao terrorist..... whats our government then? Ms innocent protector of virtues... Bahaha your seriously under educated if you think blm is anything but a response to the terror that has been targeted and focused on Their communities


Thing is, BLM is just as nutty as the other out-of-touch social movements we call "regressives" or "SJWs". Their leadership are racial supremacists calling for genocide, they focus on the wrong events and issues, and incite the criminal element in their communities to riot. They're making African-Americans look stupid to the rest of the world. It's the same old textbook routine our overlords used for centuries to strawman and mitigate our actual need for revolution. If you support BLM you're settling for a whole lot less than the best, just because it already exists and has been built for you.

Careful the talking points you absorb from the media... 90% of magazines radio and news papers are controlled by 6 corporation that want to steer the conversations towards look how crazy and violent the blm is vs look how actually broken the justice system is and how its making profit off slavery and the reduction of freedoms are at an all time high. Asset forfeiture, highest per capital incarceration rate, cop rapist getting off sooner then none violet drug addicts. While our government brings in and sells the drugs destroying the communities look up what they did to south la with crack.

None of these issues are addressed by BLM with any seriousness. I don't watch or read any of these news sources you mentioned, I went straight to BLM and independent media to form my opinion. I did see a few articles from the establishment media which were overwhelmingly pro-BLM, so I don't know if we're looking at the same things here.

i guess im just pro "hey stop killing black people" then

That's a ridiculous statement you're using to escape conversation. Saying things like that won't get you anywhere with anyone unless they're weak willed and stupid. Is that who you want to associate yourself with?

Says the person who clearly thinks blm shouldn't exist because...... They are funded by the media which is complete debatable unfortunately it would be a waste of time because you have your white blinders on

The government helped to create BLM, there arent any good guys here.
There are no exceptions. you must get out of these victim paradigms, we are all being played against each other.
See research into neo consveratism, liberal communism and Israels role in it with the kalergi plan.

Of course we are being played against each other but honestly look at the war being waged against the minoritys and poor. Sure movements can be coopted but doesnt negate the need for actual resistance... Haters gonna hate

I dont see BLM targeting the government and attacking its war policy or immigration policy thats pitting us together.
Fuck even segregation would be fine at this point, you guys need to speak up on this stuff.

Segregation is fucking idiotic. Blm is dealing with issues that pretain to them because their issues have been ignored which is why they exist in the first place. You're a fucking fool if segregation seems reasonable to you and seems like an answer...

They have not been "ignored" they have been created!
You must call them all out, otherwise your just an unorganized band of degenerates.
Rebel against Soros!

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