BLM The Fruit of the Slogan

in #blm4 years ago (edited)

There is a maxim that says if it quacks like a duck then it’s a duck. All too often we can be deceived by appearances. The reasons for this can be varied. Sometimes it can be as benign as our perspective being off. In other words we simply did not get a good look at it. Other times we may be encountering a Trojan horse. In this instance the true nature of the thing is being intentionally hidden.

Many people originally viewed Black Lives Matter (BLM) as a force for good. That they were created to at the very least, to bring awareness to the issues facing the Black community. To become a voice and even a rallying cry for the disenfranchised. The concept / slogan, “Black Lives Matter” is catchy; especially in today’s social climate. However, the bloom is off the rose so to speak. Many people are taking a closer look at the organization. They have started to visit the BLM website. On the site, it is made clear that they are a Marxist organization. It is also clear that they are not a Black movement. They are a feminist, LGBTQ organization. None of their goals, objectives or agendas addresses the real issues facing the Black community. It is quite telling that BLM has no solutions for the Black community.

Meanwhile, in the wake of the ritualistic death of George Floyd, BLM has become a cultural and political tsunami. As predictable, many people were emotionally and psychologically triggered by that event. Even more predictable was BLM positioning themselves at the forefront of the ensuing demonstrations turned riots. They rode in like the proverbial Trojan horse. In other words BLM exploited the staged death of a Black man, to push their true agenda. As a result, many denounce and spurn the organization. However, they embrace the slogan and the concept. They believe that there is good in the concept.

It has been said that you will know a tree by the fruit that it bears. The fruit is indicative of the nature of the tree. Essentially whatever the tree produces is not by accident. It is by design. As many people reject BLM the organization, they advocate for “uprooting the tree, but partaking of the fruit”. They erroneously believe that the fruit is good. They believe that the concept has value.

So what has the concept produced? What can we categorize as good? I would surmise that the best change to come from all of this is the Safe Policing for Safe Communities order; otherwise known as Presidential Executive Order # 13929. However, this is not what BLM nor Antifia are advocating for. They don’t want changes to policing; they want to do away with policing.

Beyond that n ot even meaningful dialogue has resulted. The reason being is that you cannot have reasonable discourse. No one ever stops to ask two key cornerstone questions about “Black Lives Matter”.

  1. To whom do they matter?
  2. Which ones Matter?

Those are 2 clarifying questions. Let’s examine the first question. Bear in mind, the goal is to bring awareness; but awareness to whom?

For all intents and purposes it is to other communities. It is assumed that we within the Black community are already aware. So then the objective is to get others to care. The irony of this is that part of the mantra is “400 years of oppression”. The agenda becomes to get someone who for 400 years never gave a damn, to start giving a damn. So basically those who support the concept just want a hug for the other communities.

The impotency of the slogan is also revealed with the first question. It does not seem to be able to inspire Blacks to even care about one another. Most opponents pose it like this: “What about Black on Black crime?” Believe it or not, this is a valid counter argument. To obfuscate or dismiss this point is disingenuous. To reply with the proximity defense is to engage in a red herring argument. If I am close to someone, it should make me care more not less. Proximity killings is not an ethnic issue, it is a sin issue. The killings among Blacks have not diminished. Look at Chicago, Saint Louis and Baltimore. Again based on their own admission, it is directed outward, not inward.

The crux is that the concept has no discernible power to change behavior. It has not impacted change within the Black community. What is the reasonable expectation that it will on the outside?

The second question reveals even more hypocrisy and perfidiousness. Which lives matter? This question centers more on the Black culture. We are not taught to value one another or life in general; hence, the senseless killings simply because you “got dissed”. In addition what is the psychological toll that abortion has? The overwhelming numbers of abortions that take place are due to convenience. Subliminally the message is if you are inconvenient you will be gotten rid of. We love to pretend that one has nothing to do with the other. However, that simply is just not true.

There is no outcry unless the death of a Black man has taken place by a non- Black; especially when it is at the hands of law enforcement. In other words the only lives that matter are those which can be exploited.

The issues taking place within the Black Community are by and large culturally based. No slogan will resolve them. What is needed is a community standard that teaches why all life is sacred and should be valued.

The truth is that the Slogan is not designed to empower, educate or illuminate. It is engineered to agitate and lay a guilt trip on Whites. Among Black adherents what we see now is:

• A license to act disrespectful
• Be violently aggressive
• A disregard for law and order
• A contempt for the lives and property of others

These are the same vices that were already present. The only difference now is that it is currently being directed outwardly. Meanwhile, everywhere you see the “Black Lives Matter” sign chaos is not far behind.

“Personal accountability is designed to empower the individual. Which is the reason why God gave us free will coupled with a conscious. To uncouple free will from conscious is to invite lawlessness” Bishop M.A. Wallace

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