Blind mother story. Will make you to love more your mother

in #blind7 years ago

Tale of a blind mother with his son

A blind mother was setting in front of her son on hospital which was very sick from few weeks. The blind mother was crying. On this time GOD had send an angel to the blind mother.

The angel asked the blind mother" I have came from GOD to fulfill your one wish. Tell me what do you want ?

blind mother told the angel" I want my son to be come healthy

angel told the blind mother" You won't regret for the decision you have taken ?

blind mother told" No I won't regret.

When the blind mother son become healthy at the moment.
angel asked the blind women" You could asked for your eyesight instead ?

blind mother smiled and told the angel" you do not understand.

Over the years the blind mother son grew up, and the blind mother did celebrate her son's every success and her son got engaged and he loved his wife very much.

One day the son told to his blind mother" I don't know how to say , but my wife can't live with you.
I'll buy a home for you then you can live in there .

blind mother told to son" no don't buy a home for me ill go in live( Home for the Aged) where group of old age people live I'll be relax on there.
And then the blind mother came out from home and cried on the corner.

Once again the angel came to the blind mother, and,
told her, did you saw what did your son to you?
Are you regretting?
Do you want to curse him ?

old blind mother told the angel" NO I am not regretting
and I don't want to curse him.

The angel told the blind mother, God has mercy on you,
God once again did send me to fulfill one of your wishes again.
I know you want your eyesight from GOD. Right ?

Blind mother answered" no I don't want my eyesight.
Angel asked" then what you want in your wish?

Blind mother sayed" I want my son's wife to become a good women and a merciful mother and to make my son happy. I am no longer there to take care of my son.

When the angel saw the love of blind mother to her son. Angel cried and angel poured two drop of tears into blind mother eyes her eyes cured and she found her eyesight

The love of mother ❤


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