ALOHA FRIDAY! Summer Vacation Vibezzz 📷

in #blastfromthepast7 years ago (edited)

The tans will fade but the memories will last forever.

Holidays, oh holy days! If life was a weekday it'll be a free one.
Or what are we working for that hard all the time?

We go on holiday and travel not to escape from life, but to assure that life won't escape us.

Blast From The Past 1 | Swimming in Italy (Lago di Garda) 

Traveling Is Rebellion In Its Purest Form

When we travel we do a lot of things we usually don't do, such as:

  1. We follow our heart.
  2. We free ourselves of labels.
  3. We lose control willingly. 
  4. We trade a role for reality. 
  5. We love the unfamiliar. 
  6. We trust strangers. 
  7. We own only what we can carry. 
  8. We search for better questions and not answers.
  9. We truly graduate. 

And we - sometimes - choose to never come back.

Vacation Vibe 1) Hanging At The Beach

Blast From The Past 2 | Beaching in Mallorca 

For sun addicts like me the beach is THE place to be. 

All my life I've favored sunny destinations over the cloudy ones. I couldn't ever get enough of these salty and messy hair days. 

To me there is nothing more relaxing than camping at the beach the whole day. I ususally bring some books, magazines and music with me. 

🎵 My favorite song for the beach: Consoul Training with "Nothing Compares To You"

Vacation Vibe 2) Cocktail Party 

Blast From The Past 3 | Sundowner On The Isle Of Mykonos (Cyclades)

That's probably the most classic one. 

Ask a group of people how they do imagine their perfect holiday. I bet that a large share would answer: "Having a Mojito, listening to some nice music and watching the sunset".

Well that's exactly how my perfect holiday comes to an end, too. 

'The sky broke like an egg into full sunset and the water caught fire.' - Pamela Hansford Johnson

Vacation Vibe 3) Sports Activities

Blast From The Past 4 | Scuba Diving In Sharm El Sheikh

I love being active and try new sports activities when traveling to a new place. 

A couple of years ago I had the pleasure to do a Scuba dive workshop in order to get PADI's Open Water Diver in Sharm El Sheikh. 

The most beautiful encounter I had down there in that underwater world was with a Blue-Spotted Stingray. 

It was searching some food on the ground at about 15m depth. The group send me a signal to go ahead diving in their direction, but I needed to pause for a moment and watch that amazingly beautiful creature.

The turquoise-blue spots on its back were shining in the daylight that crossed diagonally that water. My heart skipped a beat! 

There are some moments in life we have memorized in a way a photography wouldn't be able to cover. 

Vacation Vibe 4) Food Culture 

Blast From The Past 5 | Fishing In Norway (yeah that's the little surfermarly haha :-))

I love discovering new places through their food culture. 

One of the strongest and most exciting memories from my childhood are related with Norway. When I was a kid we went there at least once a year. 

My parents always rented houses that included their own landing stage and a boat. So we got out to the fjord in order to catch our own fish every single day. 

Besides the picture above there are some videos that prove that I was completely fallen for it!

That's something that I have maintained over the years: to eat the food the local spots provides when traveling. 

I wouldn't ever travel thousands of miles and order the dish I know from home then.


Little Maya Helping Me To Find The "Blasts From The Past" In My Photo Box 📷

What Is Your Favorite Way Of Going On Vacation?

It would be cool to read your holiday stories, come to know your most exciting travel experiences and your favorite vacational memories. 

In the meantime I'll leave you with the following quote from John Steinbeck:
"I was born lost and take no pleasure in being found." 

Happy weekend, steemians! Make sure you're not found too easily :)

Marly - 

PS: Tomorrow I'll travel to a neighbor island in order to have a party with my friends, so will be back blogging on Monday at latest. Hugs & kisses ❤️

Source quote: (rest of images: original / my own content).


Schönes fortgehn! :)

Dankesehr!!! :) Des wird sicher ganz arg geil, haha

Jetzt hab ich Deine Antwort erst jetzt gesehen - danke!

Super gerne. Happy weekend 😘

Definitely drinking cocktails and eating food like a starving Snorlax. Then learning or doing some cool, adventurous things! Currently waiting to board my flight back to Berlin from Ibiza, Spain. It was amazing. The food, the beers, the beach, the people!

Oh, I hope you had a blast on Ibiza!!! I still haven't been there.
Thanks for stopping by :-) Have a great Monday!!

Cool post and enjoy your vacation now too! Missing you!

Thank youuuuu 😍
Heading to Tenerife woop woop ✈️🤘🏿

Another great post @surfermarly!

Thank you so much!!! Have a nice weekend :-))

You Scuba dive too?....i love this babe😍

LOL - I did it once, am not an expert though. But it was a great experience!

I'm loving the chill vibes of Aloha Friday! Keep it up, Steam On! 🍍

Chill vibes are always welcome, yeah! :))
Thanks for your kind feedback and have a good Monday!!

"What Is Your Favorite Way Of Going On Vacation?"

Camping around the BEACH with my Family and Friends.

Oh that is a GOOD one, Frank!!!

Great post and shared memories. I enjoyed cause you are;
Enjoying every moment, 'tis what you are,
In the book of life, a fast rising star.

Oh what a beautiful comment! Thank you somuch :-)
Have a joyful weekend!!!

You are most welcome. Your post inspired me. Good job. Get out there and wear out you board and gopro while experiencing joy :-D

What a cute child you were! :) :D



Hehe thanks my friend 😍😍😍
The cutest part is probably the little Playmobil man I used to wear always on the pocket of my pants (you can see it in the picture on the left) 😉 My mom didn't know why but I needed to have it with me all the time. Maybe it was like my Guardian Angel who knows...

Have a great weekend @creatr 😘

Didn't see that little detail... Cool! :D

Thanks, and you have a lovely weekend too, Sweetie! :D

Thank youuuuuuuu!!! 😘

Happy Friday...i mean, Happy Everyday! ;)
It is true!
When I was ever out of the country or traveling. People traveling are so much more relaxed and willing to engage with random people.

Happy Everyday!

Nicely said :) I wish you the same!
There is this saying that you need to go on adventure to find yourself there. I believe it's true.

So true.
I recommend traveling to everyone.
After I went on my first traveling adventure in Thailand, I came back to the States and quit my job lol

Haha well then you are the best example for the power of traveling 😉👍

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