The Power Outage BluessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #blackout5 years ago (edited)

Days after the major blackout in Argentina, the generator companies are making out like bandits! If you have a business, they will take you to the cleaners.

Taken this evening before sunset, here is one shot of what businesses face. Image left.

Today was the first day in over a week that rain did not fall. I opted not to take a taxi and got this shot / video while walking home in the cold.

This is nothing new though. The power grid has been severely overtaxed during the last six or seven years. Generators have been scattered all over the city for as many years, set to power whole office buildings. They are all painted a similar asphalt color, many are the size of shipping containers, but most sat waiting for the next burnt cable underground.

Some of the huge generators have been pulled as lines have been up graded, but there are still many businesses that rent a generator as show in the video. video - Generator in action. Thank you for each video you watch, they are all monetized - even though there are no ads.

Other businesses have their store-bought back up generator in the front window, ready to roll out and fuel up for the next power cut.

It is not enough to pay the electric bill. You have to be prepared to cook and heat your own place - tossing good money after bad.

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Time will tell if the entire continental grid will go down again in the coming weeks. This is all part and parcel of life in a collapsing economies.



hola @sponge-bob, me han comentado del gran apagón que ha sufrido en Argentina y parte de Uruguay y Brasil. Es lamentable que después de los malos servicios de internet, ahora tengas que lidiar con esto.

PD: Aquí vivimos a 22 Km. de la represa hidroeléctrica Itaipú, hay algunas granjas minera y hay lugar para vivir. jejeje

Recuerdo ese día en que @comandoyeya incendió esos 100 u$s. Saludos!

Aqui hubo una falla a nivel nacional que nos dejó sin electricidad por mas de 5 dias continuos, desde entonces tenemos electricidad unas pocas horas al dia y de muy mala calidad.

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