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RE: You're Not Getting My Money, @blacklist - Other Users Should Refuse, Too

in #blacklist7 years ago

I've been on this site for about a week now, just trying to get the basic lay of the land here. On the upside (and I am a blogger/writer, not a developer) I see a lot of potential here to (over time) create a community similar to the long lost "social blogging" venues that slowly died as a result of the "social" part becoming Facebook and the "blogging" part becoming Blogger/Wordpress. There are still millions out there who'd come to something like this, if a true sense of community could be built... not meaningless fluff like Crackbook, but real content appreciated (and read) by peers.

But I find myself disturbed by this type of thing... which comes across a bit like a clique-ish form of nasty interactive ransomware. Maybe I'm missing something, but it's going to be hard to attract an audience beyond a small group of hardcore developers and scripters if this is primarily a game of bots, rather than of real humans. Which, of course, is fine... if that's the vision, but it would make me disinclined to pitch Steemit as a venue to anyone. I was reading another post about someone's count of "real eyeballs" and maybe there's room for some kind of algorithm in which the vote/words of a real person outweighs the vote/words of a bot by a factor of 20-to-1 or something.


Bots are a difficult subject, whoever made any specific one did it with a reason, so they are like extentions, and most people voting in a bot fashion are using scripts to follow other voters, that is what trails are, I would argue it's a natural way to get around such a ecosystem when you don't have more than 2 hours to spare, all your votes would be going to waste. All you're power sitting there doing nothing to contribute the divide in the pie :|

Anyways it's another topic I wanted to talk to you, I like you a lot, always taking the time to write your opinions, I'm not sure about your blogs and such, but I like you as a active part of the community, you are one of the people that goes around and shares his mind and perspective.

I wanted to ask you about that blogging phenomenon and how could it be revived, forums used to be a great thing, until people picked up the phone and now it's all dead and gone :| at least for the most part.

I'm waiting on some ideas to bring some life back to more traditional mediums.

There is a surge on other platforms, like minds, and some other I've heard(can't think :D of any)
but how do you think a natural community should form, I'm still not ready to give up on the steemit :)


I think that's a real good idea. I don't think it's fair to have both upvotes and flagging done by bots on a site where money creation is based on content creation.

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