A Blackjack Card Counting App
A Blackjack Stealth Card Counter
App for Android
Efficient Society
This app allows any blackjack player to keep track of their blackjack card count as well as calculating and signalling when the game is in your favour. It is based on devices that have existed on professional gamblers since the 60's. This app allows the phone to remain entirely invisible for its entire use, allowing you to avoid detection while keeping track of the cards. This app is very easy to learn how to use and it will give you an edge over the house.
This can be used both in live games as well as on-line live web cam games.
This is the most efficient and comprehensive app of its kind.
- Features
- stealth vibrate alert system ( when the game reaches favorable conditions)
- Hidden tactile input system ( using volume keys)
- Hi - Low card counting system
- Tells you exactly how much to bet for each hand
- Displays useful information such as :
- remaining decks
- running and true counts
- amount to bet
- fully detailed in app guide on how to use this system
This app only keeps track of the cards and tells you how much to bet. To win you will also need to learn basic strategy. Here is a simplified table: KEY: H = HIT S = STAND D = DOUBLE Y/N = YES SPLIT/NO SPLIT This is my actual app, please feel free to support by downloading click here contact support email [email protected]
My Hand Dealer Card
2 to 6 7 to A
4 to 8 H H
9 D except 2 H
10 or 11 D if higher than dealer
12 to 16 S H
17 to 21 S
A,2 to A,4 H
A,5 & A,6 D H
A,8 to A,10 S
22,33,66,77,99 Y N
88,AA Y
4, 5, 10 N
Welcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you. It’s not easy here but not difficult neither but just ask an extra effort, engagement is the key good luck I’m @goodaytraders Start by following people and they will do the same.
I want you to remember that, while this app can enhance your blackjack skills, always play responsibly and within the rules.
That sounds like a pretty handy app for blackjack players! Being able to keep track of your card count and identify favorable conditions can give you an edge against the house. The stealth vibrate alert system and hidden tactile input system sound pretty cool too, allowing you to remain discreet while playing. For those interested in checking out more resources on online betting or finding legal betting sites, milano2018.com is a great place to explore. It provides valuable information and options to enhance your gaming experience. Remember, folks, using such apps should always be in line with the rules and regulations of the casino or online platform you're playing on.