
The way the girl speaks and presents herself just shows that growing up she had very little guidance from her parents. I find it sad rather than funny.

As to the question of her being 25% black, she probably is. One of my grandmothers was black (75%) and one of my grandfathers was mixed with very light skin; the other two were blond.

This is the variation that you get:
My brother has blue eyes, the whitest skin you ever saw and curly hair.
My sister has hazel eyes, dead straight hair and white skin, but not ghost white like my brother.
My colouring is similar to this girl, light olive skin, brown hair, brown eyes and loose curls. I look white, unless I stand next to my brother!

Personally, I think if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then it's a duck and the girl is white. However, racists with their one drop rule would say she's black; so why can't she?

When i think of it that way it is sad, i wouldnt be supprised if she was part black but just the ignorance amazes me. I think she is trying to take a discription of a skin color and make it into more then that. as a discription she is a white girl, if she is trying to say black is a way you talk or act and stuff like that then im sure there are alot of black people out there that would disagree. Just because you skin is a color doesnt mean you think a certin way or talk a certin way ect. IMO atleast.

She "identifiys" as a black person so it must be true and anyone that says otherwise is a hater.
that is the part that is funny to me.

To much of the fee fees over reality imo.

I don't know what fee fees is.. Lol

Oh. Again... What is wrong with us? Lol.

Oh damn you really want an answer to that?

No, it was rhetorical. Lol. I meant only to imply that us using language like fee fees for the word feelings is as absurd as this girl's rants about being a persecuted black girl.

I have no detiction for satire anymore as i have seen some shit and been corrected to many times that its not a joke.
.......and then forsure as we know what it wrong with us.

His style of humor also gives me a chuckle damn near every time.

Its getting more and more real with him its great.

Yes, after the MSM tried taking him down after the whole N**** thing... I hadn't followed any of his stuff until after that and even for me it seems he changed.. YA?

More cut throat kind of humor.

the whole n bomb ordeal was stupid as fuck imo.
he is sure changing from all the media hype clinging to every word he says hoping to get a gotcha moment.
im just glad someone with his number of followers is speaking up about the insanity that is going on.
the first 2 min of his video reminds me of the whole shitlord scean 2 years ago.
if he mentioned drinking bleach i would have sworn he was making fun of the shitlords, but its looking like he is becoming one.

That's a great video sharing this platform..I appreciate dear...Keep it up. My friend..

Thanks alot for sharing this post...Keep it up..Resteemit my friend...

What do you think about it?

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