bitverst io Payment proof btc ltc ethu free income new ptc site 2018

in #bitverstio6 years ago

Earnings related questions
Are payments instant?
Currently in BETA no, but we are looking forward to make it instantly on all cyrpto currencies.

How long until payment is credited in account?
Depends on the crypto currency you are using and the fee you paid for the transaction on the blockchain, usually there is anywhere between 5 minutes to 24 hours.

How does the upgrade plan work?
The upgrade plans are there to give you special benefits like increased % referral commissions, more when you click on ads and Bonus Ads based on the advertisers on our website. Keep in mind that each currency is different so you need to buy upgrades for each currency in order to receive benefits for that currency.

How long Bonus Ads last in my account?
They last 24 hours since they are issues usually at 00:00 daily, if you do not click them they go to a platinum member and you won't be able to click them again losing those earnings.

Refer Income:

Referrals related questions
How can i refer people?
In your account you have a section for Referral Links & banners that can be used to advertise to promote your link and get more referrals for your account.

What do i earn from referring people?
You earn 10% everytime people advertise a certain ad & you also earn for each of your referral click any of the ads.

Can i referr friends?
Yes as long as they have their own computer and different internet than yours, different household.

User benifit:

Users related questions
Registering on
Registration is simple, you just need to follow the registration link, complete the details required and in less than 2 minutes you will have your account up and going.

How much can i earn?
You can earn unlimited amount of money from your referrals and your daily clicks.

Can i register multiple accounts?
NO, you are not allowed to register multiple accounts under any circumstances, as advertisers pay for quality traffic, not the same person seeing their ad multiple times.

Can other people in the household register?
NO, only one person in the household can have an account and use it, any other created will result in considering as multiple accounts and closing all accounts related.

What payment processors / cryptocurrency do you accept?
Currently we only allow Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash.

What is the minimum withdrawal?
The minimum withdrawal depends on each currency, and usually it is around 0.001, bitcoin minimum withdrawal is 0.0002. All withdrawals have a fee depending on the blockchain TX fee to send the transaction using a regular priority.

What is the minimum deposit?
You can deposit coins directly to your account balance and buy different products or advertisement on our website, all deposits have a 0.50% fee.

Why my balance has 9 decimals?
Because of the referral commission we need to have one extra decimal, so users can earn that 10% from referrals.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.15
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 53778.84
ETH 2224.93
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.30