Margin Trading - How to Borrow USD to then Buy more EOS

in #bitshares7 years ago (edited)

In this video I give an update to my previous video of how to update my position and borrow more USD so I can then buy more EOS. This is one of the marvellous things about the Bitshares DEX. It's margin trading interest free. It's also like being your own bank and instantly approving your own line of credit interest free for penny's on the dollar Go here to get your Bitshares wallet


I have used the Bitshares DEX for some months now, I am still learning about the borrowing. How can it be interest free and is it always that?

So if I deposit $1000 and buy BTS, how much can I borrow to buy EOS?

You don't get charged interest to borrow like banks would charge you interest. You just borrow against you collateral. Watch the video.

Thanks for the answer.

I watched the video, I am still trying to understand it.

So the 300 USD I borrowed just like in your video, I can borrow for free as long as the collateral is intact?


Watched this and your previous video on it, pretty amazing stuff...
Could you please tell us where this can go wrong? This collateral number is also not clear to me what it is doing. Feel like a newbie here but very interested...

whats the point of margin trading exactly? Isnt it your own money anyways? Or maybe I am missing something?

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