Is Donald Trump Talking About the Crypto Industry?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitshares6 years ago (edited)

He's probably talking about much bigger issues,
but it represents a systemic problem that touches us all.

Glad to know we have someone who understands what our industry going through. Right along with those patriots in Wyoming who are trying to do something about it at the state level.

Wyoming House Unanimously Passes Bill Exempting Utility Tokens from Securities Laws

We are not alone, but these freedom fighters at the top need our support as much as we need theirs.

Innocence is Irrelevant

Americans are Bargaining Away their Innocence

How many innocent crypto-entrepreneurs are going to have their assets preemptively seized and then, stripped of their ability to defend themselves, offered the hapless choice of pleading guilty to a "small" felony and three years in the slammer to avoid 30 years for which they have been rendered powerless to resist?

The above articles show it is becoming standard operating procedure.


Trump is obviously no fan of the SEC (nor many of the other governments criminal agencies). He battled the likes of the SEC for years. He knows firsthand how corrupt they are and how ruthless than can be.

Hopefully he stands up to the tyrants. Sadly, many of these entities appear to answer to nobody yet destroy the lives of thousands.

The SEC is going to get themselves in the cross hairs of the wrong people at some point. If it is not from within the US, perhaps outside.

The longer they continue their reign of terror, the more likely decentralization takes off. The advantage to that is Bitshares should take off. Ultimately, the only way I see that these entities will be defeated is if we put the entire financial system on a decentralized chain like Bitshares. Then there is no way for them to bully and go after any particular individuals.

Trump is also a big fan of fraud.

Satoshi Nakamoto was anonymous for a reason. He knew the powers that be would come out full force to slow down progress but I'm sure even they know this worldwide tech is inevitable and can't be stopped

Hear hear 🤗

Maybe... Satoshi is just chilling in Wyoming!?

Oh yeah I think he understands the ounce of people who have invested in cryptos would stand a risk if policies begins to go against them.
However trump made an interesting comment today about American being a nation that believes in God while condemning gayism. I think he is getting into his role as the president now than ever before

fascinating & astonishing!

nice post @stan . i like your post to much. thanks for sharing post.

wow sir great post Its very interesting post for me...great dear go ahead
information thank for resteem,,,,,

Very good.
Have a nice day.

astonishing & exuberant!

@stan wow great article thank for shear,,,,

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