Elsewhere Behind the Scenes at the Billion Hero CampaignsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitshares7 years ago (edited)

Here's another pair of Heroes that make the Billion Hero Campaign what it is.

Nicole Chidester and Jason Dowd of YourPublicityCompany.com have taken an incredible interest in getting our team on the air several times a week. If there's a live radio or recorded podcast interview posted here on my blog, they probably set it up.

And then there's the weekly Radio show they sponsor for us - Hosted by our own Eddy Taylor and Dylan Howard

The Sovereign Hero Show

Here's a sample of the kind of great support I get:

(No doubt, I'll get a reminder from Nicole this Friday night!)

Hi Stan,

Here are your interview instructions for Saturday, 09/30/17 at 11am to 1pm Eastern with host Susan Lindauer on her radio show "The Covert Report" Live on TFR , Truth Frequency Radio.


DATE: 09/30/17
TIME: 11:00am to 1pm Eastern
HOST: Susan Lindauer on her show "The Covert Report"
Studio will call you: via skype audio, she has both skype id and your phone number
WEBSITE OF RADIO STATION: http://tfrlive.com/covertreport/
LENGTH OF INTERVIEW: 2 hours with commercials

Thanks and have a great interview!

Nicole Chidester
Your Publicity Company

Yes, you read that right. A two hour live interview this coming Saturday!


Stan Larimer, President
The Godfather of BitShares and the HERO

About the Author -- Stan Larimer

Follow Me On Steemit - The Social Media Platform That Pays
Please Connect To Me On Linkedin!


Just remember KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid. And you'll be fine, Stan. No complicated bs.

When I was in High School (early Paleozoic Era) I was a Geek.
Geeks are attracted to complexity. It's what we do.
The most complex thing at that time was the lighting control panel back stage in the auditorium.

I never keep it simple. That's for others to distill down and share.


Hi Stan, the interviews are great, I just rewatched your latest one with Giselle, if I could give any unasked for advise it would be to slow down when you explain the Hero and start talking about collateral.
I think you explain it very well, but most of your audience are hearing twenty different concepts for the first time, so it will be close to impossible to understand it in one go.

In Giselle’s interview Giselle mentions BitShares is a coinfactory. I would really minimize the amount of terms you use in terms of trying to explain BitShares.
Will people really understand what coinfactorymeans and does it add anything?
I am personally also of the opinion that the name BitShares is making it sound complex for people to grasp.
Would it not be better to have a simple name to it. The word “BitShares” doesn’t tie in with coin-factory.
You probably won’t like what I am saying now, being the Godfather, but I think a namechange to BitShares could help it becoming more visibile and remorable.
People need to associate it with a new age Bank that they want to put their money on, people that might consider putting their pension in.
The name should reflect this.
Businesses need to understand they can use the system to create and distribute/ sell their own shares.
In other words, perhaps explain what you offer through not using the words BitShares/ coinfactory but an analogy or very basic words.
Something like we simply offer a savingsaccount of 5% or a way to revolutionize our current financial system, we are offering new models for businesses to create their own shares etc.
We believe that we will experience the same growth as Bitcoin. Don’t mention Et hereum.Probably don’t even mention Hero in the middle of the interview but maybe at the end. Because really it won’t stick imo in a first interview.
Get someone from the street that knows nothing about crypto to listen to your interview with Giselle and ask how much of the interview he/ she actually took away.

So I would very much keep the details to a minimum and really explain that whatever people listening to the interview do, they need to not just look at BitShares but inform themselves of cryptocurrencies as a whole, what it means and does.
Because if they are not happy with the money in the bank or the current financial system they are the onky ones that can do something about it!
For the first time in history now they can by choosing your revolutionary crypto BitShares.

So I would try to make it sound more like a revolution, then you did last time, stronger words explaining the current financial system, had it’s chance and that the people are now choosing for something else something better!

Also slightly less monotone voice when mentioning revolutionary ideas.

Postive criticism I love the way this is going ✌️

All valid comments. Hopefully I'll get better with practice.

I disagree with a lot of this. I think @stan explains a lot of this clearly and effectively. I've sent my friends his interviews to understand what Bitshares is about and all of them get it. So much so that they've invested.

Being a technical guy like I am, having the ability to take something complex and break it down and explain to people less technically minded is invaluable.

I'm yet to see Stan give an interview that wasn't easy to follow and understand.

I am of the opinion that most of the audience hardly understands what Bitcoin means so many people will struggle with understanding how it all works, majority of people are not as welll schooled in crypto as you think they are.

I don’t disagree with you that he explains it very well, I think it has to be even easier. Also to be clear, what I meant is specifically to the audience that listens to the interview on the radio, I prob should have mentioned that.
It is different watching the video as you can play it back, which for that the interview was very good!

You should have seen the radar I had in the Air Force:-)

It worked IF:

  1. We treated it like royalty
  2. The weather was dry and +/- 20 deg C (it never was)


Still we managed to get it operational when it was raining razors and the wind threatened to blow the damn thing off the mountain.

It was an insult when we a few years later had to learn how to use self guided missiles that actually worked. And had a iPad like controller.

What an insult!

Hi funkit good to see you here, I agree Kiss, think of the audience!

It's great to see this project continue to gain traction!

@stan - That would be an excellent news Sir. The campaign getting stronger day by day <3 :* Congratulations Sir

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

That would be a great news! When you are ready to do a great work, definitely you will get that support! Congratz friend!


Thank you for sharing fantastic and excellent article @stan. I really satisfy above post. Will see again in nest successful post.
Have a nice day!!!!!
Upvoted/ Resteemed

nice one upvoted <3

to remember is to live a little. and this photo. it's an incredible change

Thanks for giving us a peak behind the curtain, so to speak!

Go #teambitshares!

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