Eddy Taylor's Secret Data DumpsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitshares8 years ago

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I spend a lot of time talking to people about using the BitShares platform to offer their products and services or use collateral such as precious medals to back digital assets in various ways. I recently encountered Eddy Taylor who gave me a big stream-of-conciousness data-dump of stuff he is working on (or finds interesting) in the letter below. Since this community is full of blockchain entrepreneurs, I asked him if I could share it on Steemit as-is. Who knows what ideas it may stimulate?

As I covered extensively in Engineering Trust with Charles Hoskinson, my biggest challenge with every one of these intriguing products is how to set them up so that people can trust them to back a digital asset. Blockchains may give you an incorruptible record of ownership but the challenge is how to marry this to assets held by some counterparty. A key consideration is the ability to take delivery with or without trusting the increasingly sketchy banking system. One cool concept is the option to take delivery as power over the electric grid.

As you scan his notes, pay attention to all the methods people are using to "engineer trust" in these various products. I stopped counting at 54. Which do you find convincing and effective?

If you find anything interesting below, or something relevant to BitShares or Steemit, please highlight it for the rest of us. He kept coming back to Karatbars as something we should look at, but his notes are full of other facts and links you may find interesting -- including a few choice rants on the evils of the current system. Feel free to contact him directly if anything strikes your fancy. I have only started investigating a few of these references so far, but, if any of this ever shows up on BitShares -- as Hank Williams III once sang -- I told you so!




Letter from Eddy Taylor (published with permission)


We propose a way to finance the goals of any nonprofit or profit-making enterprise in the world.

We work with a coalition of companies in many countries. One of these companies, Karatbars International, was established in 2011 and is currently doing business in over 120 countries. Karatbars operates under International Bullion Laws set forth by the World Trade Organization and the World Gold Council. It is privately owned, has no debt and is audited monthly by the world’s fourth largest auditing firm, Price Waterhouse Coopers. The owner is a Senator in the BWA, a worldwide trade organization working with the UN in 70 nations.

Jack Baugher of Client First LLC, in D.C., is a leading business fraud investigator in the private sector. After researching Karatbars thoroughly, he decided to join as an affiliate. See his interview by Karatbars Affiliate Matt Rettick (one of the world's top-rated financial advisors) at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQJ2CK4Ay2s

Jack's website is www.clientsrfirst.com and his office number is 800-497-4118.

Quebec's financial regulatory agent, AMF, confirms that the company marketing plan is not an investment contract, and commends its competitive pricing with the best quality products and inventory.

Congressman Mark Wichern has also spoken in support of Karatbars (www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gUHwCovXTs ). Roger Sayles (sovereigntoserf.com) is also an affiliate.

Some of my gold coalition partners are
www.howtosaveearth.org. See
Healing Gaia Secrets of Gold to Restore Health and Wealth

Karatbars International is an e-commerce company offering 999.9 24 karat gold, LGD - London Good Delivery, which is the highest grade of gold available. To understand the range of gold value based on purity, see https://owlcation.com/misc/Understanding-Gold-Purity.

Materion.com refines gold up to 5-9's of purity (at least 99.999%). Another company says they can produce gold up to twenty four 9's of purity - the most valuable gold in history. If this is so, this would be the greatest "Nibiru" gold-power play ever!

Karatbars gold is sold in the form of a debit-card sized card, recognized as currency in various countries in Europe. Currently, Karatbars offers 1, 2, and 5-gram gold cards.

To understand the competitive price and superior value of Karatbars gold by the gram, see myhelpinghandup.com, protectionthroughgold.com and the YouTube video "Karatbars - So Much More Than Gold". Considering Karatbars International owns and/or controls the mines, smelters, minting, encryption system, storage and distribution systems, etc., they can offer the highest value per gram of gold. The gold is 100% green, not processed with toxins like mercury and cyanide. It is conflict free, with no child labor or unsafe working conditions.

Karatbars gold is authenticated in these ways: 1) certified gold purity; 2) certified weight; 3) Atasay Refinery assayer's signature; 4) stamped display by London Bullion Market Association (LBMA)-accredited refinery; 5) embossed serial number; and 6) NSA-grade encrypted hologram; 7) DNA security to prevent counterfeiting.

Elon Musk's company accepts Karatbars cards as a deposit towards payment for Tesla cars. Trump accepts gold bullion for commercial transactions in New York City. He is considering returning the U.S. to a gold standard and may call for an audit of all U.S. gold holdings, which has not been done in 60+ years. See www.goldstandardinstitute.net. Also, see https://www.caseyresearch.com/articles/these-three-major-catalysts-are-poised-to-send-gold-to-the-moon. China's Silk Road, to link 4.4 billion people in 63 countries, includes China's gold mine acquisitions in many of those countries (www.dailyreckoning.com).

After 12/31/16, Islamic Financial Institutions, holding over 2 trillion, may adopt a Sharia gold buying standard. The results may easily surpass the 1,000 tons China bought in 2015. Standard and Poor's projects they will have $5 trillion by 2020. See globalresearch.ca and Kingworldnews.com. To learn about the greatest gold run ever on the world's banks, see http://www.silverdoctors.com/tag/gold-repatriation/.

You can join Karatbars for free as a customer and get a 3% discount on the gold. Affiliate packages are available for those who wish to build a business through commissions and other payouts. All commission tiers are explained at jdnllc.weebly.com with our one of a kind dual team system. For approximately $185, affiliates can purchase a basic optional package with multi-lingual website, 24/7/365 access to Karatbars International back office software, and a custom URL. This is a one-time only fee. There are no monthly fees, no mandatory inventory, no required purchases of any kind, and no required participation in any webinar or conference call. Package upgrades are available with increasingly higher commission potential. Affiliates' payouts are distributed weekly on their debit Master Card, accepted worldwide.

Collector's cards contain 1.1 gram of 999.9, 24 karat gold and can be customized to show any theme, logo, website, etc. for any profit or non-profit organization. The Pope, the Queen of England, and Martina Sablikova, the Czech multi-Olympic Gold Medal Speed Skater, have personalized cards. American gold medalists, April Steiner Bennett and Monica Puig have so much gold card success that April has multiple cards and a series of YouTube/Facebook posts promoting them. See www.vaultchick.com and www.monicapuigcollectioncards.com. The famous hockey players, Gordie Howe and Guy Lafleur have cards., Four-time Olympic medalist, Ato Boldon, also has a legacy card. Victor Hugo Criado Berbert, Production Manager of the Olympic Medals, admits the gold medals are only about 1.2% gold.

Winner of dozens of worldwide martial arts championships, Tomasz Makowski, has three autographed cards. Sawyer Blake, a country music band, has a personalized card. A Houston auto dealership has a preferred gold client card. In Africa, Goldclub.network, has a card. Cards are also being used by Mercedes Benz, Ferrari, Lexus, BMW, ELLE Cosmetics, and sports franchise, Real Madrid, worth $3B. There is also a collector's card for Carlos Cardus, Grand Prix motorcyclist, and for MotoGP racing. Every actor on the movie set Deprivation was gifted a personal vanity card.

Nonprofit Fundraising

GlobalJet.me states that 600 people joined one conference call about using gold for nonprofit fundraising. The nonprofit, Voices of Africa, has found their limited edition card to be an exceptional fundraiser. Another non-profit, www.earthgen.org, is creating an online platform so environmental and social causes can promote themselves through gold affinity cards and other means. TheLighthouseProject.us has a social-environmental solutions card.

http://blogforbusinessonline.com/OfficialBlogForCarolineTStar/branded-cards/ has examples of cards like Richard Branson's Virgin Airways and many promotional uses. For 85 USD, you can order as little as one card, which contains 60 USD worth of gold. For higher volumes, there are greater discounts. Though you must be an affiliate to order your own custom cards, there are no business requirements beyond that. I am gifting sample cards at my expense to a select few. Graphics may be on both sides, and we may provide complimentary graphic design.

Business cards containing 0.1g gold are also available from the company.

Karatbars has become a global movement with approximately 485,000 customers and affiliates as of November 2016. Sherry Jackson, a former IRS Agent, is involved as an affiliate, as is former Seattle SeaHawks football star, Joe Norman.

Due to International Bullion Law, no bank or government is permitted to confiscate your wealth in this form. Karatbars has been used by employers offering employees a matching savings program. We can provide options for IRA/401K transfer to gold. See IRA confiscations, bail-ins, survivalblog.com, 9/3/16.

Karatbars International is not a bank, but is an e-commerce gold provider. There are no bank or brokers’ fees and customers may store gold for free or have it shipped via FEDEX. The company gives the power back to you, so you have complete control over your own money. With Karatbars, you will no longer be told when you can have access to your monies, or how much you can access.

Problems Addressed with the Current System

People are realizing that if they put 1,000 USD in a bank, it will not be worth 1,000 USD in 10 years. Paper money was invented as an experiment, and governments originally promised to back it up with gold. Since 1932, gold has out-performed cash by more than 4,300%. Thomas Kaplan has over 2 Billion invested in gold. David Einhorn invested 560 Million in gold.

Many financial advisors suggest that you consider having 10-25% of your wealth in the form of gold that you personally own, as a hedge. World-famous financial advisors endorse gold, as does Forbes' writer, Adam Sarhan, in his op-eds. Even George Soros recently sold 37% of his stock to buy gold assets.

According to Cumberland Advisors, five currencies and 23 countries adopted negative interest rate policies (NIRP), meaning depositors have to pay fees for banks to hold their funds (http://www.cumber.com/nirp/http://www.cumber.com/nirp/).

Investment legend Marc Faber says that once a country's payment of debt exceeds 30% of the annual tax revenue, the currency fails. The US may reach that ratio this year. The majority of the world's debt, 277T USD, is owed to the central banks of the world. Only 4 out of 194 nations are not in significant debt. See nationaldebtclocks.org. Search this phrase: "The countries of the world are in debt to only five families". Mike Maloney points out that all fiat currencies throughout history have failed in Top Ten Reasons I Buy Gold and Silver. Discover eight states returning to gold here.

Many countries and banks are buying gold at a feverish pace. Russia bought 1 million ounces of gold in August of 2015 alone, and their gold reserves now exceed 1,505 metric tons. Ponder why China actually promotes gold buying in the private sector, while banks and governments elsewhere are still promoting fiat currency. Albert Cheng, a World Gold Council Director, reports Chinese banks sell gold over the counter, direct to the public and 100,000 gold dealers do the same. For perspective, US retail locations for McDonalds, Subway and Starbucks combined total only 50,000. Silverbarter.com lists 26,000 merchants nationwide accepting gold and silver. 10% of Aruba uses Karatbars.

The main reason why more people are not waking up is that they do not realize that their money is not completely safe in any bank. Ask the people of Cyprus if banks cannot close the doors at any time. They experienced this in 2013. In 1933, without warning, U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt confiscated 15,000 tons of gold and 123 million ounces of silver and forced everyone to accept payment with paper. See interview of Antal Fakete at http://www.guillermobarba.com/mleikengroupbrands-net/ and also the article "You don't own yourself -- the Federal Reserve does."( http://viewzone.com/collateralx.html) and TheGreatestTruthNeverTold.com.

We hope to share our Golden Opportunity Development with you and your contacts around the world. The E.T. Plan doesn't require you to do any explaining, formal training or support. Simply have your friends call me. On occasion, we provide 100% financed loans or scholarships for people to be involved in our endeavor.

Some additional links that provide greater understanding of the Karatbars opportunity:

http://www.thepowerhour.com/ph_gold/karatbars_training.pdfhttp://www.thepowerhour.com/ph_gold/karatbars_training.pdf (This is a 26-page summary of Karatbars International.)
www.thegoldservants.com (one of my all-time favorite websites, along with Brian McGinty's website: https://buygoldreview.com/https://buygoldreview.com )

A few more "nuggets" to reflect on:

Ancient alchemists and Sumerian gold refiners said the secret value of gold is that it is sunlight condensed into matter for human transformation. The merging of binary stars creates gold, (gizmodo.com). Ormusgold.com complements our wealth for all with health for all. See www.thependulist.org,

fourthdimensionalrecovery.files.wordpress.com and alliam.com.

A binary partner gets gold-rare earths from water. TheGreenerDiamond.org shows how mining pollution can be eliminated. This may work in any country and change the precious metals world. See "Why is gold valuable? The five reasons most investors overlook" (www.hardassetsalliance.com) and "Gold-what is money and what isn’t" (steemit.com).

To see why the secrets of gold have been hidden, see "grand canyon gold" at www.roadtoroota.com. Throughout history, more often than not, people have been serving gold and the special interests who control it. See https://911justicehalifax.wordpress.com/ and also Google "gold against mind control". With our model, gold can serve what's precious in all of humanity.

Since entire countries are adopting digital currency, fiscal security seekers in any category may want an update. Bitcoin has the most success of the 800+ cryptos. Unlike gold, it has macro divisibility. Yet, it's rare, transferable and traded on a cell phone. BTC is the first currency that can't be counterfeited, controlled or monitored by banks, central authorities, or PayPal-types. It has unprecedented global exchange speed and 100% automated accounting accuracy with block chain innovation.

Bitcoin, being only 8 years old, became the first currency to surpass the value of gold, the oldest money in history. In 2014, BTC was selling for only a fraction of a penny. See why one BTC could be worth $1M-$5M in the next three years: rogerver.com and Alex Millar on YouTube. China's sovereign finance institute will launch the first central bank digital currency. Japan recently surpassed China in crypto trading volume.

See 99bitcoins.com, cointelegraph.com, and search Digix Global's gold-backed Visa debit card and remittio.com.

The global, sovereign, instant, triple-ledger currency promise may not be stopped; yet, it needs an educated populace, like any pivotal paradigm. Social media, www.steemit.com and www.minds.com, an encrypted social media, may build the global sharing economy with the critical mass of informed adopters included in its evolution.

Get transformational realization at www.roadtoroota.com, www.coinbase.com and https://walletgenerator.net. I am also intrigued by www.nexxusuniversity.com - Kelly Ann Pope, a co-founder whom I know.


Although I work with many professional advisors, I am not a banking, financial, legal, tax, accounting, or any other kind of official advisor. I am, however, a founder of a profitable, sovereign, global bank forming a gold bank. This document is not endorsed by Karatbars International nor any company or individual, stated or inferred in this letter. It is a personal expression of my involvement and does not necessarily represent the positions, strategies or opinions of Karatbars International. Regardless of the opportunities described, there is inherent risk in every venture. We make no direct or implied guarantees of success, whatsoever.

Eddy Taylor

KGold Partners (www.kgoldpartners.com)
310-940-2404 (mobile) Eastern Time

For global Karatbars support, see:


DISCLAIMER: Sender is NOT a United States Securities Broker nor Dealer and makes no warranties or representations as to the Buyer, Seller or Transaction. All due diligence is the responsibility of the Buyer and Seller. This E-mail letter and any attached related documents are never to be considered a solicitation for any purpose in any form or content, nor an offer to sell and/or buy securities and/or properties. This is for INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY.


One thing you've shown us. Personal letters are not copy pasta. First time I read a personal letter on Steemit. Could this be a real first?

On a more serious note, thank you very much for sharing it. He has the right ideas for the old financial system. Although it is ironic that the trading price of Bitcoin was higher than the price of gold this year.

If bitcoin continues to increase in the coming years, maybe we can stop digging up the Earth and ruining our habitat for precious metals to wear on our fingers.

(Yes, I know, gold has so many other uses. Let me focus on jewelry)

People will throw fake blood on fur coat wearers in the street, screaming murderer, yet many of them will wear a gold ring on their finger. Go figure that one out.

It's time to create and use digital assets and not paper or precious metals as a form of wealth.

To take it one step further, Peercoin does a much better job of storing wealth than Bitcoin does for electricity consumption. So we may eventually evolve into the correct solutions (digitally speaking) in our near future. :)

Nice post and glad to see you writing again. The world always needs more @Stan

their products and services or use collateral such as precious medals


Ooops. Give that man a metal!

Good one!

kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Good stuff, thanks for sharing Stan !

Agreed and glad I caught this!

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