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RE: [Good news for BTS]China central bank is investigating centralized exchange in China, decentralized exchange is in demand

in #bitshares7 years ago (edited)

Don't get me wrong. I hope best success for BitShares DEX.. But I think BitShares DEX is NOT decentralized since it requires centralized gateway.


I agree gateway is not decentralized, but you don't have to trust them. They are just gateaway. You can covert your fund into bitUSD or bit BTC, which are backed by BTS, and they are absolutely decentralized.

Decentralization is of great technical benefit for technical security. It does not provide political security. Only legitimacy can produce true political security. And to have sustained security you need more than technical security. Silk Road had technical security on the foundation of Tor and because it was not legitimate it was politically attacked, sabotaged, and eventually the technical security was breached.

The same process will always happen until developers realize legitimacy is what can protect a platform from political attack. This means a platform cannot exist merely to help people avoid regulation or accountability.

I'm talking about decentralization. It's very simple, Why on earth are you using crypto if you are okay with centralization? and Why bitShares using the name DEX?

Decentralization is only useful if it provides some measurable benefit to security.

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