Bitshares This, and Bitshares That .. blah blah .. F*$@& Bitshares!

in #bitshares7 years ago (edited)

Fan Boi BS Gone Seriously Awry!

Would you really suggest to someone you love that they should get involved with the Bitshares mess!? Useless, un-trade-able tokens and shit coins, just sitting there rotting, with no volume to rescue them!? With any shady asshole being able to create one of these things, and market them like they have some sort of value!?


There are only two cool thing about Bishares

  1. It is de-centralized .. but, does the fact that something is decentralized give it any kind of functional worth, or intrinsic value?

  2. It was created by the same cool guy that made our beloved STEEM blockchain .. and sometimes I think he would like to be able to forget that were the case.

STEEM must disassociate itself and Move On!

That is what Dan has done!

STEEM Uber Alles Mfers!

P.S. Sorry .. someone had to say it.


Yes, there are shitcoins backed by nothing but trust and maybe false promises, but there are also premium tokens with real value backed by much more than your ordinary day to day money or stocks.

There is also 99% shit content on steem (including this post), do you blame steem for that??
Hell, there are 99% shitcoins in cryptospace, I mean the whole internet contains 99% bullshit. Do you hate the internet for that or what?

You blame BitShares for being an open space where everyone can create and trade tokens at will.
You certainly do not see the whole picture, freedom. And yes, that does come with a higher level of responsibility and due diligence for all participants.
Don't shoot the messenger.

I must say u take the response

Dumbass...bitshares is SECOND place right behind bitcoin for total avg tx per day on a blockchain and recently destroyed bitcoins PEAK tx per day.

It has MORE tx per day than BOTH ETHS TOGETHER.
Its feel sorry for you that you will miss the train. What you got a dying competitor or something?

I really do feel bad for you...u will miss so much because of angry trollish ignorance.

I had no idea there was that much activity! I find it very shocking in-fact. I am a big fan of Mr. Larimer, and I think he will use EOS to finally put BTS to bed after 4 long years of struggle. I guess I just became frustrated by having useless tokens that people created on a whim, that I can not get rid of .. can't even give them away, because it costs BTS to do so. ;-)

Still, being in the Top 20 is nothing to scoff at.

.. in good company.

Its easy to troll.

But like i said. BTS is cheap right now cause it can do pretty much everything other platforms say they will be able to do someday...

And if u read ome of dans posts...he is saying eos will be able to be used to upgrade bitshares to 3.0.

Dont get so down buddy! Theres so dang much good news. You just have to know where to find it!

And yes EOS will be amazing :)

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